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Aug. 4, 2023





That's the question I've posed myself this week. Why do I choose the subjects I choose for the pod?

Well to answer that I guess I have to go back to the start. Why did I choose a general topic podcast? While i was contemplating starting a pod of my own I knew I wanted it to be a variety one. I had just assumed it would be really easy picking random subjects every week .......

Well yeah, i mean there's literally thousands of subjects out there. Turning them into something I would want to listen to - that's the challenge and what keeps me on my toes.

So why do I choose what i do?

Well - firstly its choosing subjects I genuinely have an interest in. If I have a passion or interest in a topic, hopefully that comes through. 

After that its a combination! I might be listening to the radio and something might hit me. I might be watching a film and a random thought may occur. It could be a bit of inspiration from a walk I'm on. It could be something that formulates during a conversation with someone or a random message from a whatsapp group I'm in.

However they originate they go on my "idea board" where they reside until i work an episode out! It's this last part that I love the most - taking a few words on a board and turning it into a conversation between myself and guests.

Recently I have also enjoyed looking at podcasts I will be collaborating with to see if there's a topic that strikes me with synergy between the two pods. 


So if you are reading this , firstly thank you , but secondly - if there's a topic you would love to hear - why don't you let me know !