June 27, 2023

From frustrated to Fulfilled: Craig Siegel Shares the Reinvention Formula

From frustrated to Fulfilled: Craig Siegel Shares the Reinvention Formula

Are you tired of feeling frustrated and unfulfilled? Join Craig Siegel as he shares his revolutionary Reinvention Formula, providing practical strategies and inspiring stories to help you create a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Are you tired of feeling frustrated and unfulfilled? Join Craig Siegel as he shares his revolutionary Reinvention Formula, providing practical strategies and inspiring stories to help you create a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.


3:00 – Introductions

Craig describes his history as having two lives. One before the pandemic, when he was doing what he thought he should be doing, lacking direction but taking each step that society laid out for him. 

His second life started in a dark time period for Craig. His dad was diagnosed with cancer, and he started drinking to escape his reality. Then he felt divinely guided to running – getting to do hard things. Then the pandemic hit, and it gave him the quiet and space he needed to realize he was miserable.  


5:08 – The eulogy exercise

Here’s what the eulogy exercise looks like: You imagine if your funeral was a few weeks into the future. What would be said about you? Did you leave a mark? 

Craig realized he was not proud of what his eulogy would have looked like. He knew it was time for change. 

After that moment, Craig said it was impossible to go back. 


7:00 – How to reinvent yourself

Firstly, you need to know that your thoughts are not facts. You don’t need to be beholden to the stories you’ve been telling yourself, or every thought that crosses your mind. 

You have a choice to invest your time and energy into a new story. 

Instead of thinking about what can go wrong, think about what can go right. 

Start with a list of five or six things that you love. If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you wake up tomorrow and do? Next, Craig says to make another list of five to six things you excel in. What are you really good at? 

Your superpower will be where the venn diagram of what you love, and what you’re good at overlaps. 


9:55 – Overcoming your mindset blocks on pricing


11:38 – Navigating setbacks

There’s a difference between being a failure and failing. 


Failure means you tried something, it didn’t work, and you threw up your hands and walked away. 

Failing means that you tried something, and it didn’t work. This happens to everyone, and as long as you keep rolling, you’ll be okay. As long as you keep trying and failing, you’ll make progress. 


Particularly as an entrepreneur, Craig says you need a thick skin. You can’t take failing personally –you have to be willing to be seasoned by your “mistakes” to ensure that you actually learn from them. Learning from your mistakes makes a short term failing what Craig calls a “good miss.”


13:16 – Craig’s book, The Reinvention Formula

This is the culmination of everything that Craig has been studying over the last 15 years of climbing to “success” and then getting quiet enough to find his purpose and totally reinvent himself.


18:41 – The benefits of the second thought

Scientists tell us that the majority of the thoughts that cross our minds are negative. Craig says the problem is that most of us do not have the tools in place to redirect those negative thoughts. 

Remember that thoughts are not facts. And while thoughts are random, thinking is not. 

You might have a negative thought cross your mind, but if you let it take up residence, then you’re in trouble. What you spend time thinking about cultivates your beliefs, and your beliefs impact your behavior. 


21:38 – How death is the ultimate hack

Craig says that scarcity is often placed in contrast to abundance. But he says that scarcity can be our greatest ally and motivator. If you know your time is finite, you want to use it well. You won’t spend it on things or people who don’t bring you joy. 


25:20 – What Craig wishes he’d learned earlier as an entrepreneur

Where to find Craig: 

Craig’s website

Preorder his book, The Reinvention Formula

Craig’s podcast, The CLS Experience

Texting community: Text “Terry” to 917-634-3796

And anywhere on social media: @craigsiegel_cls