Welcome to Self Talk, Full of Spirit and Truth
Jan. 26, 2023

Interview with Pastor Chris McCall

In this episode, Dr. Ray Self interviews pastor Chris McCall about the incredible move of God in his church. The discussion centers on the spirit of revival and preaching the Gospel with signs, wonders, and deliverance. This fascinating interview will...

In this episode, Dr. Ray Self interviews pastor Chris McCall about the incredible move of God in his church. The discussion centers on the spirit of revival and preaching the Gospel with signs, wonders, and deliverance. This fascinating interview will stir your heart and touch your spirit.


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Show host bio -

Dr. Ray Self is the founder of Spirit Wind Ministries Inc. and the International College of Ministry. He holds a Doctorate in Christian Psychology and a Doctorate in Theology. He currently resides in Winter Park, Florida. He is married to Dr. Christie Self and has three sons and a daughter.



Dr. Ray: Hello, welcome to Self Talk. I'm your host Dr. Ray Self. This show is going to be very interesting. I'm interviewing Pastor Chris McCall of Biloxi, Mississippi, the pastor of Destiny Church. This church is having a true revival and I'm not talking about a three-day meeting, I'm talking about a move of God, however, within this move of God, a lot of spiritual warfare has taken place and a lot of deliverance. People are being healed, people are being saved, people are being set free, and people are being delivered. It's a fascinating interview so pay attention, I think you're going to enjoy this. Also, if you have an idea for my show, something you would like me to talk about, I have a doctorate in Christian psychology a doctor in theology. That doesn't make me anything special, I'm a child of God, but I would like to talk about issues that you would like to hear about. Email me at drrayself@gmail.com, d-r-r-a-y-s-e-l-f@gmail.com. God bless you and here we go.




Dr. Ray: I'm your host, Dr. Ray Self. I'm very honored today to be doing our show from the mighty metropolis of Gulfport, Mississippi, amen. And my guest today is Pastor Chris McCall. Hey Pastor Chris.


Pastor Chris: Hey Dr. Ray.


Dr. Ray: Pastor Chris is the senior pastor of Destiny Church, Gulfport Mississippi, an incredible church that's having a move of God. Things are happening, real revival, not, not the traditional view of revival but real revival is taking place in the church and it is just uh, it's exciting. And I'll be here this Sunday preaching and I love this church, I love the people, I love what God is doing. It's one of the few places I go to that every service people are on their face at the altar just, just worshiping God, and the Holy Spirit's moving, and it's just an amazing place. But anyway, welcome to the show Pastor Chris, I'm glad you're here.


Pastor Chris: I'm glad to be here too, Dr. Ray.


Dr. Ray: I mean, you know you've been a good friend for, for a long time and uh, this is one of my favorite places. So Destiny Church, Gulfport Mississippi. If you're ever down this way, you got to check out Destiny Church in Gulfport. So uh, tell me, tell us, te- tell the audience just a little bit about yourself. How do you end up, you're a cowboy from Oklahoma and matter of fact, I know a little bit about you. You’re an ex-bull rider, cowboy from Oklahoma, yeehaw, amen. You know, Okie from Muskogee, uh, these Oklahoma guys, and uh, how the heck do you end up in Gulfport Mississippi? In this, on the coast of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, from Oklahoma?


Pastor Chris: Well, as you said, born and raised in Tulsa.


Dr. Ray: Yeah.


Pastor Chris: Uh, that's, that was my life. But in the process of growing up, my mom's first husband was in the military which got me exposed to Biloxi Mississippi because of Keesler Air Force Base, and so something happened in my heart while I was here as a kid and it just never got away from me. And so later in life, when God was moving in my life and I come off the evangelistic field full time and was seeking God about what, what was next for me and uh, I made a phone call and got an opportunity to come as an associate pastor in Biloxi Mississippi. And so with 250 dollars, I left Oklahoma and came to start fresh in Biloxi Mississippi.


Dr. Ray: Not easy to start fresh with 250 bucks, I mean, I'm just saying.


Pastor Chris: It, it was a struggle, it was a struggle. But, but God is, is faithful and when we got here, things came together and we uh, served as an associate and youth pastor for 14 years and got our feet wet so to speak. And as God began to unfold the vision on what the purpose was, Destiny Church was born and uh, in 2002, and God began to, just begin to do a work. So it's been an exciting Journey.


