Welcome to the Win The Content Game
March 12, 2024

103. Post Less Grow More: Change your relationship with social media

Should you focus on "being" rather than just "doing" on social media? The answer might surprise you. Join Deirdre and Bona, founders of Capsho, as they share how a shift in mindset completely transformed their relationship with social media.

In this conversation with my Capsho Co-Founder Bona, I walk through some key social media realizations I had, like starting your content planning with the desired action in mind rather than sporadic posting. 

By implementing content strategist Katie Brinkley's "four post social media strategy," we have learned to prioritize authentic connection over perception and simplify our process so it feels more natural while being more effective.

Tune in to discover:

  • Actionable ways to implement the four types of posts (awareness, elaborate, community, action) in a genuine way
  • How to write social media content faster while still deeply connecting with your audience  
  • The power of focusing on quality engagements over vanity metrics
  • Why being "intelligently lazy" is the way forward

By the end, you'll walk away knowing exactly how to transform your own relationship with social media to one built on authenticity and ease. The choice comes down to the person you want to be - and the action follows accordingly.

Related Win the Content Game episodes you may enjoy:

How to dominate Social Media with just 4 posts per week

Katie Brinkley’s 4-post framework replaces volume with intention and helps you gain traction with less effort.

Focus and Follow-Through: How to Win the Content Game

In this episode, I share my presentation at Capshovians Live 2024 dedicated to the 3 things you need to win the content game as an entrepreneur.

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Hello. Welcome to win the content game. My name's Deirdre Tshien. I'm Bona Rai, and we are from Capsho. We are.

If you couldn't tell. If you couldn't tell. Oh, yes. Okay. So if you're watching this on YouTube, the video, this was totally by accident.

But we're like, you know what? Let's roll with this. But we are twinsies today. Bona and I, we have the exact same. Can you even tell us apart?

Like, I mean, I feel like people should be able to, but we won't, we won't take offense if you. Because today we look very alike. Okay. I wanted to pretty much jump straight in. This episode is really for us to talk about how it is that we here at Capsho are implementing the strategies that we have our expert guests talking about.

So if you watch the video or listen to the podcast, last week we had Katie Brinkley from next step social communications on, and she was talking about her four post social media strategy. Now, we've been doing this strategy for a few months now. Now just to be transparent, not every guest expert we have on, we will have been doing their strategy for a while, but it just so happened that with Katie, who was the first person we had on, we have actually been following her for post social media strategy for quite a few months. And so in this episode, I actually wanted us to talk about how it is that we're implementing it and how we're implementing it, because this was a promise. If you listen to the premise episode for win the content game, how we're doing it in an intelligently lazy way.

So we're going to break it down for you and really walk you through how it is that we think about it, because it's great. We love strategies, and I know a lot of people here do, but I do find that it's really, really useful to go a layer deeper and actually be like, well, can you give me an example? Or how is someone else actually thinking about this approach and how are they actually implementing it and what tools are they using and et cetera, et cetera. So that's what this episode is about. Sound good?

Sounds good. I'm excited. Awesome. Okay, cool. Now, I first wanted to probably just reflect more, so first on what we've found in terms of who we're becoming.

So I was just, for anyone who joined us on the industry icon live event, by the time this goes live, it would have been a couple of weeks ago, I think it was Josh, Josh Tapp, who is a co host with me on the industry icon live event, was he said something, oh, gosh, was it Josh or was it Joseph? Anyway, they're both amazing men. And they were both your co hosts. They were both co hosts. And it's just really bad.

You can't tell us apart. I couldn't tell them. I'm joking, I'm joking. But yeah, one of them was saying, basically making the point about how so much of what it is that we do as entrepreneurs, it's not actually about doing. And this really spoke to me, I think, because we think so much about what it is that we do, and a lot of the questions that we get asked is like, well, how do I do this?

Or what do I do here? Or it's all about the doing. And the point that was really being made that really shifted. Even the way that I think about how we need to do things, I'm putting that in quotation marks. Do things is actually more so, or the right question to be asking is actually, who is it that we need to be?

