July 4, 2023

Bonus: A Declaration of Probably True Solar Independence Day

Happy July 4th. I decided to do a quick, Probably True Solar Story by asking ChatGPT to write a version of the Declaration of Independence for solar power. The result was pretty good, so I wanted to share it. 

"When in the course of human development, it becomes necessary for individuals and communities to break free from the dependence on unsustainable and finite sources of energy, and to embrace the abundance of renewable solar power, a respect for the laws of nature and sustainability requires that they should declare the reasons.

For this transition, we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all individuals and communities have the right to access and generate energy from the sun, the ultimate source of light and life on our planet..." (listen to the full episode).

Thanks for listening. If you agree with this declaration, make a commitment to only vote for politicians that support the rapid deployment of residential, commercial, and utility solar power.

Tomorrow, July 5th, 2023. We returned to our regularly scheduled probably true solar story. See you then.