Dr. Ray: You know, I've, you know, you can tell, audience, I, I do love Destiny Church. I'm blessed to be able to travel around the U.S. a little bit, speak at some churches and uh, this is, this is my home away from home, you know, 'm from Winter Park Florida. But uh, this is, this is my home away from home and you know, you hear a lot about the church in decline and the, the church in trouble, and people not going to church and after covid, church is closing, but Destiny is alive. I mean, Destiny Church is alive and I've said this many times. You can tell when something is God because it's alive. You know, when man makes something, it's dead. Where man's a manufacturer, it makes dead things. But God creates alive, live things and this church is alive, I mean, things are happening. And I know for you, revival is, is, is, that's the, that's your thing. It's revival and on that, you were telling me before the show in the last day or so about this incredible prophetic word about the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Now if you guys don't know, Gulfport and Biloxi are just right next to each other on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi.


Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: So tell me about this revival and this prophetic word that's incredible.


Pastor Chris: Dr. Ray, just a few years ago uh, I was seeking the Lord and with a passionate heart pursuing the Lord. I believe revival is what God's plan is for the church and as you said earlier, I don't believe that revival- when we're talking about revival, I don't believe we're talking about the traditional definition of revival that we've seen happen in the past. Even myself as an evangelist full-time for a while with Assemblies of God. Revival was a week meeting, three-day meeting, you know, whatever. But I believe revival, when we're talking about it now, I believe that it's a move of God that will be sustained. It will be what is the normal of the church and uh, Dr. Ray, the, the Lord just began to show me a tsunami at one point that was going to come onto the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, but it was going to come with such an intensity that revival, that spiritual tsunami was going to hit Mississippi on the Gulf Coast with such a, a force that it was going to move through the state of Mississippi in a move of God that was going to impact churches all along the way through the state of Mississippi in a revival flow like the state has never seen, ever in the history of the state. And it's been confirmed by couple of other things that have come. Even of recent times, of people that's had dreams where God has shown them that, that the walls that have divided many of the local churches uh, is going to fall down and local churches are going to begin to come together and stand together for this move of God that's going to happen.


We had one gentleman from California that I believe is just a God thing. He came for several weeks, was here probably a few months I guess and from Redding in California and before he left, he said “Pastor Chris, God said to tell you that he showed me that Gulfport was the port of his glory”. And so it confirmed again, Dr. Ray, that I believe that there is, we're being set up for a move of God. A visitation of God that's not going to sweep in and then sweep out but it's coming to stay. It's going to set up on his church because of, of what God wants to do in this end-time move of God.


Dr. Ray: You know, we were talking, that's such a, by the way, that's such an incredible word by the way. I don't, I don't want to talk over that word. That's an amazing word, need to really chew on that word uh, but what we're seeing right now in Destiny Church is signs of this revival. It's not just, oh, this is a prophetic word and we're believing God it's going to happen, we're already seeing the first wave of this revival hit and uh, you're experiencing this in Destiny Church in Gulfport.


Pastor Chris: Amen, amen. Dr. Ray, we have, we have seen more deliverance and freedom happen in Destiny Church, uh, going back to deliverance from demons which is not a real popular subject amongst a lot of places, but we're seeing people get free, set free from demons, uh, watching the, the people's lives just turn around from what it once was where they, they really didn't have complete hope and complete freedom but now they're getting that freedom and experiencing it. We believe that the prayer movement that's happening in our church uh, we, we're, we're just having prayer meetings where people are showing up, God's showing up, people's getting healed, people's getting delivered, so we're watching God as you said, set this thing up for what we believe has to happen in order to sustain that move of God and that is prayer, fasting, uh, seeking the Lord, time in the word of God, uh, just spending time preparing ourselves to be used and moved with the Spirit of God.