So it really comes down to being not doing. And I was reflecting on it for this episode. I was reflecting on that concept about like this whole, so social media is so fraught with a lot of things. And one of those things is our particular perception of what social media is and what we need to, quote unquote, do on social media. All of those things.

But really, I think what it comes down to when I was thinking about the four post social media strategy in particular is like, who do we need to be and actually, who have we become by implementing this strategy? Because before we knew about the four post social media strategy, and I'm sure a lot of people might agree with this, let us know. Leave us a voice note or in the comments, like me, you probably think that you need to be doing three reels a day and eight stories a day and at least one post and a carousel a week. And I don't know, there's like all these rules about what it is that you need to do on social media to have it work for, you know, what I love about what it is that Katie outlined is that it's actually not about any of that. It's actually about who do you want to, like, do you want to be that person who is posting four reels a day and eight stories a day and whatever?

Or do you want to be the person who shows up for your audience in the way that is authentic to you and that will actually connect with them? And I think that was a really, I mean, I know that Katie didn't really quite go into that bit. But I did want to highlight that as, I guess a bit of an epiphany or an aha that I've had through this process, which is know, even before we decide on what strategy it is that we want to or need to follow, we need to decide whether it's the right strategy for who we want to be. Yes. Right.

And so I really want to encourage anyone listening or watching this to make that decision for them as well, because you might have listened to Katie's strategy and you might listen to how it is that we've been implementing it in today's episode. And you might be like, you know what? Not for me, it's not who I want to be. For example, all, if you are looking to be a social media influencer, this is probably not the strategy for you, right? But if you're looking to be an entrepreneur who is intelligently lazy, wint wint, pink, hink, then this strategy, and not only, I mean, from your perspective, yes, you're an entrepreneur, you want to be intelligently lazy, so you want to definitely do less, you want to post less while growing more.

But also, at the end of the day, what we found, and I want to talk to a little bit about, to some of the results that we've been seeing as well, is if you are an entrepreneur who wants to actually think about your audience first. Yeah. And we'll go into a little bit about how we've even thought through Katie's full post social media strategy to bring that to life. But if you've decided that that is the person that you want to be, then this is the strategy that's going to be for you. So I kind of wanted to just start there.

I don't know if you had any thoughts on that. No, I think that's a really great point. Not too much to add to that, other than the fact that even when we were planning the content for this episode, you said, hey, Bona, actually, can we, before we get into the implementation, can we really talk about this frame first? Because I think that's really important. And for me, that was a minimum epiphany as well, to say, well, that should be part of implementation.

Implementation gets a bad rap for just being all of the checklists and the to do things, but the very first step should be about deciding who you want to be. And that, I think then puts you in the right frame to actually take embodied action rather than just action that's been told to you by someone that you respect or you've been told that you should do. Yes, it's embodied action and then it's still not easy to do, to be intelligently lazy. But I think you've set yourself up the right way to then indeed do the things. Yes, for sure.

So I love that. I want to also then go into, like I mentioned, results and I'm not going to start quoting numbers and things like that. But I can genuinely say since implementing this strategy, that I have actually felt so much more comfortable being on social media. You know, I'm not a social media person.

Please don't make me go social part. That I don't love about social media. Pretty much. Pretty much the media, sure. But the social part, social part, not for me.

And I think a lot of that as well, if I'm going to be honest, is because, and I talk about this a lot on like definitely when I'm guesting on other people's podcasts and stuff, is I sometimes feel like I don't really have something to say. I talk about this concept a lot of taking up space and I don't feel like inset word, whether it's like I'm worthy or I'm good enough, or I know enough or I'm experienced enough, or I have really great story. All of the things, all the things to take up space. And so I can definitely say since implementing the four post social media strategy and seeing the feedback and feedback, not by way of people reaching out and being like, oh, your post is awesome. I don't mean that feedback, but feedback with literal, like, they're kind of doing the thing that I've asked them to do, whether that's like to comment on the post or to sign up for a thing that has actually exponentially increased for us to the point where now I'm like, oh, I get it.

Now I get why social media is so powerful. And I don't need to be a particular type of person. I don't need to know a particular thing. I don't need to be this person with experience and amazing stories. I can just be me.

