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Sept. 2, 2021

Casting Views - The Trailer!

Casting Views - The Trailer!
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Casting Views

Welcome to the trailer for a brand new podcast called Casting Views. We are an Uncle and Nephew who always enjoy having a conversation about a wide variety of subjects - so we thought why not release them as a podcast! Hopefully you will enjoy listening to them too - some episodes will be serious - some more fun, but we will always aim to entertain.  So please do click the subscribe button wherever you are hearing this on to ensure you don't miss out. Our first episode will release soon, To keep up to date with our episodes and release dates please follow us on: 




If you fancy dropping us an email to give suggestions for future episode subjects, to comment on any existing episode or even just to say hi! Please email us at castingviewspod@gmail.com.  

Cover Art: Casting Views

Music: Casting Views