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May 22, 2024

851: Can Libertarians Appeal to Moderates & Independents?

In a groundbreaking Arkansas State House race, Libertarian candidate @MW4Liberty demonstrates how focusing on practical solutions to voters' concerns and meeting them where they are can lead to unprecedented opportunities for Libertarians to win elections and make a real difference in politics.

Are you tired of the same old political choices? What if there was a candidate who not only matched your values, but also had a real shot at winning? In this episode of The Brian Nichols Show, we dive deep into the world of state politics with Michael White, a "big-L" Libertarian running for State Legislature in Arkansas. Discover how Michael is breaking the mold and why his campaign could be a game-changer for libertarians across the country.



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Join us as Michael White shares his journey from a successful business owner to a passionate advocate for liberty. Learn about his unique approach to politics, focusing on meeting voters where they're at and addressing the issues they care about most. Michael's candidacy isn't just about making a statement; it's about winning elections and making a real difference in people's lives.


In this engaging conversation, Brian and Michael discuss the challenges and opportunities of running as a Libertarian in a predominantly Republican and Democratic landscape. They explore the importance of practical solutions over philosophical debates and how Michael plans to leverage his experience and values to win over voters in Arkansas' most competitive district.


Michael's story is a testament to the power of grassroots campaigning and the potential for libertarians to make a significant impact in local and state elections. With no Republican challenger and a district that's a 50/50 split, Michael's race is one of the most winnable for libertarians in 2024. Don't miss this inspiring episode that could reshape your perspective on third-party politics.


Tune in to hear Michael's insights on the current political climate, the role of government, and the future of the Libertarian movement. Whether you're a seasoned libertarian or just curious about alternative political solutions, this episode is packed with valuable takeaways and actionable advice. Subscribe, like, and share to support The Brian Nichols Show and stay updated on the latest in politics, sales, and marketing!



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Brian Nichols  0:19  
Instead of focusing on winning arguments, we're teaching the basic fundamentals of sales and marketing and how we can use them to win in the world of politics, teaching you how to meet people where they're at on the issues they care about. Welcome to The Brian Nichols Show. Well, hey there, folks, Brian Nichols here on The Brian Nichols Show. And thank you for joining us on of course, another fun filled episode. I am as always your humble host. Joining us from our lovely cardio miracle Studios here in eastern Indiana. The Brian Nichols Show is powered by our good friends over at amp America, folks if you need all the news without the corporate media bias or fluff will head over to amp subscribe over there. Check out some amazing opinion pieces, news articles, and podcasts like yours truly here on The Brian Nichols Show. Exclusively over on amp America. Also The Brian Nichols Show is powered by our good friends over at cardio miracle frankly, yours truly is powered by cardio miracle. And folks I've been using cardio miracle for just over a year now and the cardio miracle difference 1,100% 1000 on 100,000% chance there we go words their heart, it's awesome cardio miracle is literally the best heart health supplement I've ever used. And I dare say it's the best heart health supplement in the world. So what is cardio miracle. So cardio miracle is powered by nitric oxide. And what it does is it helps improve your blood pressure. It helps improve your heart rate. It helps give you a better more rights, restful night's sleep, even more of a pump at the gym. And I've seen all those benefits for myself. Now, by the way, if you're sitting there listening to this, and you're like, Okay, Brian, that sounds a little too good to be true. I thought the same thing and that was until I use cardio miracle. And guess what, two months, that's all it took two months I watched my blood pressure go from being consistently 140 over 90 or higher at times down to 120 over 82 Thumbs up for my doctor also my resting heart rate. This blew me away. My resting heart rate went from being in the low 70s to the low 50s, sometimes even high 40s I was like what is happening? And I guess the answer is quite clear. The cardio miracle difference. Yeah, it is real. And that's on top of living a healthy lifestyle going to the gym six days a week eating healthy foods. This is an extra tool in the tool belt and frankly one of the best tools I've ever used to help improve my health. So if you're sitting there, you're saying, Brian, listen, I hear what you're saying. I'm still skeptical. Would it help if I tell you that literally hundreds of folks here in The Brian Nichols Show audience have already jumped on board the cardio miracle train and are experiencing the cardio miracle benefits for themselves right now. Now you're still apprehensive? How about the 10s of 1000s of folks out there? Know still apprehensive Okay, here I'm gonna hit you with this. How about a 100% money back guarantee. That's right, we're putting our money where our mouth is and I'm putting my reputation where my mouth is which I hope that it's worth something at this point 100 Plus episodes but literally cardio miracle it is the best heart health supplement you can possibly use. And if you use CO T BNS, or if you follow the links here in the show notes or the video description, you're instantly going to get 15% applied to your order. So 100% Money Back Guarantee 15% off your order and a better ticker. It sounds like a win win win to me if you ever if you ever saw one. And that's someone who's watched enough office and I know what Michael Scott would say. So please go ahead. Give a cardio miracle some love. I guarantee your heart will thank you. All right, we paid some bills. And how about for you folks out there specifically who are sitting and looking at your two choices. In November, Red Team, Blue Team, Republican, Democrat, maybe your heart is sad, your heart is sad because you want to vote for someone you actually believe in now, without the advent of something like a rank choice voting, that can get difficult, right? Because you're afraid I'm going to vote for a third party candidate. And I'm going to elect the worst possible person by not casting a vote to really play defense stop that worst case scenario from getting into elected office. But what if there was a candidate you could vote for that not only matched your values, but heck, actually has a very good shot to win their election. Let's talk about that. Going down to the great state of Arkansas, not our Kansas as they would say on that one viral Tiktok why is this Kansas and not our Kansas? Great question. We have to ask our good friend here Michael White joining us here in The Brian Nichols Show. Michael what's going on?

