Welcome to Coffee Talk…a Venue Managers Guide
July 20, 2022

Summer Series - Reserve At Cottonwood Creek

Today, Sarah & TJ chat with Rosa V, owner of the gorgeous Reserve at Cottonwood Creek venue. Sitting on around 9 acres, they tour the grounds, venues, and vineyard and get the scoop on all the great events hosted and to be hosted!



  • What is the Reserve at Cottonwood Creek?
  • What different of buildings and amenities do you have? 
  • What interested you in opening an event venue? 
  • What services do you offer?
  • What are your plans for the grapes & vineyard?



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Welcome to Coffee Talk Summer Series, all about local venues.
I'm Sarah. And I'm T.J.
Happy Talk.
Summer Series is a podcast about venues in the Bryan, Texas, area.
Our onsite visits will give you a visual look at the venues
along with meeting the staff member,
hearing about what they can offer and information on how to book them.
Each venue offers a unique aspect to any event you might be hosting.
Each week, we're here to share, educate
and enlighten with what is available to you in your area.
Today we're at the reserve
at Cottonwood Creek with Rosa.
Nice to meet you.
That's it.
That's it. That's all I got. Okay. Okay.
We're here.
The outside of the property.
Tell us a little bit about
your property.
Well, we're just under nine acres We've been open just a year in May.
And we have a nice little outdoor chapel which is behind me
where some people choose to have their wedding ceremony.
And this beautiful fountain for pictures you can drive in with on a car
through this little alleyway and be dropped off, like in an antique car.
Or possible horse and carriage.
And it's just nestled in this nice, shady trees
that, you know, it's never been developed prior to to us.
And so how many if somebody was going
to have a ceremony out here, how many seats we can seat up to?
250, possibly a little more if we tear down a tree.
But we don't want to do that.
Relocate the tree.
Absolutely. Yeah.
That's awesome.
It's really pretty.
We're all about trying to keep things as natural as possible and but still
giving show and its beauty, you know, here in the middle of downtown. So.
So as far as the acreage goes, how much of this did you guys start with?
Did you start with the building that's up front and then expand upon here?
We started with just the land by itself, and that was around close to seven acres.
So what we started out with was just land.
It was the parking lot area which was already cleared and then this wooded area.
And initially we were going to build something
from scratch but then we were presented
with the opportunity to purchase the building next door
and the little cottage and the cottage we used as a bridal cottage.
So it's an entire house that the bride and her party gets for the entire day.
So it's really nice because they can keep their things in there.
They have a kitchen,
a living room, a little breakfast area where they can have brunch and just relax.
And then there's of course, there's a dressing room with seven vanities.
So it's really nice for them. Vanities.
Yeah, it's
really nice for them to hang out and just have the whole place to themselves.
So I'm sure I know seven people to be a bridesmaid at.
You know, sometimes it's not enough.
Why it gets it gets busy in there.
And it's not just bridesmaids.
But, you know, the mother of the bride,
mother of the groom, friends, makeup artists, hairdressers come in there.
It's it's crazy in there, but it's fun to be
put in a keycode lock on the door, make sure nobody can get.
Yeah, exactly.
So and then the ballroom was just an industrial metal warehouse.
It was very, very primitive.
And my husband had this amazing vision and got with an architect,
and we made something a lot more beautiful. So.
So that was going to be my next question.
So why did you guys decide to do a venue?
You know, I really don't know.
This idea was it was probably my husband's.
We know nothing about the wedding business.
We didn't. We have learned a whole lot. Yeah.
But you know, you know, now I was a nurse.
I'm still a nurse.
And my husband, we own a four covering company right down the street.
And the school I worked out was less than a mile from here.
And he's less than a mile from here.
So we thought, oh, that's easy, you know?
And we love to host people.
It's it's amazing to be able to be a part of it.
Plus, watch it.
I mean, it gives you a lot of joy,
you know?
So I don't know, we just really wanted something
in the middle of downtown Brian that had parking and had space
and a place for not just weddings, but we have Christmas parties,
we have retirement parties, sorority events,
political things, just a place in downtown, Brian, where people can,
you know, gather and celebrate and with space
and parking and and enjoy this natural beauty.
I like that. It's in downtown brand.
It's so close to everything, but it doesn't feel so.
You can't let me down.
I was just thinking that, like, what you do from a train
to downtown Brian, that's just
doesn't matter where you live and you have six, actually.
Yeah. Yeah.
So how many people do you what's the the largest event you guys have hosted?
Well, our capacity is like three 80.
We've been at, like, three 50.
Okay, that's good to know.
And what's really nice
is because we're close into town, you're close to hotels, restaurants.
It's somebody forget something and you're like within minutes of
going to grab it at a local store or, you know, what
have you, you're not having to drive, you know, a long way.
So that's, that's the beauty of that.
I like it in your book.
And I was like, Oh, this is awesome.
And I thought, yeah.
So are there anything for you as far as outside events?
Is there anything that's off-Limits that you don't allow?
We have to be careful because we're in the city with fireworks.
Of course, we have allowed sparklers that a fire marshal was present
and there's some extensive like, you know, not paperwork,
but the planner has to be there.
They're there has to be a, um, choreographed kind of thing
with instructions and things. Yeah, exactly.
As far as nothing not allowed, I allow dogs
because I'm a pet lover myself.
But no, I'm not anything else.
probably no open fires.
Yeah. Yeah.
I would think like the common sense stuff.
Just regular city ordinances.
Okay, so wait, so you just said event planner.
So what services do you guys provide?
Is the venue where the venue like the building manager
I do for weddings require a day of coordinator or planner
or just something somebody
that's going to be able to facilitate what the bride wants.
And we're not planner, so, you know, we don't get to know
the right as well as a and stay up for date or planner work.
So I do require that.
But we we're here two or three of us staff are here the entire time
to make sure everything's clean and stays intact
and checking to make sure there's not anything the wedding planner
