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April 14, 2023

#197 "The Catholic Church and Sexual Abuse, Two Children's Books, and Anti-Semitism Rising in Society...


The Nowhere to Go But Up Podcast, hosted by Sean Dustin, covers a wide range of thought-provoking topics with various guests from different fields. In a recent episode, Sean interviewed Mark M. Bello, a legal thriller author, who shared his insights on important issues such as sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, children's literature, and the rise of anti-Semitism in society. Let's dive into the key takeaways from this thought-provoking podcast episode.

Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church:

One of the main topics discussed in the podcast was Mark M. Bello's book, "Betrayal of Faith," which is the first book in his legal thriller series. The book sheds light on the prevalent issue of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church, drawing inspiration from real-life cases that Mark has handled as an attorney. Mark highlighted the urgency of addressing this issue and seeking justice for the survivors who have suffered immense pain and trauma. He emphasized the need for accountability and transparency within religious institutions, and how his book aims to create awareness and encourage discussions on this sensitive topic.

Children's Literature:

Mark M. Bello is not only an author of legal thrillers but has also ventured into children's literature. During the podcast, he discussed two of his children's books, "Boomer and Friends" and "Boomer and Friends in Panic Cove," which deal with important issues such as bullying and mental health. Mark emphasized the importance of instilling values of empathy, kindness, and inclusivity in children through literature. He shared how he aims to make a positive impact on young readers and create a more compassionate and accepting society through his children's books.

Rise of Anti-Semitism in Society:

Another crucial topic discussed in the podcast was the alarming rise of anti-Semitism in society. Mark M. Bello shared his concerns about the increasing incidents of hate crimes against Jewish communities and the need to combat anti-Semitic attitudes and behaviors. He stressed the importance of promoting diversity, tolerance, and understanding among people of different religions, cultures, and backgrounds. Mark also highlighted the role of literature in fostering empathy and promoting inclusivity, which can play a significant role in addressing the issue of anti-Semitism and building a more harmonious society.


The Nowhere to Go But Up Podcast episode with Mark M. Bello was a thought-provoking discussion on important societal issues. From shedding light on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church to advocating for empathy and inclusivity through children's literature, and addressing the rise of anti-Semitism in society, Mark M. Bello shared his insights and perspectives on these pressing issues. As readers and listeners, we can reflect on these discussions and take action to make a positive impact in our communities and work towards a more just, compassionate, and inclusive society. To learn more about Mark M. Bello's books and his advocacy efforts, be sure to check out the podcast episode and his works.