Unknown Speaker  4:41  
Hey, Brian, glad to be here, man. Thanks.

Brian Nichols  4:43  
Okay. So why is it our it's not our Kansas, it's Arkansas. Do you have a reason for that? I

Michael White  4:47  
can say it however you want to. If you live here and you're resident here and you pay taxes in this state, you can say whatever you want to you have a you've earned that right through government force and coercion to use whatever term you wish to call the state. Sometimes I say it our Kansas to Lana Del Rey, interestingly enough has a song. I think it's Tulsa Jesus freak where she says, We should go down to our Kansas. So even Juana Del Rey calls it our Kansas. So yeah, there

Brian Nichols  5:14  
you go. All right. Well, as long as you don't call me late for dinner, that's what we matter. So, like I said, thanks for joining the show. You are running for State Legislature in Arkansas, and you're doing so as a big L libertarian, but it sounds like there might be a little bit different of an approach here when we talk about the traditional Red Team Blue Team bold team. Oh, you libertarian. You're just playing spoiler you want insert other team here to win. But that's not the case in Arkansas, Michael. So before we dig into that, do us a favor, introduce yourself here to The Brian Nichols Show audience and why are you running for office as a big L libertarian in our Kansas saw?

Michael White  5:52  
Yeah, Arkansas, in Arkansas, our Kansas again, my name is Michael White. I am a husband and a father. I am a former business owner operated Verizon Wireless stores throughout the southeast United States for about a decade, about 12 years maybe. And sold that company in 2016. retired early. I have spent many, many years just spending time outdoors doing those kinds of things. 2020 comes around liberty is on life support. I've been a libertarian, pretty much my entire adult life. And I decided I was gonna run for office in 2022. So I ran for the US Congress here in Arkansas, as a big L libertarian, against the incumbent Republican and a Democrat challenger. And I did that really as a messaging race. A lot of libertarians run messaging races, I ran a messaging race. That was a lot of fun. I got to debate. The sitting congressman on statewide televisions, get to speak truth to power, so to speak, apparently did pretty well people tended to like that, and figured I would do something similar again and 2024 If I was needed to this district that I am running in West Little Rock Arkansas district 75 consistently polls within the margin of error between Democrats and Republicans it is the purple is district to purple districts in Arkansas. 5050 split for whatever reason whether the cosmos aligned or we did something right, or it was the eclipse of the northern lights or whatever, what's going to happen. We do not have a Republican running in this race. And also because of the way that the ballot access law was redone for us libertarians as lowly libertarians here in Arkansas and 2023. It allowed us to know which races were unopposed. And this was one of them that was unopposed. And so yours truly is running in a two way race and a 5050 split district against a Democrat incumbent with no Republican challenger during a presidential election year in a red state, where the presidential election is going to try to attempt to unseat a Democrat, the opposite party of the major party. So all the things have aligned for this to be an actual winnable race. We're a viable candidate for change. And so we're excited to be here. And it's good to be talking to people like you, Brian. So thanks for having us on. Because the mainstream media is not interested yet, in hearing from us. Now I have a feeling that election night when we win this, they're going to be calling. And I'm gonna make it a point to tell each of them, hey, it's good to finally be noticed after four years of hard work. Right. Good to finally be on your radar. Yeah,

