Welcome to Self Talk, Full of Spirit and Truth
Oct. 13, 2022

Protect Your Home with Spiritual Warfare

Demons can get into your home. Spiritual warfare is not optional for any Christian, especially when protecting your home and your family. Dr. Ray Self explains how to cleanse and guard your home against demonic attacks. Self Talk With Dr. Ray Self is...

Demons can get into your home. Spiritual warfare is not optional for any Christian, especially when protecting your home and your family. Dr. Ray Self explains how to cleanse and guard your home against demonic attacks. Self Talk With Dr. Ray Self is a show where you will get real answers to tough issues.


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This Month's Special Course Offer – School of The Prophets -  For a donation of $35, we will email you the link to download this exciting course. This six-lesson course is exciting, fun, and covers many aspects of the gifts of the Spirit with a focus on personal prophecy. Go to - https://www.podpage.com/self-talk-with-dr-ray-self-2/store/.

Dr. Self has taught in the area of prophetic gifts for over 20 years. He is the founder of the School of the Prophets in Memphis, TN, and has ministered in many national prophetic conferences. This topic dramatically impacts the students as God speaks and their lives are changed.Topics covered in this course include:

  • The Believer's Mandate to Prophesy
  • Activating and Imparting the Gift of Prophecy
  • The Manifestation Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • Flowing in the Spirit
  • Speak to the Mountain
  • Judging and Testing Prophecy
  • The Believer's Authority
  • Signs and Wonders
  • Why the Gifts are Important for Today's Church


You can purchase Dr. Self's books - Redeeming Your Past and Finding Your Promised Land and Hear His Voice, Be His Voice at Amazon.com

Show host bio -

Dr. Ray Self is the founder of Spirit Wind Ministries Inc. and the International College of Ministry. He holds a Doctorate in Christian Psychology and a Doctorate in Theology. He currently resides in Winter Park, Florida. He is married to Dr. Christie Self and has three sons and a daughter.



I’m doing a very serious show today. It's about demons. It's about getting them out of your house. Can demons get into your house? How do they get into your house? How do you know if they're in your house and what do you do? This is what we're going to talk about. We're going to give you some real answers to this. This is a show where we give real answers to tough issues. I appreciate you very much for listening today and I hope this blesses you.

[Intro music plays]

