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It rules baby. To this day in 2024

Love OND!!
I love you guys! Every episode is a treat and has been consistently for the two years since I discovered the show!

The actual best podcast out there.
OND forever, forever OND.

Nothing Better
Nothing better then an overnight drive for a dark night of the soul.

That Andrew guy sounds hot
Is he as hot as he sounds?

the best!

THE only podcast
The only podcast in existence. Not the only one worth listening to, the only one there is. The others are fake.

Don’t leave the tour
Episode 10 is THE best podcast episode I’ve ever listened to. The rest of the pod is great as well but it’s a 5 star podcast off of episode 10 alone

Albany Style
It would burn my tower if you didn’t listen

The only podcast
It’s the only thing worth your time.

Cohoes Podcasting
It’s like their mental states deteriorate with mine.

I don't know why I like this so much, but I do.
Hans and Andrew need more sponsors so they can get Flea to teach Sean Diddy the bass. I'm looking at you Casper...

Best podcast of all time

Good. But not enough
Sean Doody. Needs more Sean Doody.

Tell your creepy friend
Take the drive.

Overnight Bubs
Anyone who is a fan of Geoff Tate is a a friend of mine.

OND 2020
The boys are funny.

Very Good
I like to listen to this show because it's 2 weirdos trying to navigate this world that is not for them!! I relate!!

It rules baby

Another Sean Doody produced vehicle, fictional characters "Andrew" and "Hans" (Alan Wilmanson and Hank Ballinger, respectively) work their way through the wacky hi-jinx of two 30somethings copping a feel through what we call life. A must listen for anyone from Upstate NY, these fictional short stories blend together to create a modern literature unlike anything you've encountered before. Also, great prank phone calls and mall reviews! Very helpful!

Overnight Drive is The Most
Hans and Andrew are the funniest, wisest, sweetest dudes. Roasted through 22 episodes just this past week.

The Year of Being Real
Real recognize real.

The perfect podcast
Perfect for every man, woman, and child in the world. Cuts straight to the real grit, giving you life advice, financial advice, relationship advice, and, above all, the best love making advice you will ever receive. Andrew holds the podcast in reality, while Hans goes off the rails. The other characters of the podcast, like Gabri (Robin), family man Eric, and abrasive Sean add to the overall narrative of the podcast. Do yourself a favor, download episode one, and buckle into the overnight drive. #overnightdrivecon2015

For Anyone With A Sense of Humor
Don't be lame. All the cool kids are doing it.

Excellent witty banter, story telling and hardcore history. Thanks A&H.

Too doppppeee

broncos baby
These two tell the horrors and embarrassments we've all had but would be too terrified to ever admit. Respectable, encouraging and humanizing, I hope these two keep at it for quite a while. I know they've got plenty more stories to share.

Best Podcast
This is like reading a strong, character driven book. You get wrapped up in the stories almost immediately and it is so good I have listened to it straight through twice.

Great podcast
Two old punk dudes talking about adult stuff. Each episode is acerbic and funny. Occasionally an episode will get really deep: episode ten has Hans flaying himself emotionally to a degree that I've rarely seen in public.