Brian Nichols  8:16  
it must be a really nice long nap for the folks in the corporate media. But alas, we're going to wake them up. And I think it's going to be a little bit of a rude awakening in some instances, because and we're just seeing this right now. If you take a more like, like, one minus or no 2x out, here we go. Yeah, we're zooming out. 30,000 foot view, I think. Yeah. And you can see it like, I mean, this isn't, you know, praising Republicans versus Democrats. I'm just my bias right now. I think I would much rather have a Republican majority than a Democratic majority. And we can talk about that here on the show. Sure. But look at the response from the corporate media, and they're looking at the polls, and I think they're starting to see the writing on the wall like things aren't going that great. I just heard james carvel, I think he's on Meet the Press. And he's just freaking the eff

Speaker 1  8:59  
out. He's having he's losing it. I saw that the other day, too. Yeah, he's losing it. Like he cannot. Look, the economy is always the key issue for everybody. I mean, when you got people out there that are deciding whether they're putting groceries on the table or their prescription medications, whether they're filling their car this weekend, or they're going to buy school uniforms, those decisions, make and influence people's voting decisions at the end of the day. And if that's not okay, then usually the people that are in power are on their way out. And so, I mean, you know, look, I don't think the Biden administration has any plans to make the economy better. I don't think necessarily they can. I think the we're kind of in a rock and a hard place from a national spending standpoint, we don't have a Congress that's willing to do the hard work of getting a balanced budget stop printing so much damn money. And so yeah, the American public I think is struggling and seeing very quickly that these people who claimed to have their best interest in mind, in fact, do not so well

Brian Nichols  9:52  
and by the way, I we talked about here on the show, not just going after winnable elections, but specifically looking At a voting base, that's more open to your ideas, right? We call this on The Brian Nichols Show instead of in the world of business, your ICP your ideal customer persona. We call this your I VP, your ideal voter persona. And I'm looking at the stats here for Arkansas. So 69% of all citizens in Arkansas are registered to vote nice with that 20% of that voting bloc is between the ages of 18 and 30, and 31, to 40 15%. And from 41 to 50 14.7%. So just under 50% of the voting base, is between the ages of 18. And we'll say 4550. Right are registered voters. And this is oops, sorry, I'm gonna get rid of myself there. And we're just so excited. And one of the things for the party breakdown 40%, Democratic 58.8% Republican. So if we're going to kind of again, go back to that 30,000 foot overview, zoom out if we will, not only do you not have a Republican challenger here, but now you're facing head to head against a democratic voter where I would dare say in a voting base, that's much more and let's just use the word or the phraseology on the right, right, they are more politically right leaning, whether that's social issues, economic issues, the data speaks for itself. You as I think a strong Libertarian candidate can run with a libertarian message that leans more on those right leaning issues where we know libertarians not only can win, but actually beat Republicans, and then, you know, foil to the Democrat be basically the best version of a possible like, give the Republicans a magic wand and say, make your perfect Republican candidate and it's basically a Libertarian candidate, you now can serve as that that foil to the Democrats. So I put all this on to the tee. And I'm hoping you can knock it out of the park for me here, Michael. What do you think this is going to do from an outcome perspective? I mean, beyond just winning an election here in Arkansas, do you see something like this? Starting off much like before we hit the record button, I'm knocking down all my my lights here in the studio, what you heard on the live microphone, fun fact. But do you see something like that a domino effect where, hey, we want one state house here in Arkansas. And this guy's a libertarian, and he's doing better than somebody who's Republicans? Maybe we should start paying attention more of these big ol folks?

