Ray Gentry: Host of the SBCAL Podcast

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Ray is the President/CEO of the Southern Baptist Conference of Associational Leaders:
With a passion for leading, equipping, encouraging, and networking Associational Mission Strategists, Ray aims to enhance kingdom impact for the glory of God. He hosts a podcast and blog to further these goals.
A native Georgian, Ray was raised in the Air Force town of Warner Robins. His father was a successful farmer south of Warner Robins in nearby Bonaire. Though Warner Robins is his hometown, most of Ray's ministry has been in metro Atlanta. Ray holds degrees from Middle Georgia State University, the University of Georgia, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX, and a Doctor of Ministry from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC.
About SBCAL:
The Southern Baptist Conference of Associational Leaders (SBCAL), is an autonomous 501c3 ministry. Ray has been privileged to lead SBCAL since July 1, 2015. Our organization has a rich history. We have been serving, networking, and equipping Associational Leaders since 1960. We have a long-standing relationship with the SBC, its agencies, institutions, and associations.The SBCAL is recognized as the foremost networking, fellowship, and equipping organization for the 1,100 Southern Baptist associations across North America.
For more information about the SBCAL, please visit our website at www.sbcal.org.