Palace Intrigue: Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton and the Royal Family

Bringing the Snark When it’s called for

Deeply respectful of the late queen and other working royals doing good things, but not afraid to bring the snark when calling out the less stellar behavior of the British Aristocracy, makes this my favorite podcast about British Royalty. Another key advantage is that the show combs through British press reports and reads the best snippets during the show. Short, to the point, and free of the endless fawning that characterizes most of the podcasts about the royal family. The dignified, respectful coverage of the queen’s death, with multiple daily updates was both appropriate and informative. 5 stars.

June 22, 2023 by AllTheGoodNicknamesAre Taken on Apple Podcasts

Palace Intrigue: Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton and the Royal Family

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