Yeah, I think that's the ultimate irony. Even as you were talking earlier about social media, kind of, there is a lot there about what you need, all of the things you need to do, but also it kind of forces you to project. And in terms of the being part, you kind of have to be this other kind of person that is out there doing all of these things and it's you just the whole point of I think that Joseph or Josh, whichever one who said this. Whoever said both. Yeah.

Joshua. Joshua. I like that. Joshua. That just sounds like I have a speech.

Anyway, Josh Slash Joseph really was about the being at a deep level. And I think ironically, but not so surprisingly, it comes back to being yourself, which sounds kind of really obvious, but it's the least obvious thing. With social media specifically, I think. I think some people find it easier to be themselves on email or other forms of communication, but it is. Social media just creates this pressure sometimes that you have to be an elevated version, which is really just a projected version of other people's false expectations.

I love that. That's great. Yeah. Okay. When I say results, like, yes, we have not like, you know, our post impressions have just gone through the roof.

Our engagement numbers are like way higher. All those things for sure. But they're quality engagements too, and that's the difference. Yeah. But I do want to talk about the feeling instead because I think the feeling is so important.

Because if nothing else, you could have all the numbers in the world and stuff. But if you still feel like you're not making progress or it's not really doing anything for you, then you're never going to keep doing it. Exactly. Right. You're going to stop.

Exactly. So that's kind of what I wanted to talk about. And so I would encourage people. So the first thing we spoke about is, who do you want to be? Who do you want to be?

Especially if you're going to be leveraging social media, just who do you want to be? And then the second thing is, how do you want to feel? Right. Like being on social media, what does progress or success or results actually look like to you? And then translate that into a feeling.

Like, how does that actually feel, I think is so, so important. And then I do actually want to go into a bit of the how, and specifically how it is that we personally have been breaking down Katie's full post social media strategy and actually implementing it. Yeah. So I'm going to let you take it away, Bono, and start with because you do a lot of the heavy lifting, especially around the capture social media stuff. So, yeah, why don't you maybe translate in your, when you listened to Katie's strategy and then I know that you've done your own translation of like, oh, okay, this is how I'm going to think about in my mind.

And then also this is how we're going to start to use Capsho in the right way. I'd love for you to walk us through that. Yeah. So what I love about Katie's strategy, I had a couple of epiphanies, but the first epiphany that I had in terms of how we were doing it before and to be honest, how we built Capsho according to that was she lays it out in terms of the journey that the customer goes on with you, so audience goes on with you, who then become customers with you. So with her four posts being awareness, tip or elaboration, community and action.

It's very much framed in the journey that almost the order. So I should say the sequence in which the audience goes through it to say, oh, they become aware of a topic or a particular perspective and they're like, that's interesting, I have a thought on that. Or I don't have a thought on that. I would like to learn more. Then they get educated or they feel more familiar with that, or they feel more validated about that particular question or topic with your tip and elaboration content.

And then they go, oh, wow, this is interesting. I feel a personal resonance. And then with the community post, it further amplifies it for them because it gives social proof. It connects them with other people in this particular person's community that are the same way or have also got the social proof. And community belonging is so strong.

And then ultimately, then through all of that priming, they become ready. They were like, I wonder how I can learn more, how I can basically take action. And it feels like a very natural step. Now, obviously some weeks are going to be better than others, right? It's not so perfect like that, but that's almost what I loved about that was, I was like, oh, this is whole social media being social thing where it starts with them in mind.

I was like, epiphany number one. The other epiphany seems so obvious, by the way. And I'm like, I'm so embarrassed because it's like, oh, well, of course, it seems so obvious. But everything that seems so obvious. And this is the thing because this is why it's, sorry, I'm going to go on a little mini rant.

This is exactly what this is for. This is why this whole podcast is really just for my mini rant. We need to get you a little ranting chair. But yes, we go on so much about being intelligently lazy, and these are definitely the entrepreneurs that we want to be intelligently lazy. And the reason why that's so important is because, and we spoke about being not doing is because we are so all of like, definitely me.

Definitely Bonner. And you listening to this or watching this, we're so busy doing all the doing where we're doing all these posts and we're doing this podcast episode and we're just doing and we're thinking about what we haven't done and what we need to do. Doing and doing and doing. Now what we have to do is we have to get people to sign up to our thing. And so we're going to listen to our episode and so we're going to do these social media.

