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July 9, 2023

The Spirit - July 6, 2023

The Spirit - July 6, 2023


  This week I am recuperating from my time at Kum-Ba-Ya Junior Camp. I spent the entirety of last week at Camp Kum-Ba-Ya with 35 3rd-5th graders (which is the maximum number of campers we could fit into the dining hall. As a counselor, I was “in-charge” of the 5 boys in my cabin and the 9 kids in my small group. It was a great week, as we had fun, worshiped together, and spent time reflecting on the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (It’s easy to remember them with the song still stuck in your head.)

What a week! We had a lot of fun, we made new friends, we experienced God in the midst of this week-long community, and we did most all of it with minimum connection to the technologies that so often demand our attention. One of my favorite parts about camp is the limited connection with technology. So much of my life is done on my phone or my computer that I actually found myself enjoy the limited signal and the requirement for the kids to not have electronics. Many of them struggled at the beginning, but there was more than enough to keep their attention with the activities that packed the week-long programing.

Still, I find myself exhausted and overwhelmed by the work of the week. It actually got me thinking about the work of the church. I often hear how tired our volunteers are. In fact, churches across the world are struggling to offer their traditional programming due to a lack of volunteers or to volunteers not being available as much a pre-COVID. We seem to be a busy society. I certainly find myself more exhausted and with more on my schedule than ever before. Yet, I look around and I wonder where are the fruits of our labor?

This thinking has often gotten me into trouble in the past. For I believe if I just work harder or put in more hours, and more time, and more energy, then we will certainly see our work pay off. However, merely continuing to work more and more will only lead to burnout and destruction. The fruit of God’s Spirit isn’t more work. The fruit of God’s Spirit is more energy. The fruit of God’s Spirit isn’t more. In fact, there is no way for us to get to the fruit of God’s Spirit on our own. The fruit of God’s Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Such fruit isn’t witnessed by our own agency—it is the fruit of God’s Spirit, not ours. This fruit is experienced by living in active community—by being the church! As my time at camp has reminded me, no matter what we do will exhaust us. Let us spend our time building up community, searching for Christ among us, and joyfully experiencing the fruits of God’s Holy Spirit. I am thankful to live in such spirit-filled community with each of you and I encourage us to continue to practice and witness to the fruits of God’s Spirit among us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Peace Always,

Rev. David Clifford

Financial Update- June 2023

Barb Chaney, Treasurer

As most of you should be aware, the church had to recently replace one of our air conditioning units at a cost of approximately $20,000.  We were very fortunate that our insurance covered the replacement cost except for the deductible of $2,500. (Thank you, Paul Bird, for your service.)  The Board voted to absorb the cost through the general fund and not take it from the Building & Grounds restricted funds because of several upcoming repairs in the next few months.  Of course, since we were already needing to supplement our giving from the permanent fund for normal expenses, this will add to the deficit.  If you are thankful for the luxury of the cool air and are able, you may want to make a special gift to offset this expense during the summer months.  If so, you may mark your envelope or check with “Building Expense” and drop it in the offering plate.

For those who think we could use a little less cool in the sanctuary, please be aware, the organ requires a specific constant temperature to continue to operate optimally.

In regard to the Permanent Fund, we just withdrew our 2nd installment for operating funds, in the amount of $50,000.  This amount should cover our shortfall for several months.  The total withdrawn to date is $80,000.  The congregation approved up to $350,000 for the period from 12/31/21 through 12/31/25. We have done well controlling expenses to date.

Also, I am happy to report due to your continued generosity, the following special offering totals:

Mother’s Day to the Father Bradley Shelter-    $1,175

Pentecost Offering-                                             $ 367

Father’s Day to Camp Kum-Ba-Ya                      $1,230

Blessings to all for your continued commitments to our church and special offerings!


Women of the Bible: New Bible Study


 Women’s Bible study convened for the first-time last week on Tuesday. Fifteen men and women were present for a discussion about Deborah, one of Israel’s first judges and the only female judge. Judges during this historical period were a type of military leader inspired by God to deliver his people from various calamities brought about by their own sinfulness. Christy Gibbs, Becky Aldridge’s daughter; it meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday at 3 p.m. The focus for each discussion will be one woman from the Bible. July’s topic will be Esther, a Jewish exile who found such favor with the king of Persia that she became his queen.



Don’t Forget the WaterStep Program

Recently volunteers from the WaterStep Program picked up used shoes donated by FCCH members. WaterStep collects new and gently used shoes to help fund its program of providing safe water throughout the world to those in need. It has helped people in more than 60 countries. Meredith Gold introduced the program to our congregation a number of years ago and we have participated since then. New and gently used shoes are collected by WaterStep and sold to an exporter. The funds received from these sales are used to bring cheap water to those in need. 
WaterStep volunteers were on site in Mayfield, Kentucky, after the deadly tornado in 2021. A disaster response team traveled to the area bringing with them WOW carts which are mobile mini-water treatment plants. The WOW carts supplied water for showers for first responders and for the thousands of meals prepared each day during the crisis. Our church participates as members bring their new and gently used shoes to the church where they are stored until the WaterStep program picks them up. 




The CWF General Meeting will be Tuesday, July 11th at 11:00 a.m.

The FCCH Board meeting will meet, Thursday, July 20th at 6:30 p.m.

The Ministry Team will meet Tuesday, July 25th at 6:30 p.m

The General Assembly 2023 convenes in Louisville on July 29, thru August 1.  Rev. David along with Ken and Debbie Enyart our two representatives will be attending the assembly. Please be in prayer for these three as they are there representing FCCH.

Check out FCCH’s Podcast “Monday Morning Preacher” on Facebook. It was live Monday, June 12 at 3:00 p.m.  Go to the church’s Facebook page to watch or you can go to our website: https://fcchenderson.com/ and select the podcast.

New Children's Bulletins: The worship committee is now providing children's bulletins for all children who are in worship. These bulletins have activities based on the lectionary scripture readings for the day. There are two options: a "reader" bulletin for older children, and a "pre-reader" bulletin for younger kids.

The Senior Saints will dine at The Carousel in Evansville on July 18th. Arrive at the church at 11:15 a.m.  Please RSVP by Sunday, July 16th.  Transportation will be available.

New Bible Study Class: Christy Gibbs (Becky Aldridge’s daughter) is leading a Bible study called “Women of the Bible”.  The next class is Tuesday, July 25 at 3:00 p.m. in afternoon. This will be a monthly class. So please mark your calendars for the months to come.


Campers at Kum Ba Ya celebrating communion together.