Speaker 1  12:26  
Yeah, I mean, we would, hopefully that would be the outcome, right, is that you would begin lighting these brush fires of freedom throughout the country starting right here. I think that that requires some follow through, obviously, we first have to win, and then the job has to be done really well. And I think when I talk to voters, look, I'm not going on doors every single day. That's what I do. If it's not raining, and I can get outside, I'm knock on some doors, and I go talk to voters. And when I meet them, where they are something you talk about at their front door, and we talk about the issues important to them, you've come to realize that most people really are moderates, no matter how they're registered, most people really just want the practicality of the world to apply to politics. That's why the way Michael,

Brian Nichols  13:04  
I'm gonna pop in really quick just to drive that point home. Because again, in Arkansas, 40.8% were registered Democrats 58.8% were registered Republicans, how many folks are registered libertarians? Point

Speaker 1  13:20  
four tiny, tiny percentage

Brian Nichols  13:23  
3% of the electorate. So if you went in laser focus on only a libertarian message, right, you'd be lucky to get point three, the vote which speaks to you got to meet them where they're at, on the issues they care about which I'm so glad you said continue. The

Speaker 1  13:38  
good thing is, you know, as from a from a sales perspective, if we're gonna talk about this in business, I think it's important you believe in your product, honestly. And if you're an entrepreneur, and you're starting a business, it's very important that you believe in your product, if you don't believe in your product, you do not need to be investing in that idea. And, you know, I believe that liberty is a very practical and pragmatic solution to many, many things that we have going on in this country. In fact, I can if we have enough time, we don't have it today, but maybe a follow up. We can go through pretty much any issue in politics today. Any issues, you know, in society today. And we can point to how government has made it worse how government bureaucracy or interference or coercion or force has been something that either started it, multiplied it or continues to multiplied as a problem. And when you meet people where they are and you talk about these things, and you you mentioned why the lack of government force and coercion would be a benefit to them, they suddenly get it they see it and they they already are upset, like you said kind of before this broadcast we have a lot of people are tired that this is going to be the choices again this year that it's a Trump Biden year again, you know, they they're hesitant to say that they support something they're really kind of voting against something. Most of the country feels like they're voting against something. It's been really refreshing to have voters be excited to vote for something for once for them to be excited to say you know, this is something different. This is interesting. This is this this sounds like it's actually possible to get something done that bit If it's me as an individual, as opposed to special interest, or the two party system or the bureaucrats, either at the state house or DC, and so yeah, I think that the follow through being do we have effective change? Does it show that we have a healthier political conversation? And if we do, you know, you don't have to sell them features and benefits, people just see things working, and they go, Hey, that libertarian made things better, we need some more of that. That's what we need some more of, in this state, know,

Brian Nichols  15:25  
like, trust. Those are the basic underlying principles for anybody in the world of business in the world of sales that have success. And guess what those principles carry over into the world of politics, frankly, that's why this show exists is because I kept on seeing the parallels, and then see libertarians just abject ly fail at trying to be able to bring their ideas to a populace that frankly, to your point, they're not libertarian, by the way, this is a reality. I had to kind of come to grips with back during COVID. She was that no, not everybody was libertarian, like everybody that was in my immediate circle, specifically, when I lived out in the northeast, like not only did I think that they were critical thinkers, but that it was completely shut down when all of a sudden Governor Wolf's like, Hey, y'all are going to be let's see a central over there and nonessential over here. And we're just gonna arbitrarily shut down the state. Right? And I'm sitting there like, No, good. And then all the folks who I thought were libertarian at the record, the

