Broadcasting the Truth of Jesus Christ
Nov. 26, 2022

Carolina Catholic Media's Circle Of Friends Video Debut 11/26/22

Founder Reflections

Hello, Carolina Catholic Family.  

Please join us for our 2023 “Circle of Friends” Pledge Drive going on now through New Years Day… the Feast of Mary, Mother of God.  Here’s how it works.  

> GO TO 
> MAKE YOUR GIFT (Tax Deductible)…
> DEDICATE IT in the name of a parish, school, ministry, loved one or favorite Carolina Catholic Local Program
> ASK Your Circle of Friends to JOIN You 
> Watch Your Circle of Support GROW!

The goal is to cover our $15,000 monthly operating budget and 3 year Radio Tower Capital Campaign.

Find out more about this and other ways to financially support our efforts at and the Carolina Catholic Mobile App!  

Carolina Catholic Media is a 501©(3) non-profit.  

Thank you in advance for your generosity.  May God Bless you abundantly.

David M. Papandrea, OFS
PH/TX: 704.880.0260

There are other ways that you, your parish, school, ministry Circle of Friends can financially support Carolina Catholic Media in the year ahead. 

They include: 
    Adopt a Month of expenses
    Adopt a specific expense for the year ranging from personnel costs to rents and utility bills
    Offer a matching donation for a particular parish, school or ministry circle 

Our 2023 Total Projected Expenses are $20,000 per month.
This includes $15,000 in monthly operational expenses plus a 3 year Tower relocation project at $5500 monthly.  

Monthly Operating Expenses         $15,000       =    $180,000
7 Platform Personnel                            $9000 
(Radio/Internet Stream/YouTube, Social Media, Website, eNewsletter, Mobile App)
Radio Operating Leases                      $1500
Utilities                                                 $1000
Insurance                                             $1000
Mktg./Adv/Promo/PR                           $1000
Fees & Subscriptions                          $  750
Tech/Equip./Supplies.                         $  750

Tower Relocation Capital Campaign  $5555 mo. =  $66,660
$5555 per mo. x 36 mo, = $200,000

Total Month (Operations+Capital)  = $20,555
Total Annual                                     =                      $246,660