Broadcasting the Truth of Jesus Christ
Feb. 23, 2024

The Plenary Indulgence available Fridays during Lent

The Plenary Indulgence available Fridays during Lent
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Currently Funded through Easter Sunday March 31, 2024

As we continue our journey this Lent please prayerfully consider a monthly tithe to help keep
Charlotte’s first Catholic Radio Station AM1270 WCGC on the air through the Lenten and Easter seasons. 

We continue to cut monthly expenses to meet the level of annual donations and monthly pledges which will allow us to pay our creditors and continue operating the radio station on a bare bone budget. 

Please pray for the success of this ongoing campaign to keep our Digital and Radio Evangelization efforts alive.
Aside from the radio station, we continue to move forward developing our 6 other media platforms to deliver strong 3-Diocese (3-D) coverage of timely news that Carolina Catholics can use! 

These platforms include:
Carolina Catholic Weekly eNewsletter

Carolina Catholic Mobile App

Carolina Catholic YouTube Channel

Facebook/I-Gram/X-Twitter/LinkedIn Social Media website

Internet Streaming/Podcast & Video Library

2024 Pledge Goal: $5000 per month / $60,000 annual

On January 31, CAROLINA CATHOLIC MEDIA celebrated 5 years 
evangelizing the TRUTH of JESUS CHRIST
across the Carolinas! 

Please Join Us as a Monthly Sponsor/Underwriter! 

 Your gift is 100% tax-deductible  
TAX ID # 81-5061992


Carolina Catholic Media is committed to share our Catholic Christian faith in this digital age with Local Evangelization that proclaims the TRUTH of JESUS CHRIST to counter the dark, disordered Godless messages of our secular culture. 

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 ENGAGE with us on the Carolina Catholic App.
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For more information contact

David M. Papandrea, OFS
Phone/Text:  704.880.0260
Carolina Catholic Media is a 501©(3) Tax-Deductible Non-Profit


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Please speak with your financial advisor about the above and please consider a contribution to Carolina Catholic Media which is a non-profit charitable entity.
Thank you and Happy New Year.

Richard G. Hoefling
Attorney at Law/Officer
Carolina Catholic Media


Pray The Holy Rosary Daily

JESUS IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, The Messiah Who has come not just for the Jew but the gentile; not just the righteous, but the sinner.


Hallow's Official Big Game Commercial
Pray with Mark and Jonathan Every Day this Lent

Hallow: Prayer & Meditation

After Super Bowl Ad, Catholic Prayer App Hallow Sees Biggest Spike in Its History

National Catholic Register

Pope: "Lent is a time to ‘encounter wild beasts and angels"
Catholic News Agency

Pope: "During Lent, leave appearances aside and listen to God"
Catholic News Herald

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly highlights ‘loneliness,’ ‘throwaway culture’
Catholic News Agency

Pope Francis announces YEAR OF PRAYER
to prepare for 2025 JUBILEE

The Catholic Telegraph

Demonizing Parents, Heroes Leaves Nation Vulnerable

Michele Morrow is a North Carolina Christian wife, mother, nurse, educator, and conservative activist. She became engaged in civics nine years ago, after observing the dramatic decline in education, and medical freedom. Michele has been featured on CNN, NBC, ABC, OAN, and the BBC. She is affiliated with multiple grassroots groups including FreedomWorks, LibertyFirst Grassroots, NC Conservative Coalition, Education First Alliance, NC Values Coalition, Protect Children’s Health, and Color Us United, as well as her county Republican Party. Michele currently serves as a Core Member of the Pavement Education Project (
Read More Michele Morrow —  Here

Catholic Men's Conference of the Carolinas

A huge thank you to everyone who attended, supported, and assisted
with the 2024 Men's Conference!

Full 2024 Conference AVAILABLE NOW on our YouTube Channel!

Mark your calendars for February 8, 2025,
for the 15th Annual Catholic Men's Conference of the Carolinas!