Speaker 1  16:27  
pattern recognition partner for this week. Oh, there did the critical thinking go, where did the pattern recognition go? These are these are constant refrains on the thinking mind, I think in the modern era. But you know, I'll disagree with you on one point. I think a lot of people are libertarians that just don't know it. They don't they just don't know it. They don't realize I think what it really means I think it's still in the political ethos. Libertarians are 45 years behind as far as brand awareness. I think that people still don't know what a libertarian is. I think that some people think that there are Republicans who like marijuana, and there's most people think they're Democrats like guns, and they don't realize that that's completely not even true on either side of it that this is really a conversation about the practical and application of government in a free society. What is its role supposed to be? Should it be involved in something the libertarian approaches it from? Hey, I think that community handles things better than bureaucracy. You ask that question that 10? Most voters 100 of them 99 will say yeah, probably so right. If you ask most voters, when's the last time that you had a really good interaction with government? Most people will have to pause and think for a very, very long time before they give you an answer if they can even give you an answer. And when you start asking about, hey, how much of your paycheck Do you think you should give by force to the government? Should it be over here on the small side? Or should it be all the way on the big side? Most people who are working say, Well, I mean, I guess there's probably some unnecessary part of me that has to fund the things to society, but I sure would like it to be a lot smaller than where it is. And I think that when you ask that this final question is, do you believe in the concept of living let live? So as long as nobody's messing with you, and not preventing you from doing the same thing? Is that something you agree with? And go? Yeah, I kind of agree with that. And so most people, I think that their heart fundamentally speaking are libertarians, I think that they just, you know, we like you said, we live in a in a world of advertisement, sound bites, hashtags, and bumper stickers. And unfortunately, the duopoly has owned the hashtags, sound bites, bumper stickers and media for many, many years. And so people kind of think I gotta be one of these things or the other. And they're not they when they have a third choice, now, that's not the third choice, the second choice. They're incredibly excited. There either way.

Brian Nichols  18:32  
So Michael, I'm not going to challenge you specifically, I guess on the premise, I think what you did was you articulated a bit more nuance to just the ethic everybody's more libertarian at their core, which is what I, my knee jerk has to say no, but when you give the nuance there, I hear that, and let me just draw a bit more clarity. To my point. It wasn't so much that people at their core aren't libertarian, like big L libertarian, but rather, when people live their normal lives. Yeah, they're not thinking about politics, right? They're just thinking about themselves. And this is just the reality of business of life. People are tuned in to this one radio station, it's

Speaker 1  19:12  
called wi I fm, what's in it for me, they all are paying attention. They're all tuned into that one station. And if you're able to connect the ISM of libertarianism to those things that they actually care about, that's where I think you have success. But when we lead with the ISM, and I think that's where I need to clarify my point, right? 100% is in here on this all 100%? Yes, problems and here's the solutions. And that's the if I could wave a magic wand that that's a term we always say to other libertarians in the country is this is not a philosophical debate. This is a practicality debate. This is an issue of showing how things work. And so we have so many people trying to be right, as opposed to being you know, functional, irrelevant and good, right. And so if you can just be functional, relevant and good. Trust me, you went up again. Right? And that's, that's really the thing is and so yes, thank you so much for saying that don't lead with the ISM, there's a lot of individuals out there in the libertarian community who have made it their whole entire identity to lead with theism. Right. And you're never gonna win a voter over with that, because they don't care about the ISM. Brian, they don't care. They want their they want, they want the same things everybody else wants, they want a safer city, they want their kids to be educated, they want, you know, their property values to increase they want, you know, to go about their lives and have some of the good things, you know, they want all the things they need and some of the things they want, and hopefully more of the things they want than they had before and pass it on down to the kids below them, and so on and so forth. And that's what they care about. Yep. Yeah. Again, they don't care about the philosophy. And so the job of a good candidate, I think that's a big L candidate is supposed to be able to say, hey, I want the same things you want. And maybe the reason we haven't gotten them is because we haven't applied this ism. Now let's talk about that. And it's amazing how that conversation goes, I tell you what, I know, I've done my job with a voter or group of voters or any sort of talk I give when someone comes up to me or says, I've never thought of it that way. Yep. When they say that, I know that, hey, well, thank you that I've done my job today. I've done my job, because this does work. But it's been just pushed down quietly in some circles, because it doesn't benefit. The powers that should not be free for you to have the power and for them not to have the power. Michael,

Brian Nichols  21:29  
we talked about this in sales, right? We our job more or less beyond just trying to help sell a good or service a product and idea is to help people see things for the first time that they can't unsee right, because once you see it, you can't unsee it. So if we're able, and by the way, if folks need to look for an example, no more perfect than what we've seen over the past four years talk about the school choice movement, right. And I just had Corey Daniels here on the show a little bit ago, we were talking about this where when he was first in the show, and like 2019 to where he is today. He's like Brian just having COVID Even though it was horrible, it was able to help people see things for the first time that they now can't unsee that my child is being forced to sit in these these zoom bubbles and be indoctrinated by if they're teachers, and they're not being educated, they're being indoctrinated. And then all of a sudden parents saying, how did we get here? How did I miss this? And now