needs or anything so any needs that aren't being met.
And so, you know, we're here
the entire time watching the building, making sure everything's cool and clean
and they're not breaking fire safety coach.
Exactly. She's like, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I like the behind the scenes
that no one wants to know about is pay attention to the front of it.
So you want to walk inside?
I guess I saw that chandelier. I'm ready.
Yeah, I feel
and welcome to our ballroom.
I love it.
It's pretty chandelier.
So it's so cute.
We need these.
So what do y'all provide in house?
I noticed obviously you have chairs and tables.
Is that what y'all keep in?
How we do?
We keep we keep goldfish of our chairs.
We have 400 and tables to accommodate up to 400.
And we set up and tear down the tables
and you're able to do on layout online on all sitcom.
And so we get with our clients at least a couple of weeks
before to try to get an idea of what they're how they want their floor plan.
So we can get that ready for them
and they're able to help and work with us in setting up their for plan like they
would like.
And then we have rectangle tables you know, several of those
to help accommodate caterers, gift tables, things like that.
We also have cocktail tables, which are the high bar top tables
where sometimes people will lay out here in front of the bar.
So sometimes it's quieter over here if the music's down that way.
And then people can just kind of hang out and talk and have a cocktail.
Also, the cocktail tables come in, in handy outside because it's
sometimes it's really pretty outside when it gets late at night.
And so I'll show you that Astroturf area and a little bit Astroturf.
So if somebody wanted to do like family style seating
with six by 30 plus, could
they bring those in? Yeah, absolutely.
Whatever they you said you had a few of them. That I did.
We don't have enough to accommodate, you know, 380.
So but we do have some
Brian Esty school events coming up this summer.
We recently did their retirement ceremony, which was so cool to be a part of.
I was I worked at Brian last year.
I was a nurse for them.
And so after that I had some Brian
Esty employees reach out to me about having retreats here.
It's just kind of like a neat idea for them to get out of the school setting
and they're able to be somewhere else, go outside if they'd like tea.
So they're having some training this summer here, so I'm excited about that.
And then we do host corporate events as well, such
as this retreats and Christmas parties and things like that. So
would Charles policy on catering,
as long as they're a licensed caterer, you know, all their insurance
and health departments required, fulfilled that are fulfilled.
There's not a caterer that I won't work with just as long as they're insured
and they have their proper inspections from the health department.
So who we are seeing as far as caterers go, who's been in here the most?
Puppies. We love puppies.
They're great.
Well, good they do a lot of wedding catering.
Yes, they do. They do.
But we recently had one with five girls, and I thought that was pretty cool
because I didn't know they did catering and everybody said it was delicious.
So I love anything local.
That's what we're working on right now
is finding those abnormal, I guess you would say, caters.
I don't know if they're abnormal or not.
Because I've only been in this business a year, but Napa Flats, they do catering
and they're great and we love to eat at Napa Flats.
We go there at least once a week.
So yeah, we have them do some of our office stuff yes.
We have a great I do like that.
They have the mobile people pizza oven.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So we've come across some really great caterers.
We even before
our ballroom was open, we even hosted a 50th birthday party
for a friend of ours and they did it around the fountain
and they had a taco truck like parked there on that little walkway.
So that was kind of cool
because people would walk up and order their food
and the seating was all around the fountain.
We also did a green dunk around the fountain
so it was like dunk a ring around the fountain or something like that.
That was really cute.
So yeah, it's okay. Cool.
Do a lot of fun stuff out here. Yeah.
And here's our bar area we actually didn't
finish this ball bar area too, like early fall.
It was kind of a little bit after we opened, but it turned out beautiful.
That's nice. It's nice.
Well, and then so we didn't forget about the guys,
so they have a nice little kind of man cave that they can hang out.
And it's conveniently close to the bar for like right here.
You can be perfect
for like a breakout room if you were having,
you know, a big meeting over there and the exact place.
And whenever I have had like events where it's not a wedding,
you know, like the people coordinating will set their things in here.
It's kind of a place and there's a full restroom and shower in here.
So like if they've been here decorating all day,
they're able to kind of freshen up in that rest area. So
yeah, we so
we have a vineyard out there and it was, oh, well, come on,
if y'all want to learn research with me on how to make wine.
So what kind of grapes are there?
You know,
their why they are black Spanish maybe.
I hate to say black Spanish and it's not.
I know there's a brilliant one called Brilliance.
I planted two kinds back I don't remember anymore
and I don't know which one is what, because we didn't have great slasher.
This is our first year that we're going to have grapes, so.
But yeah, whatever, we'll find out what's your take?
Different colors or anything.
Yeah, but they're specially for, like, roses
as like, uh, roses and jellies.
So I guess this house is 101 years old.
We call it the Century House.
For the last year it was a hundred, but it was on the property and
and we did a little bit of, you know, spikey in up to it.
Yeah. And, but it's just, I love coming here.
I'm here
sometimes during the summer, like just
we just hang out here because it's so comfy here.
So you have this cool dining area, we can have brunch,
and then I meet with clients in here, potential clients
well, thank you so much.
Beautiful piece of property.
We really appreciate you taking time out today.
Um, do you have anything you want to add?
Yeah, hopefully we can have a Christmas party. Absolutely.
I believe it. Let me know.
Appreciate y'all contacting me.
And I'm.
I'm just so proud to be able to show this off to everyone,
and I hope somebody gets the chance to come out here and enjoy it soon.
And if you don't think you can run a venue, you can run a bit.
bye bye.
Thanks for joining us this week on Coffee Talk Summer Series.
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If you enjoy the show, tell your friends about us
where just drop us a comment and let us know how we're doing
and if there's a local space we should check out.
I'm Sarah.
And I'm T.J. Thanks for listening.
Rosa VillanuevaProfile Photo

