Feb. 12, 2024

183 Super Bowl 58 Recap - Harnessing the Power Within: Insights from Firewalking Expert Dave Albin

183 Super Bowl 58 Recap - Harnessing the Power Within: Insights from Firewalking Expert Dave Albin

Join Kris and Kristine as they dive into their Su…

Join Kris and Kristine as they dive into their Super Bowl 58 experience, recounting the exhilarating matchup between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers. Amidst the electrifying atmosphere, they couldn't help but notice pop sensation Taylor Swift cheering enthusiastically from the stands alongside her girl squad. From analyzing the thrilling game plays to dissecting the halftime show performances, including a lively discussion about the halftime show, Kris and Kristine deliver their unique perspectives and lively banter on all things football and entertainment. Tune in to catch all the excitement and insights from this unforgettable Super Bowl showdown. Then later we are joined by Dave Albin. The #1 Firewalk Instructor in America. Firewalking is a 1,000 year old rite of passage ritual where you literally walk across hot burning coals. Having worked for Tony Robbins for 19+ years and starting Firewalk Productions in 2014 Dave has firewalked hundreds of thousands of people. He and Tony Robbins set a World Record in London in 2005 walking over 12,300 people. His success has a scary and violent past. On June 8th, 1988 he put a gun to his head to stop the excruciating pain from both drug and alcohol addiction. http://www.firewalkadventures.com/ https://www.facebook.com/dave.albin.10 https://www.instagram.com/firebuilder2/?hl=en https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-albin https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxcTJfSBSBy4OrkN5f0bfVQ ***** The Kris and Kristine Show ***** http://www.krisandkristineshow.com https://www.kristinesmithdesigns.com K2 RADIO: https://live365.com/station/K2-RADIO-a04551 Email: krisandkristinepodcast@gmail.com Voice Mail: https://www.speakpipe.com/KrisandKristineShow Twitter: https://twitter.com/k2showsandiego Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thek2showsandiego/?hl=en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/k2showsandiego Patreon: www.patreon.com/thekrisandkristineshow