Speaker 1  22:24  
is the first time that parents had a real glimpse into the class. Yes. And not just like, hey, parent Appreciation Day where you get to come in for a little party and like make everything look nice. Billboard in the wall. Yeah, they're here in the lesson. They're hearing the teacher. They're hearing the things. Absolutely. I love that. You know, that idea from Henry Ford. That quote, I don't want to quote but I'm gonna I'm probably gonna mess it up. That you know, when he invented the Model T. Most people didn't want a car. They just wanted a faster horse. Yep. Right. And so Hey, then you see, you know, Hey, Brian, down the road, got one of these Model T things? That thing is awesome. You know, screw horses. I mean, so yeah, Liberty has to be sold in the same way. Awesome. All

Brian Nichols  23:04  
right, Michael, we are unfortunately at the point of the show where we got to start wrapping things up. It goes fast, man, it does go fast. It really does. But with that being said, right? I mean, people listen to the show today, I think they can easily take away, you're not one of those. Okay, we're gonna sit down and read a book libertarian, because that doesn't sell. And I'm just sorry, that's just the reality. I'm not trying to pick on anybody. This is just this, this is what you guys gotta hear. In order for us to be successful. You can't just throw books at people or throw isms at people or throw philosophy or dead fingers at people. It doesn't work well you got to do is meet people where they're at, on the issues they care about. And if you're running for office, pick a few of those issue. And I mean, really a few like no more than three, and make those like the key parts of your campaign. And those three key parts of your campaign should 100% reflect back to three T leading issues of your voting base. Because at the end of the day, guess what? It's not about you. It's not about me, it's not about the big L libertarian ism. It's about winning elections to make people's lives better. And we do that by meeting the voter where they're at on the issues they care about not the issues we want them to care about, not the issues we think they should care about, not the issues we preach, they should care about the issues they actually care about, because that is when we show them we care. And when we show people we care, they start to trust us when they trust they trust us, and they know us and they like us, they are more willing to buy from us. That's my final thoughts for today. Michael, what do you have on your end?

Speaker 1  24:34  
Well, that sounds great. I think you summed it up perfectly. That again, meeting people where they are isn't about meeting them where you think they should be, it's about where they are. And the truth is, is that outside of Twitter and our x however you want to call it these days, I'm always going to call it Twitter, Facebook, social media, people still will have conversations with you. So don't be afraid to go and talk to people shake their hands and say, Hey, what's important to you? And then listen twice as much as you talk and you'll probably do pretty well. So again, my name is Michael White. I am running for state representative in district 75. In West Little Rock, Arkansas. It is a 5050 district no Republican candidate. This is a winnable race for libertarians, dare I say, the most winnable race for libertarians in 2024. On state legislature level or higher? I'm not just saying that because I'm running in it. I'm saying that because I have not discovered another race in the country that has this sort of opportunity. So please give me some support. Again, you're not in probably an Arkansas most of you watching or listening to this or not in Arkansas, you say, Well, why would I care? What happens in district 75? Because again, we're hoping that this catches on, we're hoping that people go hey, libertarians, not only can they win when they when things get better, look what's happening in the legislature here. Look at these people over here in Arkansas, they're doing great listed here, and Texas and Mississippi and Louisiana, we keep on going and spreads across the country. You can find more about me at my website, M W, the number for That's M W for All my things are there, the Facebook, Twitter, all that kind of stuff, you can read about the issues there, you can contact me for any questions you have. And of course, as always, you can donate to our campaign, we were fortunate enough to raise close to $12,000. In the first 24 hours of this campaign, we've had some significant support from people, we're very excited about that we're very happy. But we need a lot of it because our Democrat opponent is going to raise probably around $100,000, which is a lot of money for a state legislature race. And so we need to have some ammo in the can so to speak to fight her. And with that, I think Brian, I don't have much else to add other than you know, live for your die.