Rosa Villanueva

Rosa V, owner of the gorgeous Reserve at Cottonwood Creek venue. Sitting on around 9 acres, they tour the grounds, venues, and vineyard and get the scoop on all the great events hosted and to be hosted!

Sarah ChrasteckyProfile Photo

Sarah Chrastecky

Co-Host of the Coffee Talk Podcast & Director - Annenberg Presidential Conference Center

Sarah Chrastecky is the director of the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center, where she oversees all aspects of the operation.

Chrastecky graduated from Texas Lutheran University in 2006 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in studio art and a minor in psychology. Upon graduation, she moved to the Bryan/College Station area.

In the summer of 2009, Chrastecky began working for the APCC and caught the industry bug. During this time, she had the opportunity to expand her knowledge and passion by attending and graduating from the IAVM Venue Management School. In October of 2012, she transitioned to an associate director position for Chartwells Catering at Texas A&M University to continue her experience and business interests. She returned to the APCC as the manager in the summer of 2015. In February of 2017, she stepped in as interim director until June of 2018, when she accepted the director position.

Chrastecky is the mother of two beautiful boys and wife to a golf course superintendent. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, game nights, family movie nights and entertainment provided by sarcastic 10 and 4-year-olds.


Tracy "TJ" Hefti

Co-Host of the Coffee Talk Podcast & Event Manager at Annenberg Presidential Conference Center

Tracy ‘TJ’ Hefti is originally from Houston, Texas, and joined the APCC in 2018. She has over 10 years of experience in various service industry roles and is excited to bring those skills to Texas A&M. TJ has her Certified Meeting Professionals (CMP) certification, as well as the Certified Professional in Management certification (AMA-CPM). In her free time she enjoys creating art, exploring and supporting local cuisines and spending time with her family.