Carolina Catholic News Headlines
"2023 Catholic Men’s Conference of The Carolinas Featuring Author Charles Fraune - Part 01." Charles has combined his blog and website at
Charles D. Fraune was the founding Theology teacher of Christ the King Catholic High School in Huntersville, NC and was a Theology teacher there for ten years. He now works full-time with his Slaying Dragons Apostolate, writing and researching on topics related to spiritual warfare. He has a Master of Arts in Theology from the Christendom College Graduate School, as well as an Advanced Apostolic Catechetical Diploma. He is the author of Come Away By Yourselves, a guide to prayer for busy Catholics, Swords and Shadows: Navigating Youth Amidst the Wiles of Satan, and the international best-selling spiritual warfare book Slaying Dragons: What Exorcists See & What We Should Know (also in Spanish). He has also completed a much-requested study guide to Slaying Dragons that serves as a companion book and spiritual warfare manual, called Slaying Dragons - Prepare for Battle: Applying the Wisdom of Exorcists to Your Spiritual Warfare. He lives in the Diocese of Charlotte, NC with his wife and four young children. |
Attendance at this year's Catholic Men's Conference of the Carolinas topped 250! That's a 20% increase from last year!
Holy Thursday Pilgrimage
Greetings Men!
Lent is beginning to wrap up and we will soon be celebrating Our Resurrected Lord! In anticipation, we will once again head out on Holy Thursday and accompany Jesus on His journey to the Cross. On Holy Thursday, April 6th, we will enter into the most sacred three days of our year and of our Faith. I can't believe it will now have been two years since we were last able to make our annual pilgrimage together with our Lord.
If you are able, consider attending the Mass of Holy Thursday at 7pm at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. After the Mass, we recall the Agony in the Garden, and the arrest and imprisonment of Jesus. The altar is stripped bare, crosses are removed or covered. The Eucharist has been placed in an altar of repose, and most churches are open for silent adoration, to answer Christ's invitation "Could you not, then, watch one hour with me?" (Matt 26:40). When the Eucharist is processed to the altar of repose after the Mass of the Lord's Supper, we should remain in quiet prayer and adoration, keeping Christ company.
There is a tradition, particularly in big cities with many parishes, to try and visit seven churches and their altar of repose during this evening. After mid-night on Holy Thursday, the adoration will conclude without solemnity, since the day of the Lord's Passion has already begun.
Local participating Churches include: St. Patrick's, St. Ann's, St. Vincent's, St. Gabriel, St. Matthew’s, St. John Neumann, and St. Thomas Aquinas.
Consider joining myself and other men of The Catholic Men’s Conference of the Carolinas and Knights of Columbus in making one final Lenten pilgrimage to visit our Lord. This has now been a tradition of several men of St. Patrick's for over 10 years.
We will meet in the St. Patrick’s Cathedral Family Life Center at 9PM where the Altar of Repose will be set up. We will spend approximately 10 minutes at each of the other altars of the seven churches and complete the pilgrimage back at St. Patrick’s for final benediction at midnight. We will travel together in convoy around the city.
Please let me know if you are interested or have any questions!
If not you, then who?
God Bless and Esto Vir!
Suggestions on a story or topic you'd like to see covered? Have comments on content? Send us your feedback today! Contact us!
Elizabeth Harris talks with Founder, President and CEO of Sidewalk Advocates for Life - Lauren Muzyka. WATCH NOW!
Clergy Corner / From the Rooftop
In this episode Msgr. Winslow and Fr. Kauth reflect on how we celebrate Saints Days and the observance of sacred time.
