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Starting a business can feel daunting and confusing, but it doesn't have to be.

Launch Your Business with Terry Rice provides emerging entrepreneurs with the critical guidance needed to start a business, save time, and make better decisions by learning from veterans of the business world.

Each week you’ll discover the strategic actions you must take, the specific tools to leverage and how to develop a high-performance mindset that will allow you to thrive, even in the most challenging situations.

For more from Terry Rice, visit his website here


Season one topics and guests include: 

  • How to figure out if your business idea will stand the test of time with Pat Flynn
  • How to navigate change and come out ahead with Jason Feifer (editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur Magazine)
  • Leveraging strategic patience and how to build a powerful network with Dorie Clark
  • Learning how to focus on impact with Nir Eyal, WSJ best selling author of "Hooked" and "Indistractable"
  • Developing a high-performance mindset with Dr. Michael Gervais, High-Performance Psychologist and host of "Finding Mastery"


About your host












Hi, I'm Terry Rice. My overall goal is to help entrepreneurs grow their business, save  time and make better decisions. After leaving the corporate world — which included roles at Adobe and Facebook — I started my own business in order to spend more time with my family and have complete control over my revenue potential.

Unfortunately, I quickly realized there’s a big difference between being good at your job and being good at running a business. Frustrated and confused I spent the next 18 months discovering the actions, tools and mindset needed to succeed as a solo entrepreneur. I now share that guidance with other emerging business owners so they can scale their business without sacrificing their health or personal life. These days I’m a Business Development Consultant and Staff Writer at Entrepreneur magazine. 

I’m also an instructor at New York University, speak at business development events on behalf of organizations including Amazon and Google, and have been featured as a subject matter expert by Good Morning America.

Outside of that I’m usually playing with my four kids, going to Crossfit or telling really — really — good dad jokes. And I'm really glad you're here.

Want to get in touch? Reach out here

If you want to learn more about me and my work, visit my website here