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June 1, 2023

The Spirit - June 1, 2023

The Spirit - June 1, 2023


A few weeks ago, I was having a conversation with Jason Beasley, the new CEO of Henderson County’s YMCA. We were discussing the changes that occur at the Y as we transition from Spring to Summer—especially with the kids of Henderson getting out of school. Jason said with the summer break the Y sees “a decrease in membership and an increase in programing.” The summer becomes an “all hands-on deck” time of year as the Y seeks to offer as many programs as possible for the community and especially for the kids who are on Summer Break.

For some reason those phrases have stuck with me: “decrease in membership and increase in programing” and “all hands-on deck.” Our church has heard the phrase “all hands-on deck” before. Rev. Dr. Dan Lovell used this phrase during his sermon at my installation service. We are each called to participate in the life and ministry of Christ’s church. During my conversation with Jason, I mentioned this connection to our theology of the church and the desire to have each person fully participate in the ministry of the church.

We also discussed the ways in which lower church attendance and engagement has negatively affected the programing of the church. It used to be similar to Jason’s description of the summer at churches. There would be an increase in programing for the summer attempting to keep members engaged and connected to the faith community—especially children’s programing. You might recall the push toward VBS and other summer activities that would be ways in which the church could draw the community together through the summer months.

Of course, with the changes that come with less frequent engagement it is becoming increasingly difficult to offer programing for our church because of an ever-decreasing pool of volunteers. With less hands-on deck, it is more and more difficult to offer the things we have always offered in the past. This is, of course, something for us to grieve because of the losses we experience as we look around the room when we are gathered. And while we cannot control the changes in people’s engagement with the church, we can control our response to the increasing changes that are taking place around us.

One response may be to fear for our future. We may worry about what all of this means for our church and our community. The anxiety, worry, and fears for the future of the church are certainly felt at First Christian in Henderson. However, I believe we can choose to respond to the ever-changing culture around us through our faith rather than fear. For we witness the power of Christ and his reminder to us of God’s love. Faith is built in the midst of relationships.

We build our spiritual faith through our relationship with God—Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit (as we will celebrate the Trinity this Sunday). We build our religious faith through our church community and family. We build faith in our families and friends through constantly showing up and being present with one another. I want to encourage each of you to respond to the changes—be they seasonal or cultural—through your faith and not your fear. Continue to show up—with God, with your church, with your family and friends. May we be a church that can tell the world that no matter what is decreasing, we see an “increase in faith.”

Peace Always,

Rev. David Clifford


A Walk in the Park

By Brucie Farris

Mara Beth Womack asked if I would write a few stories for the Spirit. I am going to do that—happy to help even though I do not consider myself a great writer. The articles will be about my experience on Kelli’s yoga retreats. But, this first one is about a walk I took at Mahr Park in Madisonville. Mahr Park is a beautiful place, developed in response to a doctor and his wife donating the land, funds for its development and upkeep. There is a big lake and kayaks can be rented. It includes a nice playground for children, an event center, and a great walking path.

As I was walking, I came upon a series of signs—like campaign signs that grow up in yards around election times.  I turned around and started with sign one and experienced them in order:

Sign 1: Prayer: a solemn request for help, or expression of thanks addressed to God, or an object of worship.

Sign 2: Breathing exercise: to draw air into and expel it from lungs.

Sign 3: Meditation: mental exercise that trains attention, and awareness.

Sign 4: Mental grounding: simple strategies that can help emotional pain.

Sign 5: Gratitude: focusing on what is good in our lives.

Sign 6: Stretching: exercise to move your body to become more flexible; yoga, being a means to accomplish this. 

 Sign 7: Affirmations: the act of openly receiving the present moment. 

Sign 8: Reflection: the examination of one’s own conscious thoughts and feelings.

As you can imagine, this was right up my alley! What great reminders to practice! Some I do daily: some I do weekly; and some I do on occasion. But the signs were such a visible reminder of what we can do to stay balanced. Try a few this week if possible.


