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April 19, 2024

The Spirit April 18, 2024

The Spirit April 18, 2024


 We are about a quarter of the way through our year of gratitude. I pray you have not lost the enthusiasm for continuing to reflect upon your gratitude. I have heard that 3 months is a good mark for turning a practice into a habit. I pray this is true for each of you in this new practice of gratitude reflection.

I thought I would take this space to give a brief highlight of step 2 in our relational discipleship process. While we are not quite ready to put this into practice within the full life of the congregation, but I thought it would be helpful for each you to have an idea of where we are heading.

Once joy is built within the congregation, our next step is to strengthen the relationships within the community. This is done by sharing our weaknesses with one another. The vulnerability that comes with sharing our weaknesses in safe ways within a community of faith strengthens the bonds of our relationships. It is like a relational glue.

In our society, there is often pressure to present a facade of strength and perfection, hiding our struggles and vulnerabilities behind a mask of self-sufficiency. This is especially true in the church where many feel they must be perfect before God. However, true growth and intimacy can only occur when we have the courage to share our weaknesses with one another.

Moreover, sharing our weaknesses fosters a culture of humility and mutual dependence, where no one is left to bear their burdens alone. Just as the body is made up of many parts, each with its unique function, so too are we, the body of Christ, called to support and uplift one another in times of weakness and need (1 Corinthians 12:12-27).

This work is certainly not easy nor comfortable and there are a few things we can do to help foster and encourage this difficult work within our community. The Ministry Team and Leadership are currently working on how our congregation can live into this next step.

For now, continue building up your gratitude practices. The joy of our community is the foundation for the strengthening of our relationships. I pray we can cultivate an environment where authenticity is celebrated—where we can come alongside one another with love and grace—knowing that it is in our weaknesses that God's strength is most clearly revealed.

May we be a community marked by ever-increasing joy, honesty, transparency, and compassion as we journey together in faith, fellowship, and the continued discipleship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Peace Always,

Rev. David Clifford

      Gratitude for Hospitality, Greetings and Smiles

We are blessed at FCC to have those who work tirelessly to bring us together in small groups and large groups of all ages. I believe that this is the way that we become friends in Christ when we learn together, play together, eat together, work together, sing together. We have our Worship Service, Sunday School Classes, Youth Group, Choir, All Church Meals and Celebrations, Bereavement Dinners, Men’s Group Breakfasts, Christian Women’s Fellowship, the Bazaar, Prayer Groups, Bible Study, Leadership Group, Board, Nursery, and more….so many opportunities for us to get together and fellowship in groups, small and large. Just think about it…. none of this would happen except for those who are willing to lead, plan and work hard to help our congregation and community to have opportunities in our church to come together and get to know each other. I am grateful for those who work to bring us together.

Sometimes in churches it is difficult to feel like we fit in or belong. We come to church and there are naturally groups of people talking together in small groups, heading off to be with their families or to serve in some way. It is not easy sometimes to feel the warmth of friendship and belonging. What can you do as an individual to make everyone feel like they belong? The easiest thing is to greet others and smile and invite them into your group. It may be a visitor, but it can also be a member who might feel alone.

The first day that Roy came to church with me, I had to come early to practice with the choir. He was nervous about what he was supposed to do and where he was supposed to go after I left his side. As soon as we walked in the door, Bill Edwards came up and greeted us and led Roy down the hall to a Sunday School class. Betty Parker was the teacher of this small group, and they welcomed him in. Roy immediately felt at home with these particular people which made him feel like he belonged. When he went to worship after Sunday School, he had already connected with some of the members, which made him feel more at ease. Later on, the Sunday School class found themselves without a teacher, and Roy was asked to teach. He was able to teach that class for about 10 years. What can you do to make others feel like they belong? …greet them, give them a warm smile and invite them to one of your groups that you attend. We all need to feel the love….

I think each of us can brighten the corner where we are and let our light shine for others. “Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do, do not wait to shed your light afar. To the many duties ever near you now be true. Brighten the corner where you are. Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar. Brighten the corner where you are.”

Thanks for the Opportunity to Share, your friend in Christ, Carolyn Dorsey 

Sprinkles of Joy       

A member has generously donated four new tires for the church van. Thank You!

We want to thank Carl & Evina for taking on the Senior Saints luncheon program. This past week Evina & Carl were out of town. Ms. Gail stepped in and did an awesome job serving our Seniors a home cooked meal with a wonderful dessert.



Please make plans to join us for the continuation of our new Easter Sermon Series: Belong, Behave, Believe as Rev. David explores how Jesus reverses the typical order of entry into faith.   Next week’s sermon, “When You Say Nothing at All” is based on Psalm 23.

The Outreach/Prayer group meets on Mondays @ 9:30 a.m.

Another episode of The Monday Morning Preacher aired April 8th, through our FCCH Website and Facebook page.

Bible Study for Adults-(on Psalms) and Youth Group Activities are scheduled for Wednesday evenings, h from 6-7 p.m.

 Sunday School Classes meet every Sunday @ 9:30 a.m. prior to worship.  These classes include teens, children, and adults.  The nursery is also open at this time.

CWF’s April projects: They will be collecting deodorant in April.

FCC Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 18 at 6:30 p.m.

Ministry Team meetings are now set up for the last Tuesday of each month. The Team will be meeting again on April 30 at 6:30 p.m.

Mother’s Day is May 12!  We are asking that everyone consider making a donation to the Father Bradley Shelter for Women and Children in honor of all the mothers of FCC. This shelter encourages self-sufficiency in their residents so they may go on to live full and productive lives. Please fill out the insert that will be included in our bulletins April 28 & May 5.  A list of those who gave in honor or memory of their mothers will be printed in the Mother's Day bulletin on May 12. Deadline May 5.

We will have two other special collections following Mother’s Day: The Pentecost offering: May 19 and May 26 that support new church ministers of the denomination. Father’s Day’s collection: June 2 and June 9.

FCCH Youth and families the Camp KUM-BA-YA Registration deadline is April 22nd please contact Jada or the church office you have any questions.



What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and grief to bear

What a privilege to carry, Everything to God in PRAYER.

 Prayer is not just getting ready for Christian service. Prayer is Christian service.”

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses."   ― Alphonse Karr


Misc. Prayer Requests:

People in war torn countries, End to shootings & violence, People affected by health issues, Areas affected by                  

hurricane, flooding, and fires, People fighting loneliness, anxiety, and depression, Injustices at home and throughout the world, Students, teachers, administrators, and parents, All people struggling financially & the economic situation, All disaster recovery, Our fellow churches with new leadership, FCC- Rev. David, Jada & the Children’s Ministry,   Sunday School, All Leadership groups, Discernment of God’s will, increased Prayer Life, Healing and forgiveness in  Relationships, Those struggling with addiction, Concerns for our community, state, country, and world Increased kindness, respect for one another, tolerance, acceptance & peace.


Don’t forget to include thanks for answered prayers, your expressions of gratitude and all the ways you have seen God’s hand at work in your life, especially God’s continuing faithfulness to each of us.


Lord Jesus, most of all, we pray for your never changing presence walking with us daily in the light of your love.  Help us to be the instrument of your peace, your compassion, and your love.