Marlita Hill is a choreographer, author, and educator. She is the creator of the Kingdom Artist Initiative (KAI), which teaches artists how their faith and art thrive together in church ministry and career life. She has authored three books on the relationship between faith and art, including her latest, Defying Discord, which explores how the "secular" art career serves, builds and represents the Kingdom (January 2018). Her books have been used as textbooks for college ministry courses, bible studies, and dance ministries.
In addition to her writing, Hill produces a weekly podcast, The Kingdom Art Life, hosts the Artist Prayer Collective in partnership with The Salvation Army Hollywood, and serves as the Associate Director for Edge Project, a missions organization focused on art, culture, and faith.
Hill has served God as a choreographer and dance educator in the church and marketplace for over twenty years. Her work includes providing master classes and residencies for colleges, leading workshops, and mentoring artists internationally.