Carolina Catholic Program Highlights
PRESCRIPTION: LIFE with Dr. Matthew Harrison
 In this latest episode of "Prescription Life" with Dr. Matthew Harrison, Dr. Harrison speaks with Tracy Winsor, the co-founder and Administrative Coordinator of "Be Not Afraid," a beautiful ministry headquartered right here in North Carolina that provides tangible and loving support to parents whose unborn children receive difficult diagnoses and who still commit to carrying their children to term. After starting in western North Carolina, "Be Not Afraid" is now a national ministry serving families in all 50 states. LISTEN NOW
THE OBLIGATION with Jason Murphy

Join Jason on this special extended edition of 'The Obligation' as he welcomes Jonathan Fanning! Jonathan is an author, entrepreneur, motivator, father, and speaker at the most recent Catholic Men's Conference of the Carolinas! Listen in as Jason and Jonathan discuss the importance of and necessity for "frying pan" moments and game changers in life. In these moments we can either be affected or empowered by them to recognize God's desire for more from us and the fulfillment of a life of purpose. They discuss his book "Who Are You Becoming?" which asks the hard questions: "What is the "Simplest and Most Effective Leadership Development Plan? What is this one life really all about? Is there a recipe to create clarity of purpose? Are you so busy that a week, month, or decade has vanished?" All this and a ton more! Don't miss out! LISTEN NOW
JOYFUL ECHO with Jean and Kathleen
 Kathleen and Jean talk about the powerful Truth of God’s perfect knowledge, power, and goodness. Meditating on these attributes is a helpful spiritual practice. Kathleen shares a personal story about how edifying this Truth can be in difficult circumstances. (reference to a video by Fr. David Miller / available through The Catholic Company) WATCH NOW
SENSUS FIDELIUM with Steve Cunningham

"Friends of the Cross" Father goes through a healing conference at a men's conference in 2017. If you don't think you can heal a wound, you are right, you need Our Lord & Our Lady's help in this. "
FAITH AND SPORT with Dr. John Acquaviva Faith And Sport Episodes Faith & Sport with host Dr. John Acquaviva, author, speaker, and professor. Our Lady of Grace parishioner.
Monday’s at 5 pm and On-Demand.
Our goal is to bring an everyday sports-talk show to Catholics and Catholic-radio listeners, but with character, morality, and ethics regularly weaved into the conversation.LISTEN NOW
 SMCS 8th grade visits Belmont Abbey Holy Trinity students raise money for Mira Via  SHCS 7th grade visits Court house OLG's 1st grade learns about Palm Sunday
Transmitting faith: AM1270 Catholic Radio Charlotte celebrates four years on the airwaves
CNH feature article spreads the word of the good works being done by this media apostolate
Around the Catholic Media World

This week's SENSUS FIDELIUM newsletter with Steve Cunningham
This week on The World Over... Robert Royal, editor in chief of, and Fr. Gerald Murray, priest of the Archdiocese of New York join us with in-depth analysis of the latest news from the Vatican, including the latest on Pope Francis' health, and renewed calls for synodal changes ...
Retrouvaille of Western Carolina is having our next weekend in Charlotte from 14-16 April. We still have some openings. Visit to sign up or find out more.
Carolina Catholic's Bill Snyder has created a masterful documentary that is available for screening at your parish, school or ministry to benefit Carolina Catholic Media. To reserve a date please email us today!
The Charlotte Latin Mass Community
Dear Friends of the Charlotte Latin Mass Community (CLMC), Laudetur Iesus Christus! This past Sunday an e-mail was sent out by Chris Lauer critiquing the recent homily given by Father Jones (and reaffirmed by Father Reid a week later) at St. Ann’s. It was Chris Lauer’s personal opinion alone and sent via the CLMC email list. This email and opinion was not from the CLMC and was not representing the CLMC, or its leadership. Due to the complexities of the issue, Fathers Reid and Jones offered to provide the CLMC a correction to Chris Lauer’s remarks, to provide clarity on this matter, and to help the faithful from being further confused. Fr. Reid: With the first paragraph, Chris implies that Pope Benedict XVI's 2009 comments are no longer true because the SSPX was later given faculties to hear confessions and, in certain circumstances, to marry. This is false. Permission to carry out these vitally important faculties doesn't change the fact that the SSPX priests are still not incardinated. Besides, the Church has always made provisions for priests who are in bad standing to hear confessions in certain circumstances. Even a priest who has been laicized and excommunicated can hear a confession and give Last Rites in the case of an emergency. Pope Francis gave them faculties for confession in the Year of Mercy, and he extended them because, as Chris notes in the second paragraph, he hopes to bring the SSPX into full communion. Yet, the SSPX have made it very clear, over and over again since 1976, that they have no real intention of coming back into full communion with the Church any time soon. Moreover, the SSPX has never had faculties to offer Mass, and so all of their Masses, while valid, remain illicit. Thus, for Chris to say that his perspective is "the Church's perspective" or that he has the "sentire cum ecclesia" on these matters is incorrect. Furthermore, one must be careful in speaking about the Novus Ordo as "dangerous." While we can point to defects in the Novus Ordo, not all Novus Ordo Masses are the same. Those Novus Ordo Masses that have introduced all sorts of novelties or have disregarded rubrics are certainly dangerous and can lead to a loss of Faith. However, I also believe that, while there are some defects in the Novus Ordo Mass as it