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How to show up as a thought leader - Randall Craig | Strategy + Action

Today on the show, Strategy + Action = Developing Trust and True Thought Leadership to Grow Your Business

Get ready for an extraordinary episode of Strategy + Action with our incredible guest, Randall Craig, alongside your dynamic host, Jason Croft!

Randall Craig is a master at transforming organizations, particularly the big players in today's business landscape. He's here to share his wisdom, experience, and groundbreaking insights.

🚀 Our conversation kicks off with a captivating exploration of thought leadership. We're not just talking about being an expert; Randall takes us beyond that. We delve into what it truly means to be a thought leader and how to reach that elite level in a way that actually moves the needle in our business, rather than for some vanity metrics or words on a website.

🤝 But that's not all—we also deep-dive into the art of building trust. Discover how to establish genuine connections with your potential and existing clients. Randall provides invaluable frameworks to evaluate where you currently stand in terms of thought leadership and trust. These frameworks empower you to assess your presence and take purposeful actions to increase your thought leadership and level of trust.

🔍 This episode isn't just about evaluation; it's about growth and progress. Randall equips you with practical markers to guide your journey towards becoming a trusted thought leader with goal of enabling you to make meaningful strides in your professional endeavors.

🌟 Are you ready for an amazing, insightful, and transformative conversation? We thought so! Join us on this thought-provoking and enlightening episode of Strategy + Action, where we unlock the secrets to developing trust and achieving true thought leadership.

randall craig braintrust professional institute jason croft strategy action
randall craig braintrust professional institute jason croft strategy action
randall craig braintrust professional institute jason croft strategy action