
Aug. 21, 2020

Gabriel Perron (Overhop Canada)

A conversation about how he started brewing, his first beer, the craft beer community, having free reign, upcoming releases, being a metalhead, his brewing playlist, dealing with the pressure & his hangover cure. Throughout …
Aug. 18, 2020

Paulo Jr. (Sepultura)

A conversation about coping with 2020, Cervejaria Bamberg's Sepultura Brews, the Brazilian Craft Beer scene, the soundtrack to his youth, his first shows, spreading culture through metal, staying connected with their fans, h…
Aug. 14, 2020

Ben Griffiths (Nickel Brook Brewing Co.)

A conversation about COVID- 19, how he started brewing, why he still brews, his first experiences with beer, where he draws inspiration, the next big beer trend, a healthy sense of competition, Metal Head IIPA, his time as a…
Aug. 11, 2020

Neil Fallon (Clutch)

Clutch: http://www.pro-rock.com/ Bell's Brewery: http://www.bellsbeer.com/ Bench Brewing Co.: http://benchbrewing.com/ Heavy Montreal: https://www.heavymontreal.com/en Andrew Stuart Photography: http://www.andrewstuartphotos…
Aug. 7, 2020

Daniel Mongrain (Voivod)

Voivod: http://voivod.net/ Voivod's Hypercube Session Tickets: https://lepointdevente.com/tickets/voivodshowlive Daniel Mongrain's Website: https://danmongrain.com/ Brouwerij de Molen: https://brouwerijdemolen.nl/en/ Nickel …
Aug. 4, 2020

Eyal Levi (URM Academy)

URM Academy: https://urm.academy/ Third Moon Brewing: https://thirdmoonbrewing.com/ Support the Vox&Hops Podcast: https://voxandhops.bigcartel.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
July 31, 2020

Vincent Ménard (Messorem Bracitorium)

Messorem Bracitorium: https://messorem.co/ https://www.facebook.com/MessoremBracitorium/ The Last Felony: https://www.facebook.com/thelastfelony/ Endast: https://www.facebook.com/EndastMusic https://youtu.be/yKvLQpHs0Ag http…
July 28, 2020

Adem Tepedelen (Brewtal Truth)

Adem Tepedelen: https://www.ademtepedelen.com/ Parallel 49 Brewing: http://parallel49brewing.com/beers/4 Le Saint-Bock Brasserie Artisanale: http://saintbock.com/ Support the Vox&Hops Podcast: https://voxandhops.bigcartel.co…
July 24, 2020

Justin Maranga (Ancestors & Dune Altar Records)

Ancestors: https://www.facebook.com/ancestorsband https://ancestorsla.bandcamp.com/ Dune Altar Records: https://www.dunealtar.com/ Lagavulin: https://www.malts.com/en-row/distilleries/lagavulin/ Trailway Brewing Co.: https:/…
July 21, 2020

Matt's Origin Story as told by Joe Martel, Katherina Benoit & Mike Marino

Le Saint-Bock: http://saintbock.com/ Central City Brewing: https://centralcitybrewing.com/products/red-racer-street-legal-dealcoholized-craft-beer/ Brewdog USA: https://brewdog.com/usa/ Support the Vox&Hops Podcast: https://…
July 17, 2020

Christian Hector (AHAB)

AHAB: https://ahab.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/AhabDoom And Union: https://andunion.com Arcobräu Moos: https://www.arcobraeu.de/en/# Bench Brewing Company: http://benchbrewing.com/ Support the Vox&Hops Podcast: ht…
July 14, 2020

Albert Mudrian (Decibel Magazine)

Decibel Magazine: https://www.decibelmagazine.com/ https://www.facebook.com/decibelmagazine TRVE Brewing Co.: https://www.trvebrewing.com Nickel Brook Brewing Co.: https://nickelbrook.com/ Thirsty Thursday Virtual Hang: Time…
July 10, 2020

Jamie Graham (Viscera & Unique Leader Records)