Hello. Welcome to Self Talk. I'm your host Dr. Ray Self. This is a show where we talk about tough issues and give you some real answers to these tough issues. So today I want to talk about get the demons out of your house. You know, just recently I heard one say there can't be any demons in my house. I prayed over my house. Well that's a good thing. But we need to understand that we live in two realms. We live in a spirit realm and a natural realm. There's two realms and the spirit realm is all around us. Can demons get into your house? I would say yeah, they can. It's almost like can a fly or mosquito get into your house? You don't want them in your house. You don't try to let them into your house. But yeah, they can get in there. They really can get in there. Sometimes demons come in, maybe through friends, through family members. Maybe it's just something through the airways, something through your television or through the internet. Demons can get into your house. It's nothing to worry about. It's nothing to be overly concerned about unless you do not take care of it. You know, I'm not one of these guys that wants to get super weird spooky spiritual, but I believe in the Bible and demons are real. Angels are real. The Holy Spirit is real. The holy; the spirit realm is real. Not to be aware of the spirit realm, it's just foolishness. You know, there's radio waves and microwaves and cell phone waves and they're all in the air. You can't see them, but they're there. The air is full of things that we cannot see, but we see the evidence of it. And to me if you're full of the Holy Spirit, especially if you're baptized with the Holy Spirit, you have a sensitivity to things of God, things of God and things that are not of God. With me, I'm not claiming to be anybody special, but I am a son of God, a child of God adopted by the Lord when Jesus died for my sins and I confessed to him as savior. But I can sense these things. You can go into a room of your house and you can sense it. Even the world will say, oh, I went into this room and the hair is on my arm, just the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and oh, it just felt creepy, but sometimes that is discernment. You're sensing things in the spirit realm that are not where it should be. I think animals sense things that are not right. And spirits, I think children are very sensitive to these things. A lot of times we think children are just, oh, it's just their imagination. It's just something they watched on TV. Scary, but sometimes pay attention to children. But demons, to me; I guess the thing to watch out for the most is invitations. Demons are attracted to things and it's very similar to like a fly is attracted to something sweet. Flies are attracted to honey, to sugar, things like that. Demons are looking for entrance ways. The Bible says that we are protected. The Bible says that we have the blood and the power and authority of Jesus. But the Bible also, Jesus warned us. He said, Matthew 10:8, talking to his disciples, we're now disciples, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Cast out demons. Freely you have received freely. Give Mark 16 these signs will follow, those that believe in my Name, they will cast out demons. Mark 3:15, I've given you authority to cast out demons. Okay, Jesus cast out demons. The Pharisees were concerned about Jesus casting out demons. Paul cast out demons. So it's all throughout the New Testament. So yeah, we're going to do that. And not to do that, it's just plain foolishness. So how could they possibly get into your home? Your Christian home? Well, again, demons, in my opinion, look for invitations. They look for doorways, something unclean, something that says, I agree with you and you are welcome here. Sometimes it could be your own words. You invite demons by speaking the words of the devil and not speaking the word of God, giving demons permission with your words, speaking without faith, speaking curses. You know, the Bible talks about blessings and curses coming out of the same mouth. It should not be. That was in the book of James. That should not be. But so many times we inadvertently speak curses out of our mouth. You remember growing up there, they used this thing called curse words. Then it became cuss words and those were the ugly words. When I was a kid, you spoke one of those, quote, cuss words, your mother would wash out - my mother wash out my mouth with soap. Literally. She'd put a bar of soap in her mouth. It was awful. I learned not to do that. But these are things that we do that can possibly, not always and not automatically open up a door for a demon to come in. And I mean, maybe it's a book that you have, maybe you have a Harry Potter book. Number one invitation that I know of possibly is the Harry Potter stuff. If you're listening to me and you are watching Harry Potter, you have Harry Potter books. Don't let your children read that. It seems like harmless fun, but it is not. They're talking about witchcraft and even teaching kids how to cast spells. Some of the stuff in that book, even though it's a fantasy story, but some of the spells in the curses that are speaking come from a satanic bible. This is not good. You don't want to do anything that will give a demon permission. If it’s - here's the way I look at it: If it is spiritual and it's not Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit, it's not going to be a clean spirit. It's going to be an unclean spirit. It's not going to be good. And so many times, I live in Central Florida, and so many people here are involved in spiritual things that are not of God, you know, and it's looking for other ways to find a blessing. Remember the chain letters from the old days? And now, even now, we find blessings in crystals and blessings in a pyramid and blessings in a particular oil. I don't want to go too far into that, but that's really bugging me. Blessings in oh, and sometimes blessings in rituals and blessings and things that we do to earn a blessing, which is a denial of Christ, because Jesus said it is finished. He took care of it. He is our blessing. The finished work of Christ is our blessing. So, demons in the house usually come to an invitation, or maybe you had a visitor, a friend come over who just literally had demons. Now, I'm not saying they're demon possessed, but I do believe in my experience has shown me that people, even Christians, can be demon oppressed. Oppressed. Okay? Unclean spirits. So if you will simply pray, ask the Lord something like this. Lord, let your Holy Spirit show me anything in my house that is unclean that I need to get rid of, anything that may be an open door for a demon to come in my house. You'll be surprised how effective that prayer can be. Some of the most common things you know, are books and sometimes objects. Some of the most demonic objects I know are dream catchers from the Southwest Indians. The dream catchers that, they catch different spirits, and they're very attractive, and people hang those up. Uh, you know, pictures of demonic objects, and you don't want to get legalistic about it. You just want to use common sense. First off, if it has anything spiritual associated with it, astrology, psychics, anything…Yoga huge no, no, no. Yoga means union with god. What god? It's not Jesus. It's union with Hindu gods. Oh, it's just an exercise. I just do it for the exercise. No, you're doing worship poses to Hindu gods. Come on now. You think that pleases god? You shall have no other gods before me. But I'm just a Christian. I'm not worshiping Hindu gods. No, but your actions are, okay? And then there's a spirit in the base of your spine. I think it's called kundalai. And if you exercise and go deep enough into your yoga poses, and your deep breathing and your mantras and your chants, the spirit comes up into your mind and enlightens you. It's all very demonic. Please, please do not practice yoga. I love exercise. Stretches are good. Exercise is good. Yoga is bad. It is a Hindu religion. It is a religion. It means union with god. That's what yoga stands for. And it's not union with Jesus Christ. Now, I'm not legalistic about it. I'm just claiming it's just not smart. It is not smart. No condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. But when you look around your house and you pray and you look for anything that may be attractive to demons, then you pray. And what you do, what I recommend, and I do this periodically, I walk around my house and I will say something like this. In the name of Jesus Christ, I dedicate this home to the name of the power and the authority of Jesus Christ. This home, this property, belongs to Jesus of Nazareth. This home is dedicated to Jesus of Nazareth. My land, my yard, my home, my car, my stuff, it all belongs to Jesus Christ. If you are not of Jesus Christ, you cannot be in his home. Any unclean spirit, anything not of Jesus Christ, any spirit not of Jesus Christ, you will not stay in his home. I command you out of my house. You cannot stay here. Get out. Get out now. And I walk around the house and I pray. Now, what the mistake that some people make is that they ask God to do it. Now that sounds - “ahem Dr. Self that sounds like blasphemy”. But you