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Nov. 27, 2023

Getting Unstuck w/ Allyson Gray [102]

Getting Unstuck w/ Allyson Gray [102]

There are moments in every entrepreneurial journey when creativity seems elusive, and you find yourself stuck. What can be done when we find ourselves stuck in a creative rut? Today, Kristin sits down with Allyson Gray, who brings a wealth of...

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Podcast Coaching for Female Entrepreneurs with Kristin Fields Chadwick

There are moments in every entrepreneurial journey when creativity seems elusive, and you find yourself stuck. What can be done when we find ourselves stuck in a creative rut? Today, Kristin sits down with Allyson Gray, who brings a wealth of knowledge and the neuroscience behind getting unstuck.


In today’s episode, Kristin and Allyson:

  • Dive into the diverse capabilities of our brains and how we open doors to unconventional thinking and creative problem-solving.
  • Uncover the power of downtiming. Allyson shares with listeners what it looks like and some great downtime activities.
  • Acknowledge the need to schedule downtime intentionally and how it’s a pivotal mindset shift.
  • Explain that it’s not about getting the brain to stop entirely but rather about creating a space to breathe and rejuvenate. 
  • Discuss how when we consciously allow our minds to wander without a specific goal, we activate different areas of the brain.
  • Share one of the most powerful strategies, which is to be intentional about not being intentional. 


Embracing downtime activities and understanding the neuroscience behind it, entrepreneurs can navigate the challenges of creative blocks with renewed vigor and inventive spirit. The next time you find yourself in a creative rut, invest just 15 minutes in downtime and return with a rejuvenated and inspired mindset.


Quotes from Today’s Episodes

“We have to be intentional about scheduling downtime” - Allyson

“This is my time to take my brain offline” - Allyson


Follow Allyson on Instagram @



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