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How can a CRM get your business in order?

Check out the full episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hk95Jz8286k

Can you trust your #CRM ?

Do you even have one in place?

Lydia Sugarman, CEO of Venntive, is on the show today!

Not only does she share some great insights about her CRM platform and its strengths, she walks us through several things to consider when deciding to (finally!) put a CRM into place for our business, such as:

- Choosing a platform the helps you run most of your business processes.

- Sitting down to map out those processes in your business.

- Picking a platform that can scale with you.

- Be wary of "free". You're paying that "cost" somewhere.

And make sure you find out more about Venntive!