DisruptedStar's Twitter: https://twitter.com/TidallyD Voyager collection page on AB: https://www.artblocks.io/project/434 Voyager project page: https://sites.google.com/view/tidally... Voyager Interactive Guide: https://drive...
Per Kristian Stoveland's Twitter: https://twitter.com/perkwerk_ The Harvest project page: https://www.artblocks.io/project/407 Per Kristian's Linktree: https://linktr.ee/perkwerk Art Blocks website: http://artblocks.io Subscr...
Emily's Twitter: https://twitter.com/emilyaweil Symbol 1 Project page: https://www.artblocks.io/project/411 Emily's Linktree: https://linktr.ee/eaweil Recommendations for artists and collectors * So Much Longing In So Little ...
MountVitruvius' Twitter: https://twitter.com/mountvitruvius MountVitruvius' Website: https://www.mountvitruvius.art Renders Game Project Page: https://www.artblocks.io/project/415 High-res renders of Renders Game mints: https...
After Dinner Mints - Episode 69 - 22.12.27 Harvey Rayner's website: https://pattern.co/ Harvey Rayner's Twitter: https://twitter.com/patterndotco Photon's Dream project page: https://www.artblocks.io/project/313 Fontana proje...
After Dinner Mints - Episode 70 - 23.01.10 Interview with James Merrill Ori Project Page: https://www.artblocks.io/project/379 Ori website: https://ori.lostpixels.io James Merrill's Twitter: https://twitter.com/toThePixel Art...
After Dinner Mints - Episode 68 - 22.10.05 Interview with Plutonium F. Plutonium F.'s Twitter: https://twitter.com/plutoniumfitzg Curated collection of Achetypes by Plutonium F.: https://twitter.com/plutoniumfitzg/st... Curat...
After Dinner Mints - Episode 66 - 22.11.16 Interview with Kelly Milligan Important Links: Act of Emotion: https://www.artblocks.io/project/364 Website: https://kellymilligan.art/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/kellymilligannz A...
Discussion about crypto regulation and legislation with: * Kristin Smith (Blockchain Association) * Gina Moon (OpenSea) * Hugh Heslep (Art Blocks) - guest moderator Blockchain Association: https://theblockchainassociation.org...