Dr. Ray: Wow, yeah, and I've, I've actually witnessed this, you know, that, witnessed this happening. I know um, last time I was in the church and we used to say the anointing was so thick you could cut it with a knife, I mean, the, knowing the presence of God is just here in this church and what's, I believe is that we cannot continue doing church as usual. We're going to have to be a new wine skin and just doing church the way we traditionally do church and the way we've always done church is not going to work when God starts to move. His ways are not our ways, his thoughts not our thoughts, that we've got to be flexible, be open to whatever he wants to do and so we hear about all the churches in decline. You know, there's a percentage of people going to church, it’s not what it used to be, but I want to tell you something. There are churches that are having incredible revivals and Holy Ghost movements all over America, but what I see happening here is, is refreshing, and it's cool and it's, it's powerful. People are being saved, people are being delivered, people are being filled with the Holy Spirit, people are being discipled, loved, cherished, I mean, it's good.


Pastor Chris: Amen, amen. Yeah, we're excited Dr. Ray because I believe that, that, what's happening is it's positioning us to see God take over. I believe that we've got to get back to where the roots, and it's not- some people use the term go back to the old ways; it's not about the old ways, it's about the Good News ways. I believe going back to the simplicity of the gospel which is deliverance, salvation, deliverance, freedom, healing, miracles, signs and wonders is not something of the past. It's not something for special service, I believe that these things are the good news of the gospel and it, and when we look at the history of the birthing of the church, we see that's how the church was birthed. If we go back to the book of Acts and we see when the church was established, the church was established by an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and fire. It was established by miracles, signs and wonders. It was established by people being delivered and I believe that if that's how the church started, I believe that's how the church is going to finish as well, Dr. Ray.


Dr. Ray: I agree with that. I agree with that 100 percent. And you see scripturally, when the gospel was preached, it was followed by signs and wonders. 


Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: I mean, even Paul said you don't believe, you don't believe my words, you believe, believe that your faith will rest on the power of God. He spoke about that in the book of Corinthians. “...that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men but the power of God”. And so yeah, we could, we can talk about Jesus all day long which is good, it's good to talk about Jesus, but when you can demonstrate the power of God, it, it, it's powerful. It affects people. A lot of people get saved, people- it draws people, it changes people and uh, lives are being changed.


Pastor Chris: Amen. Well, Dr. Ray,  I, I personally believe that we have had enough preaching in America to save the world but I believe this, that the reason that we see and hear about this decline in the church is simply because the church is not demonstrating, as you said, we are not demonstrating what we're preaching. We're preaching a powerful God, we're preaching a God who shows up, a God that heals, a God that does miracles but yet, the people are not seeing the demonstration of that…


Dr. Ray: Right.


Pastor Chris: …and so we're not delivering the goods. I mean, I hate to put it that way, but we're not delivering what we're preaching. If there's not signs and wonders confirming what God's word says. 


Dr. Ray: And see, there's a hunger for that. I believe uh, every, everybody's born with a spiritual hole and we have like, a hole in our soul that can only be filled spiritually. And God wants to fill that place. There's a spiritual hunger. You know, uh, babies are born hungry, but we're also born with a spiritual hunger, and what's happening in the world today because- and I love the church, I'm not trying to criticize the church, but just looking I don't think the church has met that spiritual hunger, I mean, some have, but… So what's happening, especially with young people, is they're feeding that spiritual hunger by getting into some new age stuff, you know, witchcraft, Satanism, it's on the rise,


Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: because there's a hunger. They're looking to fill a spiritual void and there's a draw to the supernatural but we can fill that void with the Holy Spirit if we do our job according to the book of Acts.


Pastor Chris: Amen, amen. I agree. And that excites me when you say that because we are seeing so many people that are chasing supernatural. Uh, if we just look at the movies that are being produced, we look at, at the television shows and all, everybody's being drawn to some form of supernatural. And if the church is not going to step up and say “here's the supernatural, the genuine, true, this is the real deal supernatural right here,” that not only produces supernatural signs and wonders but it produces transformation in a person's life. And now we see people go from unrighteousness to righteousness and holiness and we don't have to preach a holiness that’s a bunch of rules and regulations, we're preaching a holiness that is built out of relationship with a holy God.


Dr. Ray: Amen. And so the supernatural should be expected at church.


Pastor Chris: Amen.


Dr. Ray: I mean, we need to, to give room for, it should be expected. Uh, God confirms his word. If we're preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, it ought to be followed with signs and wonders.


Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: That's what Jesus did, that's what the disciples did, that's what the apostles did, that's what the early believers did. And so again, maybe they don't believe Jesus, what you're talking about, Jesus, but then they see…


Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: The healing, delivering, life-changing transformation power of Christ. Let me tell you something, that, that changes people, that changes churches, that changes the whole ball game.


