NU Voices

NU Voices

‘NU Voices’ is the podcast birthed from New U.

The podcast serves as the megaphone for individuals who have endured transformational change. By highlighting our trials and triumphs, we hope to create a safe space for pivotal conversations, which in turn will deepen the story and provoke change for our listeners. As many of you may know, change is never easy–but it is inevitable. We want our listeners to understand that they are not alone in what they are facing, and that their transformation is possible, purposeful, and is NOW.

Recent Episodes

Aug. 14, 2024

Amnoni: Foster Care to Power Advocate

Amnoni Myers learned to ride a bike without training wheels—a fitting metaphor for her life of resilience. Born during the crack epidemic and raised in foster care, Amnoni overcame immense challenges to thrive. In this episo…
Aug. 14, 2024

Tama: Malawian Faith

It takes profound loss and resilience to shine brighter. An immigrant by way of Malawi to Oklahoma, Tama Aipira is a recent graduate of New U and a rising HR professional. Her insights and anecdotes on transformative healing…
Aug. 14, 2024

Betsy: ¡Ayudar a la comunidad es parte de mi éxito!

Betsy Lewallen es una mujer emprendedora y muy caritativa. Ella es una agente de bienes raíces bilingüe y una lideresa cívica en la ciudad de Tulsa, Oklahoma. Betsy es muy reconocida por su gran labor comunitaria en múltiple…
Aug. 14, 2024

Onelia: Creando un ecosistema de impacto para los emprendedores de Tulsa.

Originaria de Venezuela, Onelia Macchia emigró a los Estados Unidos y después de muchos años de esfuerzo, se convirtió en la directora ejecutiva de Avanzando Juntos en Tulsa. Avanzando Juntos es una organización sin fines de…
June 12, 2024

¡Desde Perú para el mundo!

La peruana y filántropa, Tina Peña, nos relata su historia de vida y su gran trayectoria como defensora de los derechos de estudiantes hispanos en los Estados Unidos. Tina ha sido galardonada con una gran variedad de reconoc…
June 12, 2024

Ramond: Branding the Human Spirit

Raised by a single mother in Memphis and overcoming homelessness, Ramond Walker’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance and human spirit. He is now an expert marketer and Brand Strategist at Walker Co. In this ep…