was created, those Masses that are offered in accord with the rubrics, with reverence and solemnity, and that make use of the Church's musical patrimony, are not spiritually dangerous. And as it is, in our parishes in this diocese that happen to offer the Latin Mass, they also offer very reverent Novus Ordo Masses. Lastly, one must give due regard to the importance of being in union with the Church. I asked Fr. Jones to write a little about this, and this is what he gave me: Fr. Jones: Writing to the Smyrnaeans in the second century, St. Ignatius of Antioch wrote, “You must all follow the lead of the bishop, as Jesus Christ followed that of the Father; follow the presbytery as you would the Apostles; reverence the deacons as you would God's commandment. Let no one do anything touching the Church, apart from the bishop. Let that celebration of the Eucharist be considered valid which is held under the bishop or anyone to whom he has committed it. Where the bishop appears, there let the people be, just as where Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. It is not permitted without authorization from the bishop either to baptize or to hold an agape; but whatever he approves is also pleasing to God. Thus everything you do will be proof against danger and valid.” (no. 8). This concept appears in virtually every letter of St. Ignatius, and is cited in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 896 in reference to the governing office of Bishops. Maintaining hierarchical communion with the diocesan bishop, who enjoys ordinary and immediate power as a successor of the apostles in his own right, is the very essence of the Catholic faith. This point touches upon the delicate problem of incardination in the SSPX. This point cannot be emphasized enough, namely, that when all is said and done, priests of the Society do not have authorization from the local bishop to exercise their ministry. The Catholic Church is hierarchical by nature and by the will of Christ. By associating with clergy who do not possess full, regular communion with their local bishop, the faithful who do so remove themselves to a degree, if you will, from a relationship with their Father in God. CLMC note: The CLMC does not have the competency to wade into such a complex and nuanced issue. We therefore defer to our priests. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, we invite you to discuss the matter directly with Frs. Reid, Jones, or your parish priest. We trust this will be the final word on the matter from the CLMC. Please do continue to pray for our priests and Bishop during this most solemn week. We wish everyone a blessed Holy Week and look forward to celebrating the Resurrection of Our Lord with you on Easter Sunday. God Bless, Mike FitzGerald Charlotte Latin Mass Community
Human Trafficking Awareness
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 28, 2023 Media Contact: Nancy Hall St. Aloysius Catholic Church, Hickory, NC 703-626-0852 / email:
St. Aloysius Church Hosts Community Forum "STOP Human Trafficking: How Our Community Can Take Action”
Hickory, NC – St. Aloysius Parish is hosting a free educational forum on the existence of human trafficking and sexual exploitation in our communities. The forum will take place Monday, April 17 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Aloysius Church located at 921 2nd St NE, Hickory, NC 2860. A reception with expert presenters, local agencies and information tables will follow the presentation. This free forum will include a panel of five speakers: Charlotte FBI Agent Bianca Pearson, Robin Chapman from Homeland Security Investigation, John Van Arnam of The Third Talk/Real Men Protect. Also representatives from area safehouses will be presenting: Bill Loucks from Hope for Justice and Alexa Arciero of On Eagles Wings. The Carolinas are known as a pivotal throughway for human traffickers and as a community, we must do more to ensure that victims are properly identified and assisted. “Child exploitation is one of the fastest growing crimes,” explains Kara Griffin, of the CCDOC Human Trafficking Awareness Committee, and we are grateful that St. Aloysius is hosting this educational forum to bring attention to this fast-growing criminal industry and to educate our community. “We believe more parents, schools and community leaders need to understand how traffickers and predators work and how we can help keep our children safe. This forum will provide human trafficking data on crimes in the North Carolina area, as well as awareness information, hotline numbers and resources to address human trafficking and sexual exploitation.” This free event is open to the public. Speakers are available for interviews and comments. Contact Nancy Hall at 703-626-0852 or email at for more information. ***If you suspect someone is a victim of trafficking, call 911 or the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888 373-7888 - *** Additional Statements Human trafficking is the world’s second largest criminal industry and a large number of these victims are sexually exploited. “The average age of getting caught up in sex trafficking is 12 to 14, and victims don’t know a way out” explains Kara Griffin. “Sadly, child exploitation is one of the fastest growing crimes in our nation and we must come together as a community to better protect our vulnerable youth. To learn more, go to: Including links for upcoming Webinars and events during Lent CCDOC Human Trafficking Awareness committee is a partner with the US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking Check out our current newsletter here
Office of Family Life of the Diocese of Charlotte. Contact them at
PRO-LIFE Movie Donation/Investment Opportunity Contact Carrie to see a powerful presentation on the making of this full length PRO-LIFE motion picture. Kevin Sorbo, from the GOD'S NOT DEAD movie is Actor/Director.
