Welcome to Self Talk, Full of Spirit and Truth
Aug. 17, 2023

The Lie of Evolution Teaches Our Children to be Atheists

Dr. Ray Self discusses how the lie of evolution attempts to program our children to believe there is no creator and, therefore, no God. Learn why evolution is false. Sadly, it is a law in the State of Flordia that public schools must teach the theory...

Dr. Ray Self discusses how the lie of evolution attempts to program our children to believe there is no creator and, therefore, no God. Learn why evolution is false. Sadly, it is a law in the State of Florida that public schools must teach the theory of evolution as a fact. It is tragic because actual science and logic do not support evolution. 



Common Sense Destroys Faith in the Theory of Evolution by Don Cain

8 Absurd Things Atheists Must Believe Before Breakfast by Don Cain

Redeeming Your Past and Finding Your Promised Land by Dr. Ray Self

Hear His Voice, Be His Voice by Dr. Ray Self

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Show host bio -

Dr. Ray Self founded Spirit Wind Ministries Inc. and the International College of Ministry. He holds a Doctorate in Christian Psychology and a Doctorate in Theology. He currently resides in Winter Park, Florida. He is married to Dr. Christie Self and has three sons and a daughter.



Hey everyone, welcome to another episode of Self Talk with Dr. Ray Self and that is me, Ray Self. Today's show is going to be interesting. Um, it's based on a little book by a very good friend of mine called Eight Absurd Things Atheists Must Believe Before Breakfast and I want to talk about– not about this book but how the problem of evolution is huge because it's being taught as a fact. And the ramifications of this are enormous for our children so stay tuned. This is going to be a very interesting show, and thank you for supporting this podcast. And then you can do that and I hope you do that. I pray that you'll do that. Please help me out. This is an expensive project… you can go to icmcollege.org/donate. If you have any show ideas be sure and email me at draysself@gmail.com. Anyway, God bless you, and thanks for tuning in to Self Talk with Dr. Ray Self.




Hey, welcome to Self Talk. I'm your host, me, Dr. Ray Self. Thanks for listening today. Today I want to talk about evolution. Why would I want to talk about evolution? It’s because it's a bigger problem than you realize. If you have children and they're in public school, especially in the State of Florida where I'm broadcasting from, evolution is taught as a fact. Why is that a problem? Well, it's a huge problem because evolution trains our children to understand that there is no God. There is no need for God and everything was just an accident. There's a book, a little booklet that's just amazing. I have a whole lot of copies, I can actually get you a copy of this book. It's written by a friend of mine named Don Cain and he's given me permission to talk about this and this theory of evolution which is being taught as a fact, which is actually a huge lie, it’s actually an atheist belief.


Here, here's some of the basic things that make evolution, the big bang theory, impossible. Number one, nothing created everything. Number two, chaos created order. Number three, non-life created life. Number four, non-consciousness created consciousness. Number five, non-personal created personal. Number six, non-rational created rational. Number seven, blind created vision; and number eight, death created hearing. And if this– listen to this: can you not see the absurdity of this? There is no real science that supports evolution. When I was a young man in college many moons ago, I was actually an anthropology major. And even back then we discovered a serious problem. And the problem was, was with fossil records. And you see, what my anthropology teacher taught me was there was a missing link, and back then he called it a six million-year gap between apes and man. Well, that's questionable too. Even the age of the earth is very questionable. What is, what is being taught.


However, the huge problem is transitional fossils. If we have been evolving over millions of years there would have to be transitional beings or transitional life that would be recorded in the fossil record and no transitional fossils have ever been discovered. In other words, a fossil that's half reptile, half mammal, um, half ape, half human, half– half bird, half snake, whatever. There is no fossil record showing a transition that supports evolution. It is a theory to explain away God. It is a theory to explain away God. I heard a scientist who supports the theory of intelligent design and he said how can you tell when something is designed intelligently? And he said you tell by observation. For instance, if you were to take a look at a outboard motor on the back of a boat– I live in Florida– there are a lot of outboard motors. Here, you look at one of these big 650 horsepower Mercury outboard motors. When I look at that motor, I can tell that motor has been designed and built.


