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Stephen Olmon on Building a Thriving Business Ecosystem | Strategy + Action Ep3

"50 Companies by 2050"

Today, Strategy + Action = A thriving business ecosystem.

Johnathan King and I welcome Stephen Olmon to the show!

Stephen is a former Management Consultant with KPMG and the former Director of Business Development for the healthcare SaaS company, SimpleLTC.

I had the very good fortune to get to know Stephen over the last few years at the Tuesday morning coffee Meetup, where he co-hosted with me for a while.

I am always impressed with the insights he brings to every business discussion we have. I’ve watched him guide #startups and seasoned business owners alike time and again in those meetings - bringing clarity, brilliant tactics, and introductions to the right people to each of them.

Now, in addition to being a husband and proud papa of two, he is the owner of Olmon Ventures - stephenolmon.com

I was very intrigued by his LinkedIn headline that simply states, “50 companies by 2050”. It’s a metric that is strongly tied to the personal business ecosystem that he’s creating, which, in his words is "made up of multiple partners, some overlapping, and creating service companies that serve the other companies within the ecosystem."

Check out this episode to dive into exactly what that means, the scope of it all, and the strategies you can take to apply to your own endeavors.

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stephen olmon ventures crypto business ecosystem strategy action
stephen olmon ventures crypto business ecosystem strategy action