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Nov. 16, 2023

101: How to Find the Light in the Darkness + Activating G-d Consciousness

101: How to Find the Light in the Darkness + Activating G-d Consciousness

In a time when so many of us are struggling, I wanted to offer you solace from the storm with a minisode on how to find the light in the darkness.

In this episode, I share 3 powerful concepts:

1. How to begin again, a Japanese concept called "Mushin" or beginner's mind
2. Connecting to a community where you feel safe to be yourself, whether that's here on this podcast, my Instagram family where you can follow me here @mozen_wellness, or you feel called to preview my Live Vibrant Sisterhood, kicking off in January 2024!
3. The spirit of G-d consciousness, and how to embody the energy that transcends your physical reality + connect to the Spirit realms. 

I wholeheartedly believe that we as a society have abandoned this concept of G-d and Universal consciousness which is the root of our suffering. 

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