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June 4, 2020

Episode 3 - Pivoting to Advocacy, Part 1

Episode 3 - Pivoting to Advocacy, Part 1

This podcast chronicles the beginning of a parent's advocacy organization that was incorporated in 1974 as the Concerned Citizens for the Mentally Retarded; now known as "CCMR".  CCMR was founded by Charles Hart and a group of parents from the former Hogan Berry Parents Association.  Charles was a fierce advocate for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities as a result of having a son, Christopher, with profound mental retardation who subsequently became medically fragile.  CCMR advocated both locally and nationally for the rights of a segment of the population that is often forgotten.  

This two part interview is with David Hart who at 19 sat in on an ISP (Individual Service Plan) meeting for his brother Christopher.  Christopher was at the time nonverbal, medically fragile and living in Hogan Regional Center in Danvers.  David became interested in advocacy as a result of this ISP meeting.  Because the representatives from Hogan were talking about Christopher in the first person - explaining to David and his parents what Christopher likes, wants and feels.  Which made David ask the pivotal question "When did Christopher start talking"?