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Nov. 6, 2023

Podcast Monetization: 5 Steps to Creating a Successful Paid Media Strategy with Jay Twining [99]

Podcast Monetization: 5 Steps to Creating a Successful Paid Media Strategy with Jay Twining [99]

Many podcasters are enthusiastic about monetizing their content and increasing their audience. However, what frequently occurs is that they embark on this journey without a well-defined strategy, doing the right actions but in an incorrect sequence,...

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Podcast Coaching for Female Entrepreneurs with Kristin Fields Chadwick

Many podcasters are enthusiastic about monetizing their content and increasing their audience. However, what frequently occurs is that they embark on this journey without a well-defined strategy, doing the right actions but in an incorrect sequence, often resulting in financial setbacks. In today's episode, Kristin had the privilege of interviewing Jay, an experienced brand-building strategist, who shared invaluable tips on crafting an effective paid media strategy.


In today’s episode Kristin and Jay dive into:

  • The importance of understanding the metrics, ad spend, and return on investment (ROI) is critical. Before diving into paid media strategies, it's essential to have a clear understanding of your offer's unique value and what you can expect in return for your investment. 
  • Utilizing real-life scenarios and data-driven analysis can help you make informed decisions when it comes to ad spend.
  • Success in paid media is strongly tied to building trust and a genuine connection with your target audience. Jay recommends taking a systematic approach to developing the "know, like, and trust" factor.
  • How not everyone starts with a vast listener base, but Jay offers encouraging advice for those who are just starting out. The first step is simple: keep going, regardless of your initial progress. Building a brand takes time, and success often depends on discipline and perseverance.

Creating a successful paid media strategy is not just about pouring money into advertising. It's about understanding your audience, knowing your numbers, and executing your strategy in the right order. Jay's insights provide a clear roadmap for podcasters and brand builders looking to monetize their content effectively. Remember, the key is not just to spend money but to spend it wisely, with a focus on delivering value and building trust with your audience.


Quotes from Today's Episode:

“The right thing in the right order is really where we want to go”-Jay

“Who are they? How am I helping them? What do they need most in the world”- Jay


Connect with Jay and Learn More Here


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