Get a load of these fries!

What exactly is Curried Chips & Poutine, you didn't ask? We are two human beans who are forever connected by our love of fried potatoes, and enjoyment of presenting each other with ridiculous (but sometimes difficult) choices to make in hypothetical situations. Combine this with a promise that one day we'd take our wholesome, goofy friendship to the internet and voilà!

You've just met the two hosts of this podcast and learned why they're on this journey, but let's get a few more deets about them:

Sareena (she/her/hers): A mythical Scottish unicorn in all her well-coiffed glory, with a penchant for mint chocolate, ice cream and takeaways of all sorts.

Melissa (she/her, they/them): Living proof that wild Canadian megafauna isn't just limited to moose, and a staunch supporter of robot rights.

Join them as they reconnect with each other (and you!) from across the Atlantic Ocean, one Would You Rather question at a time!