Welcome to our three new members Jennifer, Ellie and Madelyn Swift who officially joined FCCH last Sunday morning. The Swifts have attended Sunday morning services regularly since moving to Henderson from Louisville several months ago. Most who attend services regularly have come to know Ellie and Madelyn as the beautiful young ladies who welcome worshipers by handing out bulletins before church services.  



Check out FCC’s Podcast “Monday Morning Preacher” on Facebook. It was live Tuesday, May 30 at 3:00 p.m., instead of Monday which was a holiday. Go to the church’s Facebook page to watch or to our website: https://fcchenderson.com/

New Children's Bulletins: The worship committee is now providing children's bulletins for all children who are in worship. These bulletins have activities based on the lectionary scripture readings for the day. There are two options: a "reader" bulletin for older children, and a "pre-reader" bulletin for younger kids.

We will have a Father’s Day’s collection: June 4 and June 11. Gifts in memory/honor of FCCH fathers will go toward Camp Kum-Bay-Ya’s “Furnishing Fundraiser” which is attempting to raise $90,000 to purchase new beds, mattresses, storage, and other furnishing for the 12 new camper cabins and 2 new retreat cabins. See insert in the bulletin.

The CWF’s General Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6 at 11:00 a.m. They are collecting dish soap this month for Christian Community Outreach.

We will have a 2023 Graduate Recognition during worship Sunday, June 11.

The FCCH Board meeting will be held Thursday, June 15 at 6:30 p.m.

 The W. C. Handy Blues Festival will be held June 14-17.  Our church will be an “In-Kind” sponsor for providing food for the visiting musicians at the hospitality tent.  You can help support this by either providing food during the event or through cash donations to help purchase food.  If you are interested in doing either, please contact Mrs. Gail Myers @ 270-831-0745.

The Senior Saints will dine at Knob Hill in Newburgh on June 20. Arrive at the church at 11:15 a.m.  Please RSVP by Sunday, June 18.  Transportation will be available.

 New Bible Study Class: Christy Gibbs (Becky Aldridge’s daughter) will lead a Bible study called “Women of the Bible”.  It starts Tuesday, June 27 at 3:00 p.m. in afternoon. This will be a monthly class. So please mark your calendars for the months to come.

The choir will take time off during June and July and return in August.


                                          Henderson County - Community Event this weekend!

Porchfest There are few things more delightful on a beautiful summer night than food, friends, and live music al fresco. You can expect all this and more at the third annual Porchfest on Saturday, June 3rd. Set against the backdrop of beautiful, historic homes along South Main Street, experience a variety of live musicians performing from front porches. Bring a blanket, a chair, or just mosey up and down the street taking it all in. If you’re hungry, grab dinner from one of several food trucks at either end of the event. We’ll see you there!



What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and grief to bear

What a privilege to carry, Everything to God in PRAYER

 May God give you for every tear, a smile.  For every care, a promise.  For every sigh, a sweet song. And an answer for each prayer.

The daisy is not envious of the rose, and never tries to compete to prove its worth.  It just blooms, alongside the rose, each beautiful in their own way.  Be like the daisy.

Hymn- “Let Others See Jesus in You” Let others see Jesus in you.  Let others see Jesus in you.  Keep telling the story, be faithful and true, let others see Jesus in you.

Misc. Requests: People fighting loneliness, anxiety, and depression, Injustices at home and throughout the world, End to shootings & violence, School system personnel, students and their families, graduates, All people struggling financially, All disaster recovery,  Our fellow churches searching for new leadership ,FCC- Rev. David, Children’s Ministry leadership, Bible Study, Sunday School, Shepherding program, Ministry Team, Discernment of God’s will, increased Prayer Life, Healing and forgiveness in relationships, Those struggling with addiction, Concerns for our community, state, country, and world, Increased kindness, respect for one another, tolerance, acceptance & peace.

Don’t forget to include thanks for answered prayers and all the ways you have seen God’s hand at work in your life, especially God’s continuing faithfulness to each of us.