Pastor Chris: That's right. Well, we, we've uh, we've watched that, that God moving us at Destiny, we've even watched in our preaching and everything that we have to make room for God to move. We cannot advertise that if you come to this church, we'll have you in at 11 and out by 12. We can't promise that.


Dr. Ray: Right.


Pastor Chris: We had someone call the other day and said “how long is your service going to last?” And I said uh, ma'am, we start at 10, and we'll be out sometime around noon or when the Holy Spirit's done and she said “that's exactly what I needed to hear”. She had already talked to five other churches that could tell her that it was going to start at this time and then you'll be out at this time and she said “I'm looking for a move of the Spirit of God where God has place to do what he wants to do,” and so that doesn't make us a special place, it just makes us the places you mentioned earlier. We are hungry, we have a desperate cry in Destiny Church that says “God, we, we're not interested in telling you how to do it, we're interested in you showing us what we need to do to flow with you.”


Dr. Ray: Amen. You made such a, that's so good, you made a powerful statement: “give him room”. You know, what happens, and uh, I've talked to my students at ICM about this a lot, you know, when they prepare sermons I said “when you prepare your sermon, you have- if you're going to preach a 20 or 30 minute sermon, don't have 20 or 30 minutes worth of notes. You've got to give room for the Holy Spirit,” and so to me, even in a church program, you have your order of service: this is praise and worship, this is announcements, this is when we do the offering and this is when we bring the message, this is the altar call, but you have to have room in there for the Holy Spirit to, to, to move. To do what he wants to do.


Pastor Chris: Yes, amen.


Dr. Ray: And, I, I know in my church when I pastored up in Olive Branch Mississippi, there were so many times that just in the service, sometimes I would just go “come Holy Spirit, come”. And we would wait a little bit, we'd get still and say “come” and we would invite him and expect him to come and all of a sudden, he'd show up and things would start to happen.


Pastor Chris” Amen.


Dr. Ray: And I mean, I'm just saying things will start to happen. And if a few of my old church members are listening to this, you, you'll say amen to that. But that's what I'm saying. We've got to give him room.


Pastor Chris: Yes, amen.


Dr. Ray: The Holy Spirit.


Pastor Chris: Amen. I believe it's not a matter of us trying to pray enough to get God to move, I believe God's trying to move but he's looking for the places that will allow him to move. 


Dr. Ray: That's a good word.


Pastor Chris: And I, I really believe that we're in an hour where young people… I read an article at Gallup Post the other day that said young people today of the Millennials and the Generation Z, that they said that they've never attended church and would they ever consider attending church? They said “we have no intentions of ever attending” and in my heart, immediately I thought “no, what they're saying is they will not, they don't have any interest in participating in the religious circles that they have been exposed to up to this point”, but I believe that when the church steps up and the supernatural manifestation of the power of God and the presence of God is visiting through the church, whether it's in the local church building or if it's encountering somebody at Walmart, but they're encountering the church endued with power and the demonstration of the spirit of power is taking place, they will change their mind because as we know, eternity has been set in the heart of every human being and so there's a longing in there that they may not recognize or be aware of but it needs to be ignited and stirred up by a visitation and encounter with the holy God.


Dr. Ray: That's so good and that's so true. And, it's so true. I know that we get caught up in our methods and our formulas and you know, we got to start at nine, we need to be out here by 10:15 because we got an 11 o'clock service starting, and, and I mean there's a place for that, I'm not I criticizing that because we got to remember when you talk about the church, Jesus gave his life for the church. So you got to be really careful that you, if you're going to quote criticize the church, remember Jesus died for the church according to book of Ephesians. He gave his life up for the church.


Pastor Chris: Right.


Dr. Ray: So, I love the church but I would like to see some reformation. I'd like to see some changes, I'd like to see a time for the Holy Spirit to move and I think you're, you're right. I think when people see a move of God and they see a miracle and see somebody get healed somebody pop up, pop up out of a wheelchair, somebody get uh, you know, free of demons, a, blind eyes see,


Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: yeah, that, that'll,


Pastor Chris: Amen.


Dr. Ray: That'll build the church.


Pastor Chris: That's right, that's right.


