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Oct. 4, 2022

Four Tools to Help You Save Time and Make Money

Four Tools to Help You Save Time and Make Money

Matt Gartland breaks down the critical tools needed to run your business, and how much you should spend on them.

Matt Gartland breaks down the critical tools needed to run your business, and how much you should spend on them.


2:34 – Introduction


3:13 – The difference between a creator and an entrepreneur

Creators and entrepreneurs sometimes have overlap – but there are key differences. 

Creators have the urge to make, to write or edit or film. 

An entrepreneur is the person who’s thinking about the enterprise. How will they build something that can make a profit and grow? 

If you started from a creative mindset, you’re going to need to think about how to grow your entrepreneurial muscle. If you started out just thinking about cold hard cash, chances are you need some help on the creation front to share your services and message – so potential customers can know, like, and trust you. 


8:34 – What tools does a new business owner need (besides a laptop and a dream) 

If you’re working from a knowledge base, you need a place to store that knowledge. Are you using GoogleDrive? How about Notion?

You should also start building your email list as soon as possible. ConvertKit and MailChimp are good options if you’re just starting to dip your toe in. 

If you’re hoping to build a course, start researching the different platforms now. It’s difficult to re-platform after creating five courses in one place – so start doing the homework now to make sure you don’t cost yourself a lot of time and heartache later.


14:50 – Overcoming your reluctance to try new tech

First of all, the barrier to entry on new tech is lower than it ever has been. There is a myriad of low or no code options for everything from email to website to automations. 

You don’t have to use all the mediums (website, YouTube, SEO optimization, courses, all of the social platforms). Start small and work your way out. 

You should also foster curiosity, which will help tech feel less scary. 


18:35 – How much should you spend on tools and tech when you’re just starting out? 

Matt says this isn’t a popular answer, but it should be flexible and consistent with your budget. 

Your budget should function as your compass; you’ll scale up your fancy tools as your earnings grow. So, start with your budget. 


21:34 – What tool should everyone have, but they tend to forget?