Now more than ever we MUST fight for Life and we MUST do it together. You can help us in this fight by supporting a film project entitled Life Is My Choice. This full length film is based on an award winning short film by the same name; based on a true story which chronicles the life of a young woman who changes her mind after accidentally hearing the heartbeat of her unborn child. This project also includes stories of others contemplating abortion and tackles the issues of Planned Parenthood's practices, fathers' rights, and many others. Life Is My Choice is a powerful project that will influence a generation through the power of film. Please, if you are interested in joining our cause through donating or investing, reach out to us at: |
WANTED! PARISH MEDIA MISSIONARIES to represent Carolina Catholic Media in your parish and share your parish news across our 7 media platforms.
ARE YOU A CATHOLIC SENIOR SEEKING NEW OUTLETS TO SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM AND PASSION? We are exploring the formation of a new ministry across the Carolinas where active seniors can come together to provide mentorship, support and encouragement to individuals and families in need.
Check out this great article in the National Catholic Register!
Contact David 704.880.0260 (PH/TX) for details. |
Please watch this important 2 minute video message on the future of Carolina Catholic Media and how you can get involved in the apostolate!
On January 31st 2019, Carolina Catholic Media signed on Charlotte's 1st Catholic Radio Station, AM1270 WCGC. By the Grace of God we celebrate the past 4 years and look forward to continuing our Apostolic Vision and Mission to serve the Carolina Catholic Community!.
We are Evangelistic Partners with our Clergy, Active Parishioners, the Fallen Away and the Homebound. We are assessable to all Christians, Agnostics and Atheists. With distribution of a wide array of content across 7 Media Platforms there's truly something for everyone.
During these past 4 years Carolina Catholic has expanded to 7 media platforms including Radio, Internet Stream, Mobile App, Website, YouTube, social media and eNewsletter. Nearly all local programs are available by Podcast and Video On-Demand.
In the year ahead we are committed to promote more local parish, school and ministry events, more live broadcasts and more valuable content that showcases our dynamic local Carolina Catholic Community. Of all the Catholic Radio stations in the US, Carolina Catholic is arguably a leader in locally produced programs.
To continue our work, Carolina Catholic Media needs $15,000 in monthly funding to maintain operations across our 7 media platforms. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit without diocesan funding, we are 100% dependent on your generosity. If you love what we’re doing please join us with a monthly tithe or annual gift. We have partnership plans available for parishes, schools and ministries. If you own a business you can be a program sponsor on one or all of our platforms. You can do a live broadcast of a special event with promotion before and rebroadcast after. These are all great ways to support your local independent Catholic media voice.
On behalf of everyone at Carolina Catholic Media, we thank you for your past support and look forward to you joining us with the resources the apostolate needs to continue to evangelize the Truth of Jesus Christ and our Catholic Faith across the Carolinas. May God Bless you and your family abundantly!
We are preparing to consecrate the Carolina Catholic Media apostolate to
Our Lady of Grace. Details to come in the weeks ahead.
Our Lady of Grace
This painting of Our Lady of Grace was realized by speaking with David Papandrea, Founder/Chairman at Carolina Catholic Media Network. We have become good friends in sharing life and faith, and just getting older! Carolina Catholic Media is in the process of fundraising for the upcoming year, and David had the idea of a painting of Mary with stars. So, the birth of Our Lady of Grace with the moon as her hallow, surrounded by the stars and future devotees and donors to the Carolina Catholic Media apostolate. Dino Carbetta
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