Dr. Ray: So you have young people that’ll come for that.


Pastor Chris: Amen.


Dr. Ray: You know it's interesting because there's some, there's power, you know, there is supernatural power out there and there is a dark side, and I'm not talking about Star Wars, there's a dark side but where the demons are and there's some power in that,


Pastor Chris: That's right.


Dr. Ray: and young people are being drawn into that because they have, since there's something supernatural here, that spiritual hunger is drawing them into this dark, evil stuff because there's power in it. And I think when I see that, in a way the church has failed…


 Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: …because if they had experienced the real power, the incredible power, the magnificent power of God, they'd realize what they have experienced with these demons is minute.


Pastor Chris: That's right, amen. And I, and I think that we've seen that with different magicians that have showed up that have performed, whether it's delusions or whatever. I personally believe that some of those guys have crossed the line and that they are literally being used by demons and all to, to do supernatural situations, uh, and, and it's a ploy of the enemy to draw the attention that supernatural does exist but we have it, we're not just talking about it, we're doing it.


Dr. Ray: Right.


Pastor Chris: You're coming into our shows or you're coming into whatever and we are giving you a demonstration of what we're talking about and the church has, as I said earlier, we have preached it and talked about it and all, wrote books about it, but the world wants to see. “Okay, I heard what you said but I wanted to see a demonstration of what you're talking about”, and it's not that we're going to put on a show, it's that we're going to rise back up in the original faith that Jesus planted in us and we're going to say “you know what, God's word is true and because God's word is true, he's going to do the same works that he did through me but he's going to even do greater works because he is in me.”


Dr. Ray: John 14:12. 


Pastor Chris: Amen.


Dr. Ray: And so then according to James, we're not going to just be hearers of the word, we'll be doers of the, doers of the word.


Pastor Chris: Amen.


Dr. Ray: So doers of the word is actually supernatural.


Pastor Chris: That's right. Amen.


Dr. Ray: It is supernatural.


Pastor Chris: Amen. And Dr. Ray, I think, I think you would agree with this. Uh, I've been trying to remind people that the supernatural, or not supernatural, but the spiritual world is more real. More uh, uh of what we're going to experience than the natural world because when people realize that a person is going to live at the most 100, 105 years old, if you if you're getting in a real headline, you know, situation. But, we're going to live forever spiritually so the spirit world is more real even than the natural world that we know and we've got to begin to make that a reality to people in the church where we begin to understand, you know, what, God is real and he is a spirit and we're going to worship Him in spirit and in truth. And we're going to expect that God's going to show up not just at church but God's going to show up in my life in every fashion.


Dr. Ray: Amen. The spirit world is real. We live in a natural and a spirit world simultaneous- you know I was just thinking, um, you know, I can't see gravity but the evidence of gravity is, is very real.


Pastor Chris: Amen.


Dr. Ray: I mean, if I drop something, it's going to fall. I can't see radio waves and microwaves, but they tell me they're all over, they're everywhere.


Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: I, I can't see them but, but they're there, you know? And the same thing in the spirit world. I can't see it but it's there. Any- evidence is there, the evidence is all over the place. There are things that happen in our life that you cannot explain naturally, there's things that, that I've seen. There's no natural explanation for it, so the evidence of the spirit world is, is, is overwhelming and to say that we just live in a natural world, there is no spirit realm, it's just insane because the evidence is just, it's there. But in the spirit realm, we know there's the Holy Spirit. He's there.


Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: There's also these other spirits over there, but the Holy Spirit, of course, is the power of God and much more powerful and uh. And God wants us in that realm. We're spirit beings.


Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: He wants us there, you know, he said, you know, we battle not against flesh and blood but uh, he wants us in the spirit realm. We worship him in spirit and in truth.


Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: That's where he wants us because that's where he is ‘cause God is spirit.


Pastor Chris: Yes. Amen. And, and I believe that's why Paul spent the time that he did in writing Ephesians 6, in talking about the different aspects of the armor of God because he wanted us to know that we get saved but we're not saved just packing our bags waiting to go to heaven, but we've been enlisted into the army of God. And, and he gave us that armor to understand that I need you to get it. That this is, this, I'm talking about a physical armor that I'm looking at on this soldier, but I'm liking it to you and I, as believers, picking up that armor to be able to fight the good fight of faith and win…


Dr. Ray: Right.


