Over the past several months Carolina Catholic Media has been in negotiations to sell Charlotte’s first Catholic Radio Station, AM1270 WCGC-Belmont. Keeping the radio station Catholic has been our number 1 priority. To that end we found a partner committed to keeping it Catholic. Expanding our radio signal coverage has been our second priority. In recent weeks we identified a viable opportunity to upgrade our coverage area to include the I-85 East corridor including both Cabarrus and Rowan counties. This would dramatically increase the reach of Catholic Radio in the Charlotte Metropolitan Area from approximately 600,000 to 1,100,000. The third and final priority has been to secure a long-term lease with the landowner of our tower site in Belmont. After numerous attempts a long-term land lease was not attainable. Without a long-term lease or purchase of the land under the radio towers we are unable to sell the station or continue operating it ourselves. This year’s fundraising totals were dramatically under operating expenses of which 80% are attributable to the radio station. We are making this announcement now in hopes that your year-end donations and monthly pledges will allow us to pay our creditors. The success of this pledge drive between now and December 31 will determine whether we stay on the air or shut down the radio station prior to our fifth anniversary on January 31. Regardless of what happens with the radio station, we are prepared to move forward with our 6 other media platforms to deliver strong 3-Diocese (3-D) coverage across the Carolinas.
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2024 Pledge Goal: $5000 per month The Drive to 5On January 31, 2024 CAROLINA CATHOLIC MEDIA will celebrate 5 years evangelizing the TRUTH of JESUS CHRIST across the Carolinas! WILL YOU JOIN US AS A MONTHLY SPONSOR/UNDERWRITER? Your gift is 100% tax-deductible Carolina Catholic Media is committed to share our Catholic Christian faith in this digital age with Local Evangelization that proclaims the TRUTH of JESUS CHRIST that intentionally counteracts the media messages of our disordered, post-Christian secular culture. DOWNLOAD us on your smartphone and ENGAGE with us on the Carolina Catholic App.PRAY * LEARN * WATCH * LISTEN * SHARE For more information contact: David M. Papandrea, OFSPhone/Text: 704.880.0260 David.Papandrea@CarolinaCatholicRadio.orgCarolina Catholic Media is a 501©(3) Tax-Deductible Non-Profit
St Mark Catholic Church Monsignor Bellow’s Obituary
We are so blessed to have been a part of his life. Please continue to pray for the repose of his soul. Thank you to Carolina Funeral Service for his obituary:
A Vigil will take place on Monday, November 27th from 4-8PM at St. Mark Catholic Church, 14740 Stumptown Road, Huntersville.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Tuesday, November 28th at 11AM.
Interment will take place at Belmont Abbey Cemetery.
Courtesy of Carolina Funeral Service: https://www.carolinafuneral.com/obituary/Richard-Bellow
Thank you for bringing Christ to us: “In silence To be there before Thee, Lord, that’s all... READ MOREUnder Monsignor Richard Bellow's leadership, Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration was inaugurated at St. Mark Parish in Huntersville in 2011, and the Adoration Chapel was later renamed in his honor. “If God wants me to be remembered for one thing, that’s what I want to be remembered for: being the pastor here when God did this good work in us,” he told the Catholic News Herald in 2013. Learn more about the life and ministry of Monsignor Bellow, who passed away Nov. 13 aged 80: https://bit.ly/47xgIga
Letter asks church to distinguish between Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks and civilian casualties from Israel’s war in Gaza  JEWISH. INDEPENDENT. NONPROFIT.
National Catholic Register
Mass of Consolation & Baby Loss
One in four pregnancies ends in loss, typically due to miscarriage. Baby loss can also be due to stillbirth or a life-limiting diagnosis. Jessica Grabowski of the Office of Family Life and Heather Martin of St. Mark Catholic parish join Elizabeth Harris, Pro-Life Correspondent, to discuss the difficult experience of perinatal loss at any stage. Parents and families deserve support and to know resources when they are experiencing loss and how to grieve and heal in a way that honors their child and respects their Catholic faith. All bereaved families are invited to attend the upcoming Mass of Consolation to find solace and community. Listen to learn more about the resources available in the Diocese of Charlotte and beyond. |
 Christina Lee Knauss Catholic News Herald
Nov 1, 2023 By Most Rev. Jacques Fabre-Jeune Diocese of Charleston
November 14, 2023
Diocese of Raleigh
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Parish/School/Ministry highlights across the Carolinas! |
#WaybackWednesday is taking us back to Community Helper Week when JK and TK had a fun visit from Salisbury police officers, Sgt. Bouk and Det. Basinger! They read Officer Panda: Fingerprint Detective before taking their own fingerprints! Then, they showed us the police cars! Thank you to Sgt. Bouk and Det. Basinger for your visit!
During the Holiday season the Angel Tree Ministry partners with local charities to provide gifts to struggling families right here in our community. This year again we can only accept gift cards or check donations. The collections will begin at all masses on the weekend of November 18 and will end on December 10. Donations can be dropped in the offertory boxes at the main and Waxhaw campuses during Mass. In addition, they can be mailed or brought into the church office Monday through Thursday, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm, and Friday, 9:30 am – 1:00 pm. For more information about how to donate, visit stmatthewcatholic.org/angeltree
The Knights of Columbus are collecting coats for kids in need. Collection boxes can be found in the church and school.
· SAVE THE DATE!!  Fall Bingo Night and Bake Sale  Kick back and relax after Thanksgiving weekend at this family friendly parish event! Guest callers from our various ministries will call every other round with our own clergy calling in between!  Youth Ministry  Catholic Tots  Knights of Columbus  ACES  Altar Servers ....and more! No registration needed! Just show up and pay as you play. Cash, Card, and Check accepted. We will have a bake sale and refreshments too! Open to all - not just parishioners! Bring your friends and support our renovation efforts! Our auction fundraiser brought in just over $20,000 so we are on  fire
National Catholic Register SueAnn Howell
Office of Family Life - Diocese of CharlotteWhen you look deeper at Natural Family Planning (NFP) Awareness, perhaps you are wondering why the Church prohibits contraception and encourages NFP instead. It comes down to the dignity we have being made male and female in God's image and the call for a married couple to be a truthful sign of God's love in the marital act. The best preaching I've heard on the topic is from Fr. Patrick Schultz on his podcast Slaking Thirsts. Do yourself a favor and subscribe to the podcast! What the Devil is Warping Our Perspective of - Fr. Patrick Schultz by Slaking Thirsts (soundcloud.com)
Don't give up hope, even if you're going through a hard time now.  This too will pass. And it passes much more quickly when we do the intentional work to heal and move toward greater peace. It's worth the effort. If you need a helping hand along the way, get in touch. AboundingJoyMinistry.comCarolyn KlikaCatholic Divorce Support Group: Help & Healing Through Separation & DivorceSIGN UP NOWHOPE! Hope offers us an eternal Perspective.Hope focuses on the ultimate goal of the Christian faith, our eternal life with God. It reminds us that earthly life is just a temporary journey and that our trials are not the end of the story. And friend, be assured there are still chapters to be written in your life. Your strength will be renewed when you have hope. Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 #hope #hopeandhealing #rise #renewyourstrength #aboundingjoy READ MORE