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May 16, 2023

Unleash Your Profit Potential WIth the Revenue Optimization Checklist

Unleash Your Profit Potential WIth the Revenue Optimization Checklist

As an entrepreneur you’re good at seeing and solving other people's problems. But are you as good at seeing the problems within your own business? Today we’re going to discover those blind spots so you can remove revenue roadblocks and multiply...

As an entrepreneur you’re good at seeing and solving other people's problems. But are you as good at seeing the problems within your own business? Today we’re going to discover those blind spots so you can remove revenue roadblocks and multiply your income potential.


1:27 – Mistake #1: You don’t have an irresistible offer

We talked about this more in detail in Episode 22, but an irresistible offer reflects your understanding of your customers goals and needs, and presents a roadmap to get them there. 


An irresistible offer has four parts to it (we’ll be using one of my offerings, the Business Velocity Lab) as an example:


  1. It needs to reflect your client’s dream outcome

On my website: “Build your personal brand and irresistible offer so you can attract more leads and increase your revenue in just 30 days” 

  1. You have to increase their perceived likelihood of success

I’ve included many testimonials from past clients, both video and written

  1. You should deliver quick results

When someone signs up for a Business Velocity Lab, before we even meet they receive access to my online course (The Solopreneur’s Fast Track)

  1. The changes must be easy to implement

I make my team available to implement all of the steps we’ve laid out during our Business Velocity Lab. 


3:45 – Mistake #2: You have not developed your personal brand

Your personal brand helps people know, like, and trust you. You can develop your personal brand in several ways:


  • Create content that shows your thought leadership and personality
  • Speak at online or in-person events
  • Appear on podcasts
  • Be nice to people – whether they’re your client or not. 


4:42 – Mistake #3: Not having a business development process

Personal branding is a passive way to get clients. Business development is the active and strategic process of building relationships that could lead to partnerships. 


Your biz dev process must include: 


  • Identifying the specific prospects you want to connect with
  • Creating content that will provide value by addressing their most pressing needs
  • Actively reaching out and sharing these resources
  • Asking if they want to learn more about how you can help them implement the solutions you just provided in your resources. 


6:05 – Mistake #4 – You’re not easy to work with. 

Personal branding can only go so far; if you’re not delivering your product or service well, you won’t receive any testimonials or repeat customers. In fact, people might warn their friends to avoid your business. 

Your service delivery must include: 


  • A seamless onboarding process
  • A detailed project management system 
  • Consistent and documented communication processes
  • Actively asking for feedback and testimonials


In my own business, I didn’t actually build any of these systems – my director of operations did. The important thing here is that the systems are in place and deliver a smooth experience to my clients. 


To access our step-by-step guide to problem solving in your own business, visit terryrice.co/money