Pastor Chris: …and win, not hope I win, but I am the contender that's going to win if I'll take on the whole armor of God and learn how to fight in this spiritual battle.


Dr. Ray: Yeah. So yeah their, spiritual warfare is real. It is real. I've done uh, several shows about that and it's real and you know, as we get ready to close, the uh, the church has gotta, the church has got to wake up and get back into it. Some churches, we used to do spiritual warfare and deliverance, you know, years ago. I remember a movement like that they kind of got away from it. Casting out demons is part of the gospel,


Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: healing the sick is part of the gospel,


Pastor Chris: Amen.


Dr. Ray: Prophecy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom. Faith, tongues, interpretation of tongues, uh, miracles, that's all part of the gospel. It is. It's part of the gospel. And uh…


Pastor Chris: those are all threads, Dr. Ray, of revival… 


Dr. Ray: and they're, oh, that's good…


Pastor Chris: and that, that's all threads of revival and that's why God is trying to bring his church back into a place to where we are flowing in the, in the, no the, the rivers of revival. I mean that we're getting a hold of it, understanding that this is a lifestyle, this is a living with the presence of God, not hoping that we get to have a revival somewhere along the way where we get to experience God in this supernatural move for this particular season. But I believe that God's wanting to establish revival. That, that is what people are getting in the church on a regular basis, not just in a special service.


Dr. Ray: But they're taking it, they're getting in the church but then you said they're living it.


Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: So it becomes a lifestyle.


Pastor Chris: Amen. 


Dr. Ray: I mean, the church may be the supercharger and the empowerer and the activator, but it's been, but then it becomes a lifestyle of living in the presence of God and so when you're, you know, when you are charged by the church and you come out of there and you begin living in the presence of God, you're living in revival. 


Pastor Chris: Amen. Well, I believe, Dr. Ray, that the church house should be the place where disciples are made and that we're equipping the saints…


Dr. Ray: Yeah.


Pastor Chris: For the work of the ministry.


Dr. Ray: Yeah.


Pastor Chris: And so, we're trying to set that atmosphere in Destiny Church that souls are being saved in the battlefield,


Dr. Ray: Yeah.


Pastor Chris: That's where we're rescuing people and the church house is the place where they come and get discipled, get trained, and ready to go do what the ministry calls for us to do. 


Dr. Ray: You have to equip them. And equip them is not just talking to them, it’s, it’s actually activating them and imparting them spiritual gifts, and, and getting these, these disciples to move into supernatural. Remember when Jesus sent out the two by two and what did he, what do you tell them to do? He said you go and you preach the gospel and he said heal the sick, cast out demons, and so they went town to town preaching the gospel and healing the sick and casting out demons.


Pastor McCall: Yeah.


Dr. Ray: And uh, you know, they, that's what they did.


Pastor Chris: Amen. 


Dr. Ray: And Jesus, that charge is still here. 


Pastor Chris: That's it. Praise God.


Dr. Ray: Yeah. That's good stuff. Well, that's good. So uh, revival is at Destiny Church but you believe, I believe, and I think you believe too, this is something God's calling the whole church to do.


Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: His church to do.


Pastor Chris: Yes, absolutely. 


Dr. Ray: For revival.


Pastor Chris: Absolutely.


Dr. Ray: You know, for revival. And uh, and that's not, it's not just preaching the gospel but it's demonstrating the gospel.


Pastor Chris: Yes, living it out .


Dr. Ray: Living it out, demonstrating the power of God. Um, what's, what Jesus did,


Pastor Chris: Yes.


Dr. Ray: you know. Jesus preached and he taught but he also cast out demons and healed the sick and raise the dead.


Pastor Chris: Amen.


Dr. Ray: And did miracles. And then he said we do the same things, did he not, in John 14, those that believe would do the same things.


Pastor Chris: Right. 


Dr. Ray: So how do we get away from that?


Pastor Chris: It's like uh, Kim Owens, Pastor Kim Owens said, Dr. Ray. If I could just, just take from her, she said, “Revival is a walk,” and I believe that's what you're describing. Revival is a walk. We should, we should be walking it out. Everywhere we go, there should be evidence of revival happening, not just pointing to Destiny Church or this church, that church, revival should be evidenced by my life, walking out in my daily life whether I'm at work, whether I'm at the grocery store, wherever. Revival should be seen in evidence in that, in those moments.