#mensconference #catholicmensconference #catholic #catholicmen #masculinity #manhood #faith #fatherhood #provider #protector #father #husband #ironsharpens #realmenpray @catholicmensconference
Diocese of Charlotte

'Standing up for the innocent’

People young and old take part in 18th annual March for Life in Charlotte
Catholic News Herald

Diocese of Raleigh

Diocese of Raleigh

Does the distance between you seem wide? Are you already separated? Looking for a better way?  Retrouvaille is a peer ministry of volunteer couples that can help you learn the tools of healthy communication, build intimacy, and heal, just as they have done in their own marriages. Retrouvaille is Christian-based and Catholic, but welcomes couples of all faiths as well as non-religious couples.Retrouvaille can help get your relationship back on track.  For more information about our upcoming Retrouvaille Weekend program in Raleigh on March 8-10, 2024 visit the following link:
South Carolina’s only basilica enters
third century of worship with big changes

Carolina News and Reporter

2024 Diocesan Eucharistic Congress

April 6, 2024

Columbia Convention Center, Columbia, SC

Our diocesan Eucharistic Conference planning is underway.
Join us April 6, 2024, in Columbia for music, speakers,
Eucharistic Procession, Adoration and so much more!

Diocese of Charleston Facebook Page 

Carolina Catholic Media

Facebook Page

Parish/School/Ministry highlights across the Carolinas! 


Saint Michael Catholic School 

82 years ago, our school was just a 5 bedroom house with only 22 students~
#saintmichaelcatholicschool #the1942fund #catholiceducation #nccatholicschools


Sacred Heart Catholic School

We had some special visitors come to SHCS for Presidents' Day this week! Look at all these presidents and presidents' wives who came to speak about who they are! They look great, and they spoke wonderfully! They even took the time to parade around to each class and share a fun fact about themselves.

St Leo Catholic School

Our 7th and 8th Grade students had a visit from Bishop McGuinness' Model UN representatives today to prepare them for their upcoming Model UN debate next week.  @bishopmcguinnesshs

The Call of Catholic Schools to Open the Child’s Path to God

National Catholic Register

Catholic Schools See Resurgence of Classical Education

COMMENTARY: A robust renewal of Catholic education in our country is under way.
National Catholic Register

Catholic schools near capacity as enrollment deadlines approach

Catholic News Herald


SJCS Facebook Page



Rosary Rally This Weekend 
Sat/Sun. Feb. 24/25

Praised be Jesus Christ and Ave Maria!  

This a a group e-mail sent under BCC.  I need to give all of you
Soldiers for Christ the important following information in regards to our
Rosary and protest against Paranormal Cirque at Concord Mills Mall.  
Please pass this on with anyone you may have communicated this event to.

1.  We will be praying at the corner of Thunder Road and Concord Mills boulevard. This is the only place there is public sidewalk on that side of Concord Mills boulevard. We cannot be anywhere on the mall property or standing on the street that encircles the mall that is all private property. There is a Visionworks and a Burger King at that corner that we will be at so that can hopefully give you a visual of where we will be located. You will have to find parking on your own. There are some businesses right by that sidewalk I plan on going in and giving one of them my business and leaving my car at their lot if that will be okay.  Also I would park on that side of the boulevard so you do not have to ever cross a big busy road. You will have to use your own judgment on where you park.  Whoever is planning on coming please let me know if you can if you're coming on Saturday or Sunday. At this time we only have a couple of people signed up.

2.  I will have a banner that is provided by America Needs Fatima that says 'Satanism is part of the problem not part of the solution".  If you're able to make your own sign that would be helpful because this banner does not really mention at all the Paranormal circus going on. We need the people that drive by to connect all the dots. So anybody that can make a sign that says paranormal circus is evil not funny. Or anything along that line would help. We need the people to understand we are out there because of the Paranormal circus. We will not be super close probably to the tent area where they are coming in at all but some of the people may certainly have to drive in that entrance that is off of Thunder Road to enter the mall property.  This is a very visible location where we will pray regardless for people driving by.  It is a very busy road I do not recommend children being at this event.  

3.  The prayers we will be praying are the prayers in the Rosary Rally manual.  
Open with Immaculate Mary
Holy Rosary
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Litany of Saint Michael the Archangel
Prayer of Total Consecration by Saint Maximilian Kolbe
The Divine Praises
Close with O Sanctissima

4.  On Saturday night they have two shows one that starts at 6:30 p.m. and I believe the other is at 9:30 p.m. feel free to come and stay only as long as you can. If anyone is up to it we can take a break and grab something to eat nearby and then go back out and try to be out there for the people coming in for the later show and then leave by 10:00 p.m. feel free to do what you want but it would be nice to be able to be visible to some of the people coming to the later show too if we can. On Sunday there is only one show at 5:30. Our arrival times are a half hour prior as you can see. That way we can already be praying as people come in to the shows. Any question you can email me or text or call me at 704-301-2531.  

See you out there to pray.... Viva Cristo Rey!
