Why Not Go for Greatness? Because Normal is A Setting On Your Washing Machine.
Be the person who defies the odds and leaves a mark on this world that can't be ignored.


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Great topics timely and interesting interviews
I’ve found all of Jennifer’s podcasts interesting, uplifting, and the interviews have led me to new books to read or companies to investigate. I’ve cried at some of the heartfelt stories. And I have felt like I have gotten to know the person being interviewed and what they are offering to the listener from their life experience. I appreciate that in an interview where you really get to know the person being interviewed. Fabulous podcast!

Amazing 🤩interviews
I love listening to the interviews, super honest reporting … touching truly

All episodes
Love it!

Love the Guests and Learn So Much
Great podcast. Guests are so inspiring. I listen to this podcast regularly when I am walking. My favorite part is hearing how the guest pushes through really hard experiences. Loved Danielle who climbed Mt. Everest against all odds. Love entrepreneurs who take ideas and create value. Even David Gerstein the artist was amazing. Blind Iron Man -- where does Jennifer find these amazing stories and people? Jennifer does a great job cutting through the clutter and getting to what matters -- GRIT. Keep it up.

Going for Greatness - A GREAT Podcast
I am on the road in my car quite often, so I have become a self-described expert on podcasts and what makes one better than another. What I look for most is whether at the end of the podcast I have all my questions asked and answered. Ms. Weissmann does that with impeccable grace and skill. Her guests have fascinating stories that demonstrate resilience in the face of what seems like insurmountable problems and issues. I come away feeling positive about humanity and our abilities to rise up in the face of adversity and triumph. So I am very grateful to have the positivity that generates optimism and provides real world examples. I also prefer to have some of the personality of the interviewer come through. And it does. To me that means that Ms. Weissman would be someone who I would like to have coffee or share a beer. So I keep coming back to hear more. Keep up the good work!

Great podcast
The guests on the show share inspirational, sometimes moving, and contemporary stories that we can all learn from. Short listen and a great way to start the day.

Great stories of everyday hero’s
Jennifer does an amazing job finding incredible people doing amazing things in the world! Love listening to peoples journeys and stories!

Worthwhile listening
Always such enriching conversations with fascinating and inspiring people. Such a fan of this podcast !!!

Short, inspiring pieces!
I am always amazed by the stories Jennifer brings to us. She has a great energy on her hosting. Overall just a great add to my week!!

Inspiring Indeed
In a time where negative news is everywhere, “Finding Inspiration” is the taste of optimism we need. Jennifer is a gifted interviewer who has sourced unique stories of resilience and perseverance. Each story leaves me with a nugget on how to improve my life, the lives of others or the world as a whole. If you are looking for inspiration, look no further!

In a time when we are constantly bombarded with bad news, it’s refreshing and inspiring to listen to this podcast. Thank you for sparking hope and reminding us that goodness and kindness still exist in this world! Bonus: I love that the episodes are only about 20 minutes - easy to sneak in while doing the dishes after dinner or while walking the dog.
It's my podcast and yes I love it. There is a lot of value here. Worth your time.

Thank you!
Changed my life. I really hope I get to meet you one day. Thank you.

Amazing show, love every bit of it.

2022 changing game narrative in the Middle East
Great and inspiring story. Jennifer is a wonderful interviewer ….

With my coffee
Starting the morning off with a quick inspirational interview sets my mood for the day. After listening to everyday people share their journeys , from a blind marathon runner to an empowered woman and more , I find I hold my shoulders back and remember that everyone takes baby steps to get to where I wanna go . The host makes you feel like you’re part of the conversation. Recommend a listen !

Really gives that hit of inspiration
Jennifer is a captivating podcast host who is sharing the amazing stories of truly amazing people. If I’m looking for a quick dose of inspiration, you’ll find me listening to this podcast.

Expansive podcast
This podcast is fabulous! So positive and truly inspiring. Jennifer asks great questions and brings out the best in her guests. In a world that is messed up in so many ways, this podcast is a ray of hope!

Direct and honest dialogue
Jennifer can always bring out the best details and continues to bring us very interesting and diverse stories/people.

THE Feel-good Podcast!
Love listening to these amazing stories of persistence, grit, and yes, inspiration! Best 20 minutes you can gift yourself every week.

Great podcast
Great podcast.