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Hooked on the "Frikin'" Podcast
Marc, Bryan, Michael. I really enjoy your show. You have a great chemistry. I don't know how long you've known each other but you speak about your passion for Star Wars as if you guys have been having these conversations since you were teenagers. Keep up the great work! I look forward to future episodes.

May the Force Be with You
Very fun! The joy they have for Star Wars is obvious!

These Guys are “FRIKIN’” Awesome
These guys are complete Star Wars Fans and lovers of all things Star Wars. They know their stuff and are super funny. I highly recommend checking it out! You won’t regret it.

Roger Roger… a frikin good time!
I’ve been a Star Wars fan since ‘A New Hope’ hit theaters in 1977. In all that time, I’ve never met a bunch of guys who are more passionate and knowledgeable about everything Star Wars. Even when they disagree, it’s never argumentative or unpleasant. They appreciate different opinions and give everyone room to enjoy the movies, TV shows, comics and books with a laugh and a smile. These guys know how to have fun and it shows in every podcast.