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March 2, 2022

Psychotherapist Abby Havermann Reveals Key Elements to Raising Happy Kids With CMT

Psychotherapist Abby Havermann Reveals Key Elements to Raising Happy Kids With CMT

Psychotherapist turned coach, author, and NeuroChangeSolutions trainer Abby Havermann, mom of a child with CMT 2A, focuses on taking charge of her life by consciously choosing who she wants to be every day. Incorporating the teachings of researcher Dr. Joe Dispenza, Abby is raising her son, Jaden, to connect with his emotions, find his inner power, and tap into his limitless potential. Abby has created a unique platform for Jaden to master his thoughts and move beyond perceived limitations using conversation, thought-provoking questions, breathwork, and meditation.

Abby explains how your mindset and belief system affect everything in life, from what you think and feel to how you react to the external world. Learn, listen and share these empowering tools with your children, so they too will be able to move beyond personal limits with conscious decision-making and insight.

For more information about CMT and to support the CMTA, please visit www.cmtausa.org