The same logic applies to our world. When you look at our world, you look at the– a magnificent oak tree, you look at the, the ocean, you look at a, at a fish, you look at a bird, you look at a beautiful flower and you look at our earth that operates– that has the perfect conditions for life. And you say well, by observation this could not have been an accident, somebody designed this. Somebody had to design this and it had to be built. But you see, in order to, to believe that, you have to believe in something that's beyond yourself. But man does not want to believe in something beyond himself. Man wants to be God. Man wants to be in control. And so the idea that there's something greater than us that we cannot see even though the evidence for this is overwhelming, is difficult for many men. To say that nothing created everything, it's just illogical even statistically - if you if you're a mathematical type person -  and you, you look at the statistics. In other words, the mathematical odds of something happening by accident that you know, that we could– there could be a gigantic accident in this primordial ooze that somehow, accidentally through lightning strikes or whatever, begins to form through happenstance life as we know it, it's just absurd. It's absolutely absurd. Evolution is absurd. It is absurd.


What– the reason people move toward evolution is because evolution gives us something that we can logically conceive and it's so illogical for a normal person to conceive if there is a spirit world and there is a spirit named God who is the creator of the universe. However, the, the– everything around us declares this. The heavens declare, and the Apostle Paul wrote about this. The heavens declare His beauty, His magnificence, His creation. All creation cries out that there is a creator. When there's a creation, there is a creator. But you see, in school today our children are being taught evolution as a fact. And so when a child begins to grasp the theory of evolution, he's being taught that there is no God or the bible is a lie. And it's serious. It is serious. 

Evolution makes no sense. Evolution is not scientific. There is no scientific proof for evolution, there are hundreds of questions that the evolutionists cannot answer. How do you explain sex and reproduction? They cannot answer that. How do you explain the law of thermodynamics which says that, that things– that energy is actually getting less and not, not gaining more strength. The energy declines, it doesn't increase. The laws of physics do not apply with, with the theory of evolution. The law of thermodynamics doesn't apply, the law of logic doesn't apply, the law of– law of statistics doesn't apply. And just the basic principle of something coming from nothing does not make sense. Where did it start? Who created it? And we know if you're a Christian, you know it's God. You know that we have a creator. There is no real scientific evidence for evolution. What we have are theories and hypotheses that scientists have come up with but it cannot be proven. Evolution cannot be proven. It cannot be proven, I'll say that again. However, it's taught as a fact because that is the atheist view which has got into our schools and our kids are being indoctrinated. 


And this– there's a lot of good material out here. This little book I'm looking at right here is called, again, it's by Don Cain, it's called Eight Absurd Things Atheists Must Believe Before Breakfast. And a little subtitle, The Growing Threat Against Your Family. And so you know, he talks about what's behind it all and how to argue it, how to talk about it. He's got several great books on this, Don Cain. I can get these to you. If you email me and talk to me about this, I'll get you some copies of this or a donation will be great if you can make a donation. These books need to get into your hands. This little booklet is a very small but just, just real easy read. Eight Absurd Things Atheists Must Believe Before Breakfast. Don Cain has also written several other very powerful books as well– great friend of mine. 


And his belief and my belief is that teaching our young people not to believe in God and indoctrinating them not to believe in God in saying that this is science, it's just– it's absurd. It doesn't make sense. There's no scientific proof for it. You cannot create something from nothing. Order does not come from disorder. Order does not come from chaos. You cannot. It just doesn't– it just doesn't line up. You cannot say that non-life created life, nothing– something doesn't come from nothing, that's just a basic law of nature, it's a law of physics, it doesn't work. You cannot have something come from nothing. All the evidence– if you look at the incredible design of a plant, look at the design of an animal, the design of a tree, and just, I mean, just looking at it just cries out somebody had to design this and build this. We cannot even recreate this. And the, the way our world– you know, I'm not a scientist but the way that our world is designed, the mixture of water and land and gravity and atmosphere and oxygen, that mixture that makes it perfect for our life, how did that happen? I mean, it's just an accident?


And the other problem is if, if I'm just an accident, you have to throw out the bible. Especially the scripture that says um, “...before [you're in your mama's womb] I knew you.” But you see, you'd have to say well, that's, that scripture is not true because God didn't know me at all because God doesn't exist. I'm just an accident that's been happening over millions of years. I'm the result of millions of years of accidental growth. It just doesn't make sense, it doesn't add up. It's a common– it's a theory that is based on ill belief.


Um, John Wesley said something years ago. He said that people will base their theology on a lack of experience so if you do not know God and you have no experience with God, you will come up with a theology to explain life. In other words, if you do not believe in God, you have to come up with a logical explanation of how we got here. How did this world get here? So we come up with this explanation of there was this gigantic explosion and then somehow there was this ooze and then there was a, a single cell which began to multiply and it created somehow a little frog which evolved eventually into a fish which evolved into a, a rat which evolved into a bird which evolved into a, an ape which evolved into a man. I mean, it's just mind-blowing how ill-conceived, when you really think about it, this theory of evolution is that's being taught as a fact. It doesn't make sense. The true science behind it does not add up. Again, if you can find these ancient fossils, but– we've never found a fossil that shows a transitional being, something that is half this and half that. You know, half mammal, half reptile; half, half bird, half snake, whatever. There's no transitional fossils. Of course, the big controversial one is the ape to man thing. There's no transitional fossils that show some human that was half ape, half, half man. Never found and never will be found because it doesn't exist.