Brian Nichols  26:28  
There you go. That's right. That's one of the the slogans that we have been talking about a lot with our good friends up in New Hampshire. That's right, the Free State Project. Yeah. So if you guys want to go ahead and check out one of those more recent episodes from the FSP, I actually got to include that link popping up right about here somewhere in this general area on the YouTubes. If you're sticking around watching the YouTube or rumble version of the show, you're hanging out that's going to bring you right over to that episode, but I can't echo that enough, Michael, this conversation today is exactly why we do The Brian Nichols Show, right to take. Again, I'm not trying to pick up any candidates but I can think back to four years ago, three years ago, you know, some of the libertarian folks I've had here on the show, and again, I'm not picking on anybody in particular, but there are folks who have run for office and I've asked them Why are you running for office as a big L libertarian? Well, Brian, I started reading a Hayek back just like guys, yeah, what are we doing and thank you Michael because you're you're actually showing people not just how to do it but I'm excited to have this conversation a year from now cuz you're gonna show people how it's done. And can't wait to have that conversation my man Yeah, with Yeah, with that being said, social media links again working folks. Go ahead find you M W for is the website. What's the right social handles? Is it the same

Speaker 1  27:48  
MW for liberty? Yeah, that's a mic whiskey. The number for Liberty MW for liberty and you just Google that you can find me it's pretty easy. I'm out there. So DOD.

Brian Nichols  27:58  
Alright folks, there's your call to action. And for today's episode, you can find me at BEA Nichols liberty, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, please go ahead share today's episode tag yours truly. Also, we are sharing the entire video version of the show on X on homestead on Twitter and on X on X on Facebook, on Instagram, as well as over on rumble and YouTube. If you're watching the show, please hit that subscribe button hit that little notification bell and head down below into the comments. We want to hear your thoughts. Do you think that big L libertarian is running for state office local office? Is it a good plan? Is it a useful use of our time or is it a waste? Are we spending too much time running big L libertarians when we got to run big L or big, big L big Republicans or Democrats, we want to hear your thoughts continue

Unknown Speaker  28:43  
to D Democrats. There you go. Yeah, I

Brian Nichols  28:46  
love those big D pause that right there. And

Unknown Speaker  28:49  
you said it not me.

Brian Nichols  28:50  
I did. I did get in trouble. Yeah, I'm gonna get so many clips for that. All right. So other than that, please go ahead support the show on your favorite podcast catcher Apple podcast, Spotify, YouTube music, I like podcast attic. Wherever it is hit subscribe, download all unplayed episodes, because that's the only place you can find all 840 Plus episodes here of The Brian Nichols Show. We've had to remove some shows over on YouTube because the yes the thought police they are out and they are strong. They had been up Mrs.

Speaker 1  29:18  
Truth has said again, I said the Ministry of Truth has it sure

Brian Nichols  29:22  
is do they've been going through sending us emails? Oh, you're you're putting up questionable harmful content. Okay, it's from three years ago. And everything we put out in those episodes today is being shown to be accurate and 100% True. But I digress. Folks, please go check those episodes out in their entirety at the podcast version of the show or on our homepage Brian Nichols And one final plug please support the folks who support us that is our amazing sponsors like cardio miracle. We have our good friends at Indy emporium and their brand new Michael Scott 2024 shirt. Plus we have our good friends at y equals CBD liquid freedom and TGT and more so all those links over at Brian Nichols forward slash sponsors Michael any final words for the eyes and you wrap things up today?

Speaker 1  30:07  
No final words other than again visit my website MW the number for Tell somebody that there is a libertarian who's not crazy who's running in a winnable race and show them that this is possible. That's all I got for you out there guys are here here. All right,

Brian Nichols  30:22  
folks, there is your mission. Now. If you choose to accept that please let us know and give us some love by sharing today's episode. With that being said Brian co signing off. You're on The Brian Nichols Show for Michael White. We'll see you next time.

Transcribed by

Michael White Profile Photo

Michael White

Candidate Arkansas State Rep Dist. 75

Michael White is a Libertarian candidate running for the Arkansas State Representative seat in District 75 (West Little Rock). In this distinct race where the district is evenly split between Democrats and Republicans, White sees a rare opportunity for victory with no Republican contender in the running. Building on his prior experience as a US congressional candidate in 2022, where he gained significant traction through a televised debate appearance, White brings a fresh perspective to the political arena. Alongside his roles as a father and husband, White is an accomplished entrepreneur with expertise in the telecommunications industry, commercial construction, and real estate development. With a dedication to individual freedoms and limited government, White aims to champion the interests of his constituents and foster positive change in Arkansas and beyond.