Broadcasting the Truth of Jesus Christ
Oct. 2, 2022

Respect Life E- Blast 10/2/22

It's Respect Life Month!


Sunday October 2 is Respect Life / Life Chain Sunday with the National Prayer Chain being held all across the USA!

The Carolina Catholic Media Network is pleased to be able to share a special 60 minute Life Chain Prayer Hour on both our Radio / Live Stream and Video YouTube Channel. 

Carolina Catholic has assembled a special combination of pro-life prayers, songs, a Rosary for Life and special messages from Fr. Peter Ascik, Director of the Diocesan Family Life Center and Dr Bill Pincus, Director of NC Right to Life. 

The program will air from 1-3 PM on Respect Life / Life Chain Sunday (first hour will be repeated from 2-3pm.) We hope to make this an annual event!

Below are QR Codes to download the Carolina Catholic App on your smartphone. 

The Life Chain Hour Audio will be available LIVE on the Listen Now tab of the app.  Immediately following you'll find it on the Original Shows / Podcast page for On-Demand Listening.

The Life Chain Hour Video will be available inside the YouTube tab under the MORE section at 1pm. Watch here.  Immediately following it will be available on our YouTube Channel for On-Demand Viewing.

Special thanks to Diane Hoefling for bringing this opportunity to us and for all her efforts to make it happen!  We appreciate all participating parishes.  It's a wonderful example of what we CAN DO together (even on short notice) as a Carolina Catholic Community for the Greater Glory of God! 


Mother Theresa- No Greater Love

Movie screenings this Monday/Tuesday at a theater near you!