Broadcasting the Truth of Jesus Christ
Feb. 16, 2024

After Super Bowl Ad, Catholic Prayer App Hallow Sees Biggest Spike in Its History

After Super Bowl Ad, Catholic Prayer App Hallow Sees Biggest Spike in Its History
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Currently Funded through Easter Sunday March 31, 2024

With the beginning of Lent upon us we are in tremendous need of monthly tithing to help keep Charlotte’s first Catholic Radio Station AM1270 WCGC on the air through the Lent and Easter seasons. 

We continue to cut our monthly expenses to meet the level of annual donations and monthly pledges which will allow us to pay our creditors and continue operating the radio station on a bare bone budget. 

Please pray for the success of this ongoing campaign to keep our Digital and Radio Evangelization efforts alive.
Aside from the radio station, we continue to move forward developing our 6 other media platforms to deliver strong 3-Diocese (3-D) coverage of timely news that Carolina Catholics can use! 

These platforms include:

Carolina Catholic Weekly eNewsletter

Carolina Catholic Mobile App

Carolina Catholic YouTube Channel

Facebook/I-Gram/X-Twitter/LinkedIn Social Media website

Internet Streaming/Podcast & Video Library

2024 Pledge Goal: $5000 per month / $60,000 annual

On January 31, CAROLINA CATHOLIC MEDIA celebrated 5 years 
evangelizing the TRUTH of JESUS CHRIST
across the Carolinas! 

Please Join Us as a Monthly Sponsor/Underwriter! 

 Your gift is 100% tax-deductible  
TAX ID # 81-5061992


Carolina Catholic Media is committed to share our Catholic Christian faith in this digital age with Local Evangelization that proclaims the TRUTH of JESUS CHRIST to counter the dark, disordered Godless messages of our secular culture. 

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 ENGAGE with us on the Carolina Catholic App.
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For more information contact

David M. Papandrea, OFS
Phone/Text:  704.880.0260
Carolina Catholic Media is a 501©(3) Tax-Deductible Non-Profit


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Thank you and Happy New Year.

Richard G. Hoefling
Attorney at Law/Officer
Carolina Catholic Media


After Super Bowl Ad, Catholic Prayer App Hallow Sees Biggest Spike in Its History

National Catholic Register

Hallow's Official Big Game Commercial
Pray with Mark and Jonathan Every Day this Lent

Hallow: Prayer & Meditation

Pray The Holy Rosary Daily

JESUS IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, The Messiah Who has come not just for the Jew but the gentile; not just the righteous, but the sinner.

February 14 ----- is ASH WEDNESDAY
The beginning of LENT, beginning of our journey of return to God.

 Size Me!

Jesus giving himself to us in the Eucharist is ‘soul’ food in the purest sense.

National Catholic Register


Pope: "During Lent, leave appearances aside and listen to God"
Catholic News Herald

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly highlights ‘loneliness,’ ‘throwaway culture’
Catholic News Agency

The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

                                               National Catholic Register                                    
Demonizing Parents, Heroes Leaves Nation Vulnerable

Michele Morrow is a North Carolina Christian wife, mother, nurse, educator, and conservative activist. She became engaged in civics nine years ago, after observing the dramatic decline in education, and medical freedom. Michele has been featured on CNN, NBC, ABC, OAN, and the BBC. She is affiliated with multiple grassroots groups including FreedomWorks, LibertyFirst Grassroots, NC Conservative Coalition, Education First Alliance, NC Values Coalition, Protect Children’s Health, and Color Us United, as well as her county Republican Party. Michele currently serves as a Core Member of the Pavement Education Project (
Read More Michele Morrow —  Here

Catholic News Herald

North Carolina faithful are invited to participate in a Lent mission led by three Sisters of Life from across the country – Sisters Catherine Joy Marie from Denver, Monica Faustina from Washington, D.C., and Joseph Mary Nazareth from New York City.

The first three days of their visit will be at locations within the Diocese of Charlotte – Belmont Abbey College Feb. 15 and St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Charlotte Feb. 16-17 before they travel to Greenville Feb. 18.

“We will be speaking about the dignity and goodness of every human person in different ways depending on the audience,” said Sister Catherine Joy Marie, who serves at the Sisters of Life evangelization center in Denver.

Read more
Diocese of Charlotte

St Dorothy's Catholic Church is at St. Aloysius Catholic Church.

Just a few pictures of the new Fraternus chapter that began on January 29th at St. Aloysius with St. Dorothy. About 60-70 young men were in attendance. We invite all young men 6th grade and up to join “Frat Night” every Monday starting at 6:30pm at St. Aloysius Catholic Church.
Grow in virtue through holy scripture, brotherhood fun and friendly competition, prayer and mentoring.

#catholic #catholicyoungmen #stdorothy #staloysius #fraternus #fraternusbrotherhood #fratnight #catholicfaith #virtue #dioceseofcharlotte #ourcatholicfaith #stdorothycatholicchurch #staloysiuscatholicchurch #catholicmen #catholicmentoring #catholicvirtue #lincolntonnc #hickorync

'Standing up for the innocent’

People young and old take part in 18th annual March for Life in Charlotte
Catholic News Herald

Diocese of Raleigh

This Sunday!

The Rite of Election will be celebrated for the catechumens of the Diocese of Raleigh on the first Sunday of Lent. The Rite will be centered on the transition of the catechumens, those being prepared for baptism, confirmation and first Eucharist, into the elect.
More info -->

Diocese of Raleigh

Does the distance between you seem wide? Are you already separated? Looking for a better way?  Retrouvaille is a peer ministry of volunteer couples that can help you learn the tools of healthy communication, build intimacy, and heal, just as they have done in their own marriages. Retrouvaille is Christian-based and Catholic, but welcomes couples of all faiths as well as non-religious couples.Retrouvaille can help get your relationship back on track.  For more information about our upcoming Retrouvaille Weekend program in Raleigh on March 8-10, 2024 visit the following link:

Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston

rtedpnsSooi7uamic3tc0h921361tch5ht0m83ut17u7a0h31cumh81l4l2a  · 

EN: Join the Diocese of Charleston this weekend to celebrate Safe Haven Sunday! Our focus this year is on God's design for freedom and marriage, and how to rebuild relationships after trust has been broken. Don't let pornography define you or your marriage or your life - there is hope for healing in Christ. Visit
#CovenantEyes #SafeHavenSunday #DigitalSafety

ES:¡Únase a la Diócesis de Charleston este fin de semana para celebrar el Domingo de Refugio Seguro! Nuestro enfoque este año está en el diseño de Dios para la libertad y el matrimonio, y cómo reconstruir las relaciones después de que se ha roto la confianza. No permita que la pornografía lo defina a usted, a su matrimonio o a su vida; hay esperanza de curación en Cristo. Visite
#DomingodeRefugioSeguro #SeguridadDigital


2024 Diocesan Eucharistic Congress

April 6, 2024

Columbia Convention Center, Columbia, SC

Our diocesan Eucharistic Conference planning is underway.
Join us April 6, 2024, in Columbia for music, speakers,
Eucharistic Procession, Adoration and so much more!

Diocese of Charleston Facebook Page 

Carolina Catholic Media

Facebook Page

Parish/School/Ministry highlights across the Carolinas!