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May 9, 2023

Grow Faster and Make More Money with Fiverr Business

Grow Faster and Make More Money with Fiverr Business

As an entrepreneur, staying competitive in today's fast-paced business world is critical to your success. But how can you expand your team while still remaining agile? During today’s episode you’ll discover how Fiverr Business solves that problem...

As an entrepreneur, staying competitive in today's fast-paced business world is critical to your success. But how can you expand your team while still remaining agile? During today’s episode you’ll discover how Fiverr Business solves that problem for you.


1:30 – Why it’s important to outsource tasks that require too much time or fall outside your expertise. 


4:33 – Meet Sunny Williams 

Sunny Williams is the cofounder of TinyDocs, which is on a mission to improve health and make a billion people smile via short animated videos that help kids understand health issues with accessible language. 


5:23 – The moment Sunny realized he needed outside help to keep his business going

Their mission was big from the jump, so Sunny quickly realized he needed a variety of talents and skill sets to bring that vision to life. 

A big need Sunny felt was creative abilities – he was able to find people to help fill that gap on Fiverr. 


6:45 – The process of bringing people onto the project

Fiverr connects you with talented people from all over the world, so you can get connected with the best from across the globe. 

It’s a good practice to check past work, and talk to the contractors so you know what motivates them, and whether they’ll be a good fit for you and their team. If you’ve done your homework, blending these new people into your workflow should be pretty seamless. 


8:57 – Outcomes

Because Sunny has been able to hire talented people from all over the globe, they’ve been able to create a remote production company. As a team, they’ve created work that’s been recognized by film festivals and grown their presence on social media. 

You might be thinking you can figure it out on your own, but working with other people gives you the opportunity to see a different (sometimes better) way of doing things and enables both of you to work in your Zone of Genius. 


13:08  –  Meet Ari Turner

Ari owns a skincare company called Look Good, Live Well which she describes as stress free care for stressed out skin. 


13:32 – When Ari realized she needed outside help for her business

She says she definitely started too late. She started her company as a reaction to burnout as a makeup artist – fast forward to a couple years later, she’s burning out again, this time while working for herself. 

So she knew she needed to do things differently, and started the process of bringing in contractors to relieve the burden of doing it all. 

So there aren’t just revenue reasons to bring in outside help – there’s also quality of life to consider as an entrepreneur. 


15:10 – The pre work that needs to happen before bringing on a contractor

Ari says she needed to have a “come to Jesus” meeting with herself, and be honest about her working style, communication preferences, strengths and weaknesses. 

She’s a visionary, so she needs someone to help manage her projects and keep her on track. It’s tough to make the right hire when you haven’t sat down and done the internal work to really recognize what you need. 


16:18 – Ari’s process for finding and onboarding a contractor

Up-front communication is very important to Ari, so she tried to get time to talk to each potential team member. She also established a rundown of her brand that she could send over so they’d know what to expect – about her, about her vision for the brand, how they always speak, what they’d never say to their customers, visuals. 

She wanted to bring people on who were excited to invest in her company, so communicating who the company was was key in making those initial hires. 


19:00 – Outcomes of bringing on help

Having an assistant with experience as a project manager helped her keep both her short term and long term goals in focus. It means you have an extra brain helping you keep all the plates spinning. 

With a larger team, you have even more minds and hours at your disposal, all of which can free up your time to work on things that fall within your Zone of Genius. 


20:15 – Ari’s advice to a friend who’s reluctant to bring on remote help

She’s been there, and sat in that place for too long. It slowed down quite a few things within her business. 

To start out, just look to see what’s out there. Start exploring your options without long term commitment.  

Next step: Look at the numbers. Don’t be afraid to sit down with a calculator and estimate the cost of bringing on help – but then also calculate how much your wasted time is costing you. 

Today’s episode is brought to you by Fiverr Business, Fiverr’s premium offering of experienced, vetted contractors who work with  medium to large businesses who have larger teams. Learn more at fiverr.com/business