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May 16, 2024

Unleashing Brand Brilliance: Personal Power in the Professional Sphere

Unleashing Brand Brilliance: Personal Power in the Professional Sphere
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In this insightful episode of BizBlend, host Rima from Bangalore engages with Naomi-Rose Everly, a LinkedIn strategy expert and the founder of the Profile Company. They delve into the concept of ‘brand brilliance’ and explore how individuals can unleash their personal power to make a mark in the professional world. Naomi-Rose shares her expertise on creating magnetic LinkedIn profiles that attract clients and discusses the importance of being clear about the problems one solves. She emphasizes the significance of authenticity and strategic marketing in building a personal brand that resonates with the audience. The conversation also covers the essentials of a compelling LinkedIn profile and how to communicate effectively to pre-sell oneself to potential clients. Tune in for a masterclass on personal branding and learn how to stand out in today’s competitive landscape.

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Thank you again for tuning in, and we'll see you in the next episode!



Avik Chakraborty

Founder | Psychologist | Author | Podcaster | Content Creator | Techie- Healthy Mind,Healthy Life & BizBlend