We're so busy doing that, we forget that the obvious things like, oh, even if we would like people to take the action that we want them to take, wouldn't it make more sense to frame it in a way that they might actually want to be spoken to about that? In a way that they might want to connect with you on that? It's so obvious. Yes, right. But again, it's not the etiquette we follow in spoken conversation because it doesn't come straight into a conversation.

Buy it. Can I remind you? Oh, actually, that's what we did at the start of this. Look at this. We're from capture.

We did do that every episode. So maybe that might be a style sometimes, but usually 90% of the time we're not starting with that. Exactly. And that's why it is, okay, so intelligently lazy. The reason why, oh, my God, we have to lean into this is so that we can make the obvious.

Obvious it is so that we can actually become the people that we want to be ultimately. I don't know who here. I can't see anyone else on this. You can put your hand down. Who here actually wants to be the type of person, be the type of person who their audience loves and connects with and follows and is essentially the thought leader or the person they go to in that space.

Like my hands up, my hands up, bonus. Hands up. I'm sure everyone else's hands are going up. Right. If that's the person you want to be, you have to decide that first and you have to know that first.

Right? Like, what do you want? Who is that person you need to be? And then the obvious becomes obvious and then the doing will follow. And I think that's why this is so important.

We all start with the doing. Like, we're going to do the four post social media, and then we intellectually understand the concept. Kind of. Because I'm going to be honest, that's kind of where I started because I'm like, okay, well, I'm going to do this thing and then you're so busy doing that. And this was the shift that I needed to make.

Partway was like, oh, actually, wait, who do I want to be first? And then the doing is like a no brainer. Yes. It just makes so much sense. And like you said at the start, when you're in that frame and the doing is hard, or there's certain stretches where you're not feeling as much progress, you're more aligned with why you're doing it, which makes it easier, versus when you go straight into doing and you might have some early success, you may not, but the point being you don't even know why you're doing it, how you want to feel, and it just doesn't feel great.

And then it's very easy for you to burn out. Yeah, I love that. Okay, sorry. That was my mini, that's really important because I think that was almost the first decision that we decided to make when we said, okay, we're going to do this differently. Sorry.

And that's the kind of people that we want to be so that we change our relationship with social media, because people do have a love hate relationship with social media, but we're putting that on our audience. Yes. Which is kind of unfair. Yeah. If you're like, well, I'm feeling really burnt out and antisocial, but I'm going to go to this gathering and I'm going to put it on the person talking to me.

That's not really fair because you should have just stayed home, barely, in that case. So you're like, well, how do I change my relationship and my energy levels with social media? It's actually realizing that you viewed it completely differently and starting a new approach. And then I think that sets you up to go, okay. To have this at 15 me.

So that was the first thing that we realized. And then very quickly we were like, okay, well, we were starting on a very different point to say, well, we're going to promote what we're talking about first. And then our point is to stay on top of mind. So keep adding value. Keep adding value.

Very doing. Remind them that you have this thing that I listen to, promotional post, then keep engaging. Then you have to keep almost shouting and it's like, no, how about you have a conversation? I think that was the first thing. And then the second thing was, okay, about being intelligently lazy and strategic with this was to say, okay, that's the customer journey.

So now we have to start. So that's the journey that they go on. But we can't start like that, where we just open a loop and say, I don't know where we're going because we're the guide. Right. So actually, for us, once we define that, that's going to be their journey that week with us, we have to start with the end in mind, which is the action post to say what is our key action for the week, because that will help drive a lot of things to say, but that's not where we start with them, but that's actually where we start with ourselves.

Yeah. And this is actually really key and a key differentiator. I mentioned towards the beginning of this episode that it was like, if you want to become like a social media influencer, it's a very different strategy. And this is one of the things that does make a difference because, look, we're all entrepreneurs here. We all want our audience to take a particular action, right?