Dr. Ray: Amen. Amen. Well, I really thank you for taking time to be on the show today, and that's really cool. I want us to close in prayer and uh, would you pray? Just how the Spirit leads, would you just pray for us or pray for those listening?


Pastor Chris: Thank you, Father. We just love you and we thank you, Lord, because you are just such an incredible, incredible God. We thank you first of all, God, for salvation, making it real, giving us the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from sin, God, and, and puts us in a position that we can identify ourselves with Christ, not with ourself. And Lord, I just thank you right now for making that available, but God, not just leaving us there with that, that salvation experience but yet, God, you gave us the opportunity to be filled with your spirit, to be filled with the Holy Ghost and with fire, that fire burning within us, Lord, and we thank you for it. And we're just asking, God, that in this hour and in this moment, Lord, that you'd continue to bring your church alive. Just begin to draw people out, God, of the places that we found ourselves stuck in in the past, and Lord, just put something in us, God, that says I've got to have a desperate cry for God because just what I've been doing just is not enough. I see the cry of people throughout the world that are hungry for a move of God and so Lord, I just pray, God, that every person that hears what we are talking about and sharing, that it would just spark something on the inside of them, Lord, and that they would find that place to begin to cry out to God, getting in their secret place, Lord, getting back to fasting, Lord. Not, not fasting to make you move God, but fasting to separate themselves from their flesh, God, to where they could draw near to you in prayer, knowing that you would draw right back to us when we pray. And so God, I just thank you right now for what's happening now in the earth. And God, I believe that the best days of the church are still in front of us, Lord, and I thank you for it in Jesus' name. Amen.


Dr. Ray: Amen. This is, again, thank you, Pastor Chris and uh, again, this is Pastor Chris McCall, senior pastor at Destiny Church with your beautiful wife Patti,


Pastor Chris: Amen.


Dr. Ray: Uh, which we, we love, love dearly. My wife Christy and I just love coming up here and uh, just like being a part of this church and visiting this church and uh, thank you so much and thank you, uh, Matt Goldberg for doing the uh, the sound, the video and the editing and everything else. Thank you, Matt, just off camera here, we appreciate, appreciate Matt very much and again, thank you for listening to uh, uh, Self Talk with Dr. Ray Self; I'm your host. Please check out my website for the podcast, we have a special podcast website and it's, you get to it by going to icmcollege.org/self-talk. The link is in the show notes, we've got all kinds of stuff there. You can subscribe to our email list, you can give me a review which really helps the show, reviews help us a lot, we've got a store with all kinds of cool products, we've got spec- we got courses that you can purchase for $35, college courses, $250 to $300 college courses on sale for 35 dollars. Seminary level, Holy Spirit-filled courses. Anyway, lots of cool stuff. Thank you for listening to Self Talk with Dr. Ray Self and thank you again, Pastor Chris McCall.


Pastor Chris: Amen. Thank you, Dr. Ray.


Dr. Ray: Destiny Church, Gulfport Mississippi.


Pastor Chris: Amen.




Dr. Ray: Hey, this is Dr. Self again. Thank you so much for listening to today's show. I pray this has been a blessing to you. Again, if you have any ideas for a show that you, or something you would like me to talk about, please email me at d-r-r-a-y-s-e-l-f at gmail.com. Also, please check out my website for this podcast. Every episode is on there, you can subscribe, we have a store, we have products, we have courses that you will bless your life- college level, Holy Spirit-filled International College of Ministry courses for only 35 dollars and that donation does go to help us with our scholarship fund for pastors and ministers with financial hardship. Again, I thank you for listening to Self Talk with Dr. Ray Self and I pray God's many blessings upon you. Amen.




Chris McCall


Pastor Chris is the senior pastor of Destiny Church in Gulf Port, MS. Pastor Chris was born in Oklahoma and ministered as an evangelist. After fulfilling his evangelistic assignment, the Lord called him to Biloxi MS. There, Pastor Chris spent many years as a pastor and the Lord began to give him the vision for Destiny Church. Now, at Destiny Church, the Lord is moving in incredible ways where signs and wonders are becoming a normal part of the church body's lives.