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April 11, 2024

Paranormal Investigations in the PNW

Paranormal Investigations in the PNW


Exploring the supernatural realm can be an intriguing and potentially rewarding endeavor. However, it's crucial to approach paranormal investigations in the PNW (and elsewhere while we're at it!) with the utmost respect and prioritize safety. In this blog post, we'll discuss the significance of responsible conduct during investigations and provide guidance for those venturing into the unknown. Drawing from our experiences at Dick Road and the Holcomb Creek Trestle, we'll shed light on essential safety measures and the importance of ethical practices.

The Importance of Responsible Paranormal Investigations

Engaging in paranormal investigations requires a deep sense of responsibility towards the environment, individuals, and entities involved. Respecting the sanctity of the investigation site, adhering to safety protocols, and maintaining an open mind are paramount.

Experiences at Dick Road & the Holcomb Creek Trestle

During our visit to Dick Road and the Holcomb Creek Trestle, we witnessed firsthand the potential for intense energies and the impact it can have on individuals. These experiences reinforce the significance of respecting the environment and approaching investigations with a balanced perspective.

Safety & Precautionary Measures

Safety should always be the top priority during paranormal investigations. Before embarking on an investigation, thorough planning and preparation are crucial. This includes researching the location, understanding potential risks, and assembling necessary equipment. During the investigation, it's essential to remain vigilant, avoid unnecessary risks, and seek professional help if necessary.

Protecting Yourself During Investigations

Protection during investigations extends beyond physical safety. Maintaining a positive mindset and shielding yourself energetically is essential. Before beginning an investigation, take time to connect with your intuition, set boundaries, and visualize protective barriers. Staying grounded and centered throughout the investigation will help mitigate potential negative effects.

Respectful and Non-Invasive Approach

Respect for the environment and potential unseen entities is paramount during paranormal investigations. Avoid disruptive behaviors, such as littering or trespassing. Approach investigations with open-mindedness, allowing for the possibility that no paranormal activity may be present. If entities manifest, communicate respectfully and avoid provoking or engaging in negative interactions.

Guiding Principles for Ethical Exploration

Ethical exploration in paranormal investigations involves adhering to a set of guiding principles. These principles include:

  • Respecting Boundaries & Privacy: Obtain permission from property owners before conducting investigations and respect the wishes of those involved.
  • Prioritizing Safety: Always prioritize the safety of individuals, entities, and the environment.
  • Honesty & Transparency: Be truthful about experiences and findings. Avoid sensationalizing or fabricating information.
  • Preservation of Evidence: Handle evidence with care and respect to maintain its integrity.
  • Confidentiality: Protect the privacy of individuals involved in investigations and respect their wishes.


Paranormal investigations can be captivating and potentially rewarding. However, it's imperative to approach them with the utmost responsibility and a commitment to safety and ethical practices. By adhering to the principles outlined in this blog post, we can bridge the gap between curiosity and responsible exploration, ensuring that paranormal investigations are conducted with respect for the unknown and a deep understanding of our own humanity.

To learn more about our experiences at Dick Road and the Holcomb Creek Trestle, as well as our comprehensive discussion on paranormal safety, listen to Episode 2 of our podcast, "Dick Road Haunt," available at https://www.pnwhauntsandhomicides.com/episode-2-dick-road-haunt/.