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March 19, 2024

114 Recognizing When It's Time to Rewrite Your Life's Narrative with Lisa McGuire

114 Recognizing When It's Time to Rewrite Your Life's Narrative with Lisa McGuire

When we feel the pull to ask if it's time to shift our focus and reinvent ourselves, the mind often jumps in to tell us it's safer to stay where we are. Join Lisa McGuire as she shares insights on when reinvention is worth the effort it takes to...

When we feel the pull to ask if it's time to shift our focus and reinvent ourselves, the mind often jumps in to tell us it's safer to stay where we are. Join Lisa McGuire as she shares insights on when reinvention is worth the effort it takes to change. 

Reinvention involves determining which parts of oneself no longer serve and are better left behind. If you are feeling stuck and craving a change, reinvention might be worth considering. 

In this episode you'll learn:

  • Stages of life and events when reinvention is common
  • The power of embracing uncertainty and navigating unexpected changes
  • The clues we get when we reflect on goals and values
  • What part can personal fulfillment play in our reinvention stories
  • Why our accelerating age can be an asset versus a limitation


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