Unique Leader Records: https://uniqueleaderrecords.bandcamp.com/ https://uniqueleader.com/ Viscera: https://www.facebook.com/VisceraUK https://uniqueleaderrecords.bandcamp.com/album/obsidian Brakspear Beer: https://www.braks…
July 7, 2020

Ben Gram (Lesser Glow)

Lesser Glow: https://lesserglow.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Lesserglow/ Night Shift Brewing: https://nightshiftbrewing.com/ Ras L'Bock Artisans Brasseurs: http://www.raslbock.com Unique Leader IndieMerch Store: ht…
July 3, 2020

Grimo (Cytotoxin)

Cytotoxin: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Cytotoxinmetal https://uniqueleaderrecords.bandcamp.com/album/nuklearth Chiemseer: https://chiemseer-erleben.de/ Microbrasserie Vox Populi: http://microbrasserievoxpopuli.com/ Unique Le…
June 30, 2020

Cannibal Cam (The Growl- A Death Metal Documentary)

The Growl - A Death Metal Documentary: https://growlmovie.com/ https://www.facebook.com/thegrowldeathmetaldocumentary/ Third Moon Brewing: https://thirdmoonbrewing.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ThirdMoonBeer/ Unique Leader I…
June 26, 2020

Frank Godla (Metal Injection, NiteSoil & Meek Is Murder)

Metal Injection: https://metalinjection.net/ NiteSoil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDF9kNRy3RM Meek Is Murder: https://www.facebook.com/meekismurder/ Spylacopa: https://spylacopa.bandcamp.com/ Microbrasserie Le Fermentor…
June 23, 2020

Max Hébert & Joel Dupras (Sir John Brewing Co.)

Sir John Brewing Co: https://brasseriesirjohn.com/menu-biere https://www.facebook.com/Brasserie-Sir-John-Brewing-co-189668035293191/ Unique Leader IndieMerch Store: https://www.indiemerch.com/uniqueleader Stillbirth: https:/…
June 19, 2020

Kim Dylla (Kylla Custom Rock Wear & Ex-GWAR)

Kylla Custom Rock Wear: https://www.kyllacustomrockwear.com/ South Street Brewery: http://southstreetbrewery.com/ MaBrasserie: https://mabrasserie.com/ Unique Leader IndieMerch Store: https://www.indiemerch.com/uniqueleader …
June 16, 2020

Cameron McBride (Methwitch, Voidgasm, God.thebountyhunter, Bleach Wave, TWELVExTITANS & BRID3)

Methwitch: http://methwitch.bandcamp.com/ Voidgasm: https://www.facebook.com/voidgasm God.thebountyhunter: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA1NdM99anHrJqsVbyBUVDA Bleach Wave: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxPsiVicnyTVc1…
June 12, 2020

Mick Jeffery (Aversions Crown)

Aversions Crown: https://www.facebook.com/AversionsCrown https://www.indiemerchstore.com/b/aversions-crown/ White Rabbit: https://whiterabbitbeer.com.au Birra Bar à Bières Maison: https://www.facebook.com/pg/birrabarabieresm…
June 9, 2020

Luc Beaulieu (Yakima Chief Hops)

Yakima Chief Hops: https://ychhops.com/ Lagabière: https://www.facebook.com/Lagabiere/ Broadway Microbrasserie: https://www.facebook.com/pg/broadwaymicro Unique Leader IndieMerch Store: https://www.indiemerch.com/uniqueleade…
June 5, 2020

John Matos (Abiotic & The Big Shred Podcast)

Abiotic: https://abiotic.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/AbioticBand/ The Big Shred Podcast: https://www.facebook.com/TheBigShred/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYBRNOBcv1vCwLfqK8FdAkw/videos Matt on The Big Shred …
June 3, 2020

Thomas Haywood (Redefining Darkness Records & Seeing Red Records)

Redefining Darkness Records: http://www.redefiningdarkness.com/ https://redefiningdarknessrecords.bandcamp.com/ Seeing Red Records: http://www.seeingredrecords.com/ Into The Darkness Podcast: https://intothedarknesspodcast.c…