So, I don't mean just to, to go on and on and on and– about this, I want you to know evolution is a lie. It's an atheist lie. It is a lie that is based on a theory that someone came up with– originally Charles Darwin and even Charles Darwin, before he died, renounced his own theory. It is a theory to explain away God. It's a theory to explain away God, and that's dangerous. When that theory is being taught as a fact to explain away God to young, impressionable children in our public schools, as parents we need to know better. We have a creator, we have a creation. The creation was formed by the creator. We were designed, we're not an accident. The earth was designed. Looking at it, you can tell it was designed simply by the, be– by the power of observation. The universe was designed, you were designed by God. And it's incredible that some people cannot see this even though it's right before their eyes. 


If you do not believe in something, you will come up with ways and means and methods and ideas to support your lack of belief. I've seen this throughout my 72 years, I've seen this happen over and over again. People who do not believe in whatever it is will come up with a logical answer as to why they did not believe something even if it is true.


So I hope this has made sense to you. Do your research. Look, there's a lot of great Christian literature out there. Um, this little book that I'm talking about is written by Don Cain. Uh, you might look up him online uh, Don Cain and evolution. I think there's a lot of resources, he's just a good friend of mine and I wasn't– I'm not here trying to, you know, promote him, I just want to say that you know, what– our kids are being lied to in public school. Evolution is a lie, it's not true. There is no science, real science, to support it. Something cannot be created from nothing. Consciousness does not come from unconsciousness, it does not work that way. It's absolutely, it's absolutely impossible. It is, it is statistically impossible. It violates the law of physics, the law of thermodynamics. You cannot say that non-life does not create life. Non-consciousness does not create consciousness, and there is no fossil record of evolution. But somebody believes that this is a fact that we need to teach our kids because they don't believe in God therefore, they've come up with this ridiculous absurd explanation to explain away God and to make people understand and believe that everything we have right now was one gigantic freak accident, and that's a lie.


And this is Dr. Ray Self and I just pray that the Holy Spirit will teach you what you need to know, convict you. And I don't mean to come across harsh, sometimes I just get angry at injustice and I think it's an injustice that this is being treated as fact. You know, when I was in school we talked about evolution but we also talked about creation. And evolution was taught as a theory and creation was taught. But now schools don't talk about creation by a creator or even… going… making it more user-friendly, intelligent design. They don't talk about that. They dismiss that and they teach a theory as a fact. A theory of evolution that's never been proven scientifically and cannot be proven scientifically. 


So be aware, just be aware. Teach your children, train your children, and pray for our school system. Pray for our teachers and our educators because they're on the front line, you know. We love them and we bless them. So thank you for listening. Again, I just pray God's blessing over you in Jesus' name. Thanks again, this is Dr. Ray and this has been Self Talk with me. Amen. God bless you.




Hey, thank you again for listening to my show; this is Dr. Ray Self. I have another resource for you, um, two little books. One I mentioned in the show, Eight Absurd Things Atheists Must Believe Before Breakfast, and then actually a, a full book, a full-size book called Common Sense Destroys Faith in the Theory of Evolution: Written in Non-Technical Everyday Language, by W.D. Cain, that is a great resource. If you really want to just get up on how to destroy the lie of evolution, this would be a great book for you. I'll be happy to send it to you. I'm going to step out here in faith, but any donation– if you go to icmcollege.org/donate, make any donation, and then you're going to need to email me, I'm a little old school here, email me. Say, “I've made my donation.” Email me, and it's in the show notes, drayself@gmail.com, d-r-r-a-y-s-e-l-f @ gmail.com, and I say, “I really want a copy of this book,” and uh, I'll send it to you, okay? And I think that'd be great. And I've also got several other great resources that might help you out. Redeeming Your Past, Finding Your Promised Land is a book I wrote about purpose and how to overcome obstacles to get into your purpose and get over your stuff, and then another book, Hear His Voice, Be His Voice, that's about the gift of prophecy. So if you give me uh, any type of donation to help the podcast and email me at drrayself@gmail.com, donate at icmcollege.org and these links are you know, in the show notes. God bless you so much and thank you for listening to Self Talk with Dr. Ray Self.