Season 3 Coming SOON!
Jan. 4, 2016

#214: A DiaREIDic Episode

#214: A DiaREIDic Episode

An all new year and an all new MandL! Today, our holiday adventures, baby Melser #2 is almost here, a Runyons robbery, Aly takes a tumble, Lowell saw Star Wars and a new segment called, We’re Over It (#OverIt).  Plus, the MandL bet is...

An all new year and an all new MandL! Today, our holiday adventures, baby Melser #2 is almost here, a Runyons robbery, Aly takes a tumble, Lowell saw Star Wars and a new segment called, We’re Over It (#OverIt).  Plus, the MandL bet is over…did the loser fulfill the bet?