see, when we ask God to do something he told us to do, that's not a good thing. Remember when your kids used to ask you to do something you told them to do? God said “these signs will follow those that believe”. You will cast out demons, okay? I give you, you, the authority to cast out demons. So when God gives us the authority to do something, he's not an enabler. And he's not just going to automatically come and say, hey, I'm going to take care of this for you. I know I told you to do it, but I will handle it for you. That's not the way God works. So, there are times when we need to pray and ask God to do it because we need a miracle, we need a divine intervention. But there's other times we have to exercise by faith, the authority he has given us. It's still him doing it because you have the Holy Spirit in you and you're doing it through the authority in the name of Jesus Christ. So it's still Jesus doing it, but it's you obeying Him and Him using you to accomplish it. But, you know the scripture says that Paul cast out demons; and the scripture says Peter cast out demons. Of course Jesus cast out demons. And then he said, believers will cast out demons. Well, if he told us to do it, that must be He knew that we would need to do it. Why would he tell us to do it if there's no need to do it? So that's just; that’s just it. I love to pray over my home before I leave town. I like to pray, especially if I'm leaving my home and my wife is going to be here or my kids are going to be here. I like to pray over it. You'd be surprised how it can change the atmosphere of your home. You'd be surprised that it will affect your sleep just praying over your home - doing spiritual warfare over your home. You say, well, I don't know if I have a demon in my house or not. Well, what's wrong with doing a cleansing prayer and rebuke and renounce it and cast them out? Maybe they're not there. Well, no harm, no harm done. Everything to win, nothing to lose. You see, Jesus told us to do this and he knew that there would come a time when we would need to do this. I want to tell you something. We live in a very sinful world. We live in a world that is very deceived, deceived like nothing I've ever seen in my lifetime. Good people completely deceived. People calling what is evil good and what is good evil. It is really sick. I mean, the demons are having a field day. But not with us, right? Not with your house, not with your possessions, not with you. You must take authority and cleanse your house. Cleanse your house. You know, we sweep our homes, we vacuum our homes, we dust our homes; in the same way we need to cleanse our homes from demonic influence in our property. You'll say, well, I did it. I mean, I did it last year. No, no, no, no this is something you need to do on a regular basis. You see, demons don't play fair. They're trespassers. And they're going to try to violate your God-given boundaries if they can. That's why you set the boundaries, you set the bar, you set the limits and you say, no, I know you're trying to trespass, but you're not coming in my house; you're not coming in my yard; you're not coming in my bedroom; you're not coming here. You will leave here and you will not come. And so I guess maybe, look at it this way, you have to remind them that they have no place here, that if they are here, they need to get out immediately. I cannot tell you how many times I've done that and seen people; like I used to do quite a bit of this: going over to - I'd be invited to go to someone's house to do what they call a cleansing prayer. Well, it wasn't so much of a prayer as it was a proclamation. I'd walk around the house and claim the house for Jesus and rebuke things, renounce things, call things out, tell anything not of Jesus Christ to get out of the house. And the next day they say, you know, for the first time in a long time, I slept all night. I had perfect peace. This is very effective with children. Children are very sensitive to things of the Spirit. They just do not know how to express it. And I cannot tell you a number of times I have prayed over homes where the children were restless and fearful, did not want to go to bed, did not want to sleep, pray over their bedroom, rebuke anything not of Jesus Christ. Proclaim that this room, this bed, this child, this home belongs to Jesus Christ. This is the property of Jesus. Nothing shall come in here except the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. That's it. And you get bold with it. And then you would hear these testimonies. Countless times I've heard these testimonies. You know, my child slept all night. One of the big things that I see quite often is anxiety and fear. People suffering anxiety and fear at night, and it's actually a demonic attack. And then, of course, you do your spiritual warfare. You rebuked it. In the name of Jesus Christ, get out. I mean, that's spiritual warfare 101. In the name of Jesus Christ, get out. You have authority. You must believe. You have authority. You must speak with authority to have authority. Does that make sense? In other words, if you know you have authority, you will speak with authority, and the demons will obey you. They have to obey you. They have to obey the authority in you. That is the name of Jesus Christ. They understand that authority; probably better than you do many times. But when you speak that authority in the name of Jesus Christ, these demons are going to flee. It's important for your peace, it's important for your family, and it honors God. And you give God praise for it. You give Jesus praise for it. But you know, again, he tells us in Matthew 10:8, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Jesus did it, Paul did it; Peter did it. Throughout the Bible, we see the disciples, we see Jesus, and we see the commandment to deal with demons. Now, you do not want to be a guy or lady that goes around focusing on demons, looking for a demon behind every bush. I don't focus on demons, I really don't. But if there's one around, I'm going to deal with it. Ask God to increase your gift of discernment. And let me tell you something. When you tune in to the Holy Spirit, He's going to show you anything that's not of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus, but he also allows you with the gift of discernment, to discern what spirit is operating. Is this the Holy Spirit in my home? Are there some other spirits in my home? And the Holy Spirit will show you this. And then you can take action in a really unusual way. So many - I have said multiple times, when you find out that there's a demon present, in a way it's good news. You might say, well, how could you ever say that's good news? It's good news because demons can be dealt with. Demons will flee and run if there's just a fleshly thing… it's hard to cast out your flesh; you pretty much can't do it, but a demon you can cast out. That's what I wanted to tell you today. You know, it’s just…I think this is going to speak to someone and you might say, well, I'm a devout Christian, no demon could ever get in my house. That's just like saying no fly could ever enter your house. All it takes is just a little crack. And you don't want to be worried about it or in fear about it. I just recommend periodically praying through your house and commanding the name and the power and the blood and the authority of Jesus Christ over your home and your family. Husbands, please pray this over your wife. Proclaim this over your wife and over your kids. This is very important, especially for the husbands. It's important for all of us. But husbands, I believe we're the protectors, we're the guardians. It's very important for us. And if you're a single mom listening, you don't have a husband, that's okay, you still have Jesus. Amen. Amen. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, I thank you for your word which cannot return void. Lord, I thank you, Father, you told us to cast out demons, but Father, we ask you for the gift of discernment to come. Holy Spirit I ask you to right now to impart the gift of this sermon to each one listening to me, that if there's something they need to take care of, if there's a demon present that they need to cast out, Father, show them, Lord. Lord. I thank you, Father, for the authority you have given us. I thank you, Father, for the anointing you have given us. I thank you, Father, for your word which cannot return void. And Lord, in Jesus name ask you to bless each person listening to this podcast. I pray that they’re blessed, coming in, blessed, going out, blessed in the country and blessed in the city, and that all the work of their hands are blessed, Father. And Lord, we give you praise and honor for your wisdom, for your discernment, for the incredible gift of the Holy Spirit you have given us, for the name and the power, the authority of Jesus Christ. And so, Father, this show, I dedicate this show to you. I rebuke any demonic interference or try to interfere with this podcast. And Father, we just give you praise. We honor the name of Jesus Christ in his holy name. Amen. Amen. Thank you so much for listening today. It's not a long podcast, but I hope maybe it has impacted your life. This is Dr. Ray Self. God bless you.