Let's just call it what it is. That is what we're doing on social media. And that is a key difference, is when we can be really strategic and intentional with how we're showing up on social media and who we're being on social media. Part of that intentionality is actually knowing what is the end outcome for us, and then we're going to work backwards to how do we actually just invite people to come forward who also vibe with that? We're not like, forcing it on people.

Now, this is different to if you're a social media influencer, because at some point, once they have the influence, yes, there are more call to actions, but to begin with, all they're doing is they're just like trying to build a following. And so it's a very different game as well. So again, this comes back to who do you want to be? Yes. If you want to be the type of entrepreneur who is very strategic and intentional with how you use social media to drive your business forward, then this is why this step is so important, is like, start with that.

We call it end. It's not really an end. We're not talking about, like, to sell your social media channel for like x million dollars. That's not the kind of end we're talking about. The end literally is like, for that week, what is the action you want your audience to take?

Yes. So the key point there is going back to how being intelligently lazy does make your life easier and it's simpler, but it's actually quite difficult because now you have to have the discipline to say, okay, what is my one action? Rather than kind of just sporadically posting. And I know it's like I want them to listen to my podcast and come to this event and listen to the watch the thing and checklist. It'll be easy.

Yeah. So, yeah, I think that was the other discipline that we did have to hone. I will say, but asking again, intelligently lazy, that's who we want to be. It's going to feel difficult because we're going to have all of these entrepreneurial ADHD elements start to come in, but we have to keep those at bay. Take a deep breath and say, remind ourselves that we're intelligently lazy and we're going to be different, which means we're going to do different.

I love that. Should I wear a shirt anyway? Yeah, I think we should put that on a shirt. Okay. Well, yeah, when you see us on YouTube, at some point we're going to have a different shirt on.

What's it going to say? What is it? Be different. Do different. Yeah, like that.

Okay, cool. All right, so I want to just recap on. So this is really like the first. Okay, so I mentioned already, the first thing is decide who you want to be on social media. The second thing is.

I forgot the second thing with the end in mind. Start with the end in mind. Yeah. And so then where do we go to from there? So the third thing here is really about, before you sort of start creating all your content, is you want to think about what is your angle for the week.

So I think going continuing to go back to social media being social. So rather than kind of just like blur talking about stuff, you've got the action at the end in mind. But there's usually a topic area that that action is either solving for helping people achieve. Again, we're in the business of educating people, helping people, serving people. So what is the overall theme or premise or perspective that you really want to sort of have for the week?

Because I think that is what actually pulls together the theme of the week. I think we're all very guilty of just posting things to say, hey, go and sign up for this thing, or, hey, I'm doing this thing. Did you know? And there's no cohesion for the person. Again, there's cohesion maybe in our mind, because we're thinking about them, all of that in context, but you have to build the mini narrative for your audience.

Now, this is, again, going back to taking a little bit more care for them so that your end outcome becomes more effective. But again, we skip the step two because we're like, surely they know. They just need to be told what to do when really, it's about building that. You know, we call it a premise for the week, but that's really a theme that you want to. And usually the best thing about creating anchor content, like we all do, like whether it's a podcast, YouTube video, educational content that we're constantly creating, in that there's a lot of viewpoints that you're putting forward.

Even what you were just saying today about being not doing that is the premise. We should do it. That's great. Okay. That's going to be the premise.

Okay. So that's a great point. So what we're going to do, if you're listening to this episode is we'll literally implement the four post social media strategy based on this episode. And so if you go to my Facebook, or if you're LinkedIn or Facebook, come and see how we've actually implemented the premise. So the premise we're going to say right now is be not do.

So. That's going to be the premise and just see it in action. This is going to be actually a great way for you to just literally be like, oh, this is what Katie meant when she spoke about each of the different posts and how we've implemented it. Yep. And that's a great idea.

Yeah. And we're going to use cap show as well, too. So let's talk about that actually. Like how in actually bringing it to each of the four posts to life, how we actually leverage Capsho to help us do that. Yeah, exactly.

Because then now that we have a strategy, we're like, oh, let's use the tool that we created. Really easy. Yeah, no brainer. Yeah, exactly. So, yeah, we've already decided on our action for the week.

We probably should decide what is going to be for this episode. So I don't know yet. Stay tuned for that. Yeah, we only have the premise. We'll do that.

