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Hit Subscribe Freelancer Q&A

Audio of the livestream Q&A that we do, answering questions from our community of freelancers.

Recent Episodes

July 24, 2024

What is My (Erik's) Worst Client Experience?

One of the questions that came up in my reader/viewer backlog was specific to me and my background. What is/was my worst experience with a client? View this podcast as a video on YouTube. Link of the week: Using Pytest Fixtu…
July 17, 2024

Is Coaching a Good Line of Work for Independents?

There are all kinds of people billing themselves as (non-athletic) "coaches" out there. As someone looking to go freelance, is becoming a coach a good line of work to get into, specifically in the B2B/professional world? Vie…
July 10, 2024

Should Freelancers Have References, Like Employees?

It's common (at least in the US) for employees to furnish "references," which are essentially friends or colleagues who vouch for them as character witnesses. As a freelancer, should you also do this? View this podcast as a …
July 3, 2024

What Are Taxes Like for Freelancers, Compared to Employees?

When you're an employee, you probably only really think about taxes once per year. But what about as a freelancer? Well... it's a little more complicated than that. View this podcast as a video on YouTube.
June 26, 2024

How Many Hours Per Day or Week Should Freelancers Work?

In this video I field a question about how much per day or per week a freelancer should work. That's not really an easy question to answer because, in a sense, it's not the right question. View this podcast as a video on You…
June 19, 2024

Is Freelancing Riskier Than Employment?

If you're a salaried employee, freelancing or starting a business can seem like a major risk. But just how risky is it, actually? View this podcast as a video on YouTube. Link of the week: Test Automation from Tricentis