[Outro music plays]

Hey, thank you for listening to today's show. I hope I didn't scare you. I want to encourage you that you know what, if there's demons present, just cast them out. That's our job. To protect our homes and do it all for the glory of Jesus Christ. Hey, please, please, please. I have a special website just for this podcast. And the way you get to it is - the best, the easiest way to get to it is do this URL: It is icmcollege.org/selftalk. icmcollege.org/selftalk. That's where you can subscribe. You can give a review, go to the product store; my books are on there. Redeeming Your Past Finding Your Promise Land, Here His Voice be His Voice. We've got three or four courses that you can purchase for $35. I mean, these are college level, Holy Spirit filled seminary courses. $200 to $300 courses for $35, which we put in our scholarship fund. You make a donation, I will send you the link so you can download the course. Most of them are six lessons. You will love it. It will change your life. And if you can help us to support this podcast, or if you're interested in becoming a sponsor, I'll mention you on the podcast. We have a lot of listeners. Please contact me at drrayself, D-R R-A-Y S-E-L-F at gmail.com. drrayself@gmail.com, I would love to have you as a sponsor, talk about your ministry. We're up to around 70,000 downloads right now. We've got a little bit of an audience. And plus, this is all about the kingdom of God. This is all about Jesus. This is just another vehicle to reach people for Christ isn’t what it's about? Again, thank you for listening to Self Talk with Dr. Ray Self, where we talk about tough issues and give you real answers. God bless you.