Nov. 6, 2023

69. Fishing the South Florida Coast

69. Fishing the South Florida Coast

Southeastern Fly presents another enlightening episode in the "Wisdom from the Guides" series. In this special edition, we welcome two renowned saltwater guides, both with a penchant for Florida’s serene coastal waters. First, meet Captain Christina Legutki, the proud owner of Chica Fly Charters. Christina's unique charter service is dedicated to empowering women in the realm of saltwater fly fishing, catering to anglers of all proficiency levels in the picturesque Naples region. Interested parties can discover more about her offerings at and A social media enthusiast, Christina also maintains a lively presence on Instagram as @stoney_legutki, where she shares glimpses of her aquatic adventures.

Joining the dialogue is our second esteemed guest, Jeff Legutki, who stands out with his extensive knowledge of Florida's diverse fishing locales. Jeff is the mastermind behind Naples, Florida Fly Fishing and Anglers Addiction Guide Services. His guided excursions span several iconic sites, including the verdant Everglades National Park, the sprawling 10,000 Islands National Wildlife Refuge, the tranquil backwaters of Naples, the biodiverse Estero Bay, and the pristine Pine Island Sound.

Sit back as Christina, and Jeff delve into discussions brimming with expertise, anecdotes, and invaluable tips for every saltwater fly fishing enthusiast. Welcome aboard Southeastern Fly!

Produced by NOVA Media