Exactly. It'll be a surprise. And you have to take action on whatever it is, whoever's coming to Facebook or LinkedIn to do us a favor by taking the action that we've decided we want you to take. So stick around for post number four like we talked about. The first thing after you've decided the action is to figure out your premise for the week.

So we've done a bit of a shortcut because we're doing it while we're on air, but a lot of the time we record, we forget. So usually where I go. So with Cap show is key takeaways is one of the things, one of the many things that we create that you can actually mine for ideas for a premise, there's a ton more which will be available. We've created another more detailed video around and that'll be available for you to access in the show notes. But for this, the key takeaways is a great place.

You get five and it gives you some really good ideas of the key things that were discussed. And then that can spark ideas for a premise that you can pick. Yeah, and that's actually a really good point. So Bonner and Ash, who is my husband and our third co founder, inside Capsho, they actually did pretty detailed breakdown of how they went on the four post social media strategy, but actually how they've used Captcho and all the different places within Captcho that they've gone to to pull this. You know, Bonnet's mentioned one example of key takeaways, but there's a whole host of other places inside capture where you can have a look around and decide on what you think the best premise is.

And they literally broke that down in the, I wouldn't really call it training, it's more like a BTS. It's kind of like a secondary podcast. Ash has always wanted to start one. He has in concept, but he's never actually been serious about it. And so we made him because he wouldn't stop talking about it.

And this secondary podcast is called players only. Yes. Get it? Like we're winning the content game and we're playing and winning the content. Yeah.

And the detailed beat behind the scenes is like it's the locker room. It's the players only access area for people who are actually invested and they want to get into the detail with us. So that's going to be available. We'll tell you how to get access to that in the show notes. Yeah, so I love that.

Okay, so coming up with a premise. So key takeaways is a really good place to start. Yeah, that's a good place to start. And then now we want to think about our awareness post. So now that we've got the end goal in mind.

So we work through Katie's sequence. So pot and quotable. So we also in capture. For those of you who don't know, we do capture the key quotes. It'd be interesting to see which ones come up for this one.

Yeah, maybe plays only. But again, it reminds you of the key highlights and you're like, oh, I forgot I said that. Or my guest said that. That's actually really, again, quotes are a great place to start because they'll usually have some sort of opinion maybe, or a concept that really brings it to life in a conversational way. So that's a really great place to get ideas for awareness posts.

Again, in that video that did you just mentioned, we do go into more ideas of how you can use capture because quotes may not be it sometimes, but that will give you a really good awareness post. And then, so you've got the awareness posts and then the next thing that Katie does is then recommends we provide a tip or elaborate on whatever. We open the loop up with the awareness post. And this is really, really foundational because it actually helps solidify your sort of reputation with them as a thought leader who's just giving, who's not trying to asking for anything. For anything.

Exactly. But you're also showcasing your expertise, whether that's through your own ip or connecting them with guests, that you may have to share that in community. So this is really, really important. An obvious place in cap show that you can do that is we do generate what we call educational captions. Right now, they're quite long form as well, so you can mine them for different ideas.

But that's a really good starting point. There's a few other places which I've mentioned as well, but that's a good starting point. And we do do this by platform as well, so you can check across all platforms. Yeah. And by the way, I would also mention there that, you know, well, I don't know if she mentioned in the episode last week, but I know that she's mentioned to us that a really great way to leverage Facebook for the elaborate is to do a live, like go live on Facebook.

True. Yes. And if nothing else, even if you took the educational post, I mean, we have a script generator and stuff as well. We have LinkedIn article. I mean, you could use any of those things as scripts, but even if you just took that post, you could just have that as your starting script and totally go live and don't read.

But you want to look like a human and you want to seem like a human, not just a robot that reads. But yeah, there's just so many more ways, I think, that you can be using the content that capture creates for you, even if it's not for a written purpose. Yes, absolutely. Carousel posts come to mind, lots of different forms that same content can be turned into. And you can, and again, you know, Ashen Bonner will break that down in the players only part of the behind the scenes.

So you can just go there and get even more.

