Tomorrow's the Date. Come Early, Come Late. It's not too late to participate!
Men, we have a responsibility to encourage other men to join us on this special day. It's one day a year with a calling to be better, more Godly men the other 364 days. Bring a friend, a family member, a neighbor. We implore our wives, mothers and sisters to ask the men in their lives to attend and reignite the inner fire of faith. Guys are known to need a little prodding... okay sometimes it's more of a push, but it's worth it. Your family, friends and community are counting on you. We look forward to seeing you there!
It's time to step out of the shadows and into the light! God is calling you to more. Will you answer? Walk ups are welcome!
A relic of Blessed Michael J. McGivney will be with us at the Men's Conference!
Suggestions on a story or topic you'd like to see covered? Have comments on content? Send us your feedback today! Contact us!
Clergy Corner / From the Rooftop
Join Msgr. Winslow and Fr. Kauth as they advise us on how to strengthen our Lenten disciplines and how to tweak our resolutions.
Carolina Catholic Program Highlights
St. Patrick's kindergarten celebrate Dr. Suess. St. Mark's heart of a lion recipients  OLG's new library bunny. SPX's Beauty and the Beast show
Transmitting faith: AM1270 Catholic Radio Charlotte celebrates four years on the airwaves
CNH feature article spreads the word of the good works being done by this media apostolate
Around the Catholic Media World
Carolina Catholic's Bill Snyder has created a masterful documentary that is available for screening at your parish, school or ministry to benefit Carolina Catholic Media. To reserve a date please email us today!
The Charlotte Latin Mass Community
Fr. Chad Ripperger "Our Lady of Sorrows and Healing"
For the second week in a row, the CLMC is grateful to St. Thomas Aquinas parish for inviting a traditional priest to give a talk to the faithful. Fr. Chad Ripperger’s talks and Q&A this past weekend was a wonderful spiritual gift to all. On a separate but related note about Latin Mass priests, between Fr. Portzer’s Lenten mission and Fr. Ripperger’s visit this past weekend, these two back-to-back events were a source of great consolation for the Latin Mass faithful when the Latin Mass faces an uncertain future. If you haven’t already done so, please pray a decade of one’s Rosary for Fr. Codd (for hosting them),and consider thanking him when you have a chance. LISTEN NOW
Human Trafficking Awareness
 Including links for upcoming Webinars and events during Lent CCDOC Human Trafficking Awareness committee is a partner with the US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking Check out our current newsletter here
Office of Family Life of the Diocese of Charlotte. Contact them at FamilyLife@rcdoc.org.
PRO-LIFE Movie Donation/Investment Opportunity Contact Carrie to see a powerful presentation on the making of this full length PRO-LIFE motion picture. Kevin Sorbo, from the GOD'S NOT DEAD movie is Actor/Director.
Now more than ever we MUST fight for Life and we MUST do it together. You can help us in this fight by supporting a film project entitled Life Is My Choice. This full length film is based on an award winning short film by the same name; based on a true story which chronicles the life of a young woman who changes her mind after accidentally hearing the heartbeat of her unborn child. This project also includes stories of others contemplating abortion and tackles the issues of Planned Parenthood's practices, fathers' rights, and many others. Life Is My Choice is a powerful project that will influence a generation through the power of film. Please, if you are interested in joining our cause through donating or investing, reach out to us at: carrie@ardentflamemedia.com |
WANTED! PARISH MEDIA MISSIONARIES to represent Carolina Catholic Media in your parish and share your parish news across our 7 media platforms.
ARE YOU A CATHOLIC SENIOR SEEKING NEW OUTLETS TO SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM AND PASSION? We are exploring the formation of a new ministry across the Carolinas where active seniors can come together to provide mentorship, support and encouragement to individuals and families in need.
Check out this great article in the National Catholic Register!
Contact David 704.880.0260 (PH/TX) for details. |
Please watch this important 2 minute video message on the future of Carolina Catholic Media and how you can get involved in the apostolate!
On January 31st 2019, Carolina Catholic Media signed on Charlotte's 1st Catholic Radio Station, AM1270 WCGC. By the Grace of God we celebrate the past 4 years and look forward to continuing our Apostolic Vision and Mission to serve the Carolina Catholic Community!.
We are Evangelistic Partners with our Clergy, Active Parishioners, the Fallen Away and the Homebound. We are assessable to all Christians, Agnostics and Atheists. With distribution of a wide array of content across 7 Media Platforms there's truly something for everyone.
During these past 4 years Carolina Catholic has expanded to 7 media platforms including Radio, Internet Stream, Mobile App, Website, YouTube, social media and eNewsletter. Nearly all local programs are available by Podcast and Video On-Demand.
In the year ahead we are committed to promote more local parish, school and ministry events, more live broadcasts and more valuable content that showcases our dynamic local Carolina Catholic Community. Of all the Catholic Radio stations in the US, Carolina Catholic is arguably a leader in locally produced programs.
To continue our work, Carolina Catholic Media needs $15,000 in monthly funding to maintain operations across our 7 media platforms. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit without diocesan funding, we are 100% dependent on your generosity. If you love what we’re doing please join us with a monthly tithe or annual gift. We have partnership plans available for parishes, schools and ministries. If you own a business you can be a program sponsor on one or all of our platforms. You can do a live broadcast of a special event with promotion before and rebroadcast after. These are all great ways to support your local independent Catholic media voice.
On behalf of everyone at Carolina Catholic Media, we thank you for your past support and look forward to you joining us with the resources the apostolate needs to continue to evangelize the Truth of Jesus Christ and our Catholic Faith across the Carolinas. May God Bless you and your family abundantly!
We are preparing to consecrate the Carolina Catholic Media apostolate to
Our Lady of Grace. Details to come in the weeks ahead.
Our Lady of Grace
This painting of Our Lady of Grace was realized by speaking with David Papandrea, Founder/Chairman at Carolina Catholic Media Network. We have become good friends in sharing life and faith, and just getting older! Carolina Catholic Media is in the process of fundraising for the upcoming year, and David had the idea of a painting of Mary with stars. So, the birth of Our Lady of Grace with the moon as her hallow, surrounded by the stars and future devotees and donors to the Carolina Catholic Media apostolate. Dino Carbetta
Support our Mission to Evangelize across the Carolinas!
Carolina Catholic Media Network MAIL A CHECK PO Box 5931 Statesville, NC 28687
SECURE ONLINE GIVING online donation form
CALL US WITH YOUR GIFT 800.857.2909 |
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