So we have then the third post, we have is in Katie's strategy is the community post. Now, this is where it's kind of like the heart of the week, really. So, not to say that these other posts don't have heart, but this is where you really sort of bring it together and kind of share your community, whether that's your community of partners. We do that a lot for cap show, whether it's your community of Capshovians. So there's lots of different ways you can define community.

But the main aim of this post is to make the audience who's been following along on this journey with you, hopefully now for multiple weeks, is to feel a sense of community about the topic that you're discussing that week. So obviously this is something that's very difficult for AI to generate, and this is really where the human part of it really comes into it. So the way that we view it is definitely my breakup for the week, is because capture does so much heavy lifting for me on the other posts, then this is where I can just sit down and say, I've started with the end in mind. I have a premise. I have a topic that we're talking about.

We know what action we want people to take. We know how they want them to feel. We've educated them, we've opened up a loop for them. Sorry. And then educated them on it.

Now it's kind of like, how do we bring the kind of the warm and fuzzy feeling and really sense of belonging with this? So this is where, as a human, I do spend most of the time, as we should, because this is the juice. Right. And this is where I think the human part, in humane way of doing things, comes into it. So again, there's lots of different forms community posts can take, and we've broken that down in players only.

But I think this is where you want to dedicate some time to really start to bring your and your community to the content. And I do have to say that this post is actually the one that gets the most engagement every week, because again, that's the stuff that people love to. It connects with them, and so they want to be involved in that conversation. Absolutely. And I think this is the one where you do when you tag other people, because usually it's so easy for you to just tag someone on like a promotional post and say, hey.

And that's required, of course, but that's almost like table stakes. You should do that. But this is where people go. It's like a surprise and delight for them. Yeah, it's been so powerful for us.

So spend the time here for sure. Exactly. So your human time and brain mostly here. And then finally we have the action post, which is where hopefully all the fun for you as a business owner happens. Yes.

It's like, yes, I finally get to say, get to ask. Do the ask. Take a little bit. So this is when you've built all of this up and then you ask people to take the action. They obviously have been primed throughout.

So again, if your action for the week is to engage with your anchor content, please definitely watch this YouTube video. Listen to this podcast. Capsho makes it very easy. We draft those for you. That's pretty much, you can just lift and shift and edit, of course, and shift.

But if it's not, then this is, again, usually the easy part because you've already started with that in mind. And then it's just a matter of drafting something in a form that makes sense for you, that actually just asks people to take the action. And it could be to comment, it could be to get in touch with you, click somewhere, et cetera. But that's the final piece of the puzzle. Yeah, awesome.

Love it. So Capsho literally, will. I mean, look, how do I not sound biased? I don't think it's possible we have to at least not wear the Capsho exactly, but is literally all there at your fingertips. You just highly encourage that you go and watch or listen to the Players Only segment of this because Ash and Bona will actually show you where to go inside Capsho and what to do in order to bring this whole strategy to life.

It's actually so simple. But you kind of have to decide that that's the entrepreneur you want to be. That's the content creator that you want to be, right? So make that decision and follow on this. Do this journey with us because especially in players only, we're going to keep coming back to this strategy.

We're doing some really cool things in Capsho that will help make this a lot simpler as well, even more simple than it is now. So watch out for that. But we're going to continue coming back to this because if you heard a couple of three maybe episodes ago when I replayed my presentation from Capshovian Live, it's all about focus and it's all about building muscle memory. And so again, decide if that is the entrepreneur, if being intelligently lazy is who you want to be, and if so, it is so important to focus and build muscle memory. And if you're going to be on social media again, if you've decided that's who you want to be, then this is where you need to be building muscle memory in.

Right, I'm going to leave it there. I love it. Another mini rant. Should we over? Should we drop this mic?

All right. Okay, cool. So I hope you enjoyed this episode. Give us feedback, please. This is the new win.

The content game is brand new. We're just trying it out. So we would love to know from you, do you find this useful? Does it even help you start to implement and make some of these really hard decisions and just get going? Because that is at the end of the day like what we want, that's the kind of value that we want to be bringing.

So let us know please. And that's it. That's it. So that was fun. Yeah.

So my name is Deirdre Tshien, I